ed note–and, once again, ladies and Gentile-men, the real crux of the entire ‘GET TRUMP’ seek-and-destroy mission that began the moment DJT announced his intention of seeking/attaining the office of POTUS.
–It wasn’t about ‘immigration’…
–It wasn’t about ‘racism’
–It wasn’t about ‘misogyny’
–It wasn’t about ‘the environment’
It wasn’t about ‘black lives matter’ or a ‘Muslim ban’ or a ‘border wall’ or about ‘Russian meddling’ or ‘Ukraine’ or any of the other items that were put into motion by deeply-embedded Judaic interests in causing all the political/social instability of the last 4 years, and especially the last 12 months of an election year.
It was about a ‘peace deal’ which Israel opposed, just as she did with Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, GHWB, Clinton, GWB, Obama, and now DJT.
And within the words/sentences appearing here we can all now see exactly how Israel succeeded in (at least as of this moment) preventing the implementation of this ‘deal’, by utilizing–
1. The Palestinians themselves in doing all the dirty work of denying and refusing to meet/speak with the White House for negotiations,
2. A virus said to have come out of China when in fact it was most likely cooked up in a bio-weapons lab in Israel.
3. The fact that DJT POTUS wanted it done ‘quickly’, as described by his chief point-man, Friedman, to wit–
‘We don’t want to do this piecemeal. Rather, we want to do it once, holistically, in totality, and get it done right.’
DJT POTUS knew by virtue of dealing with them on a daily basis as a NYC real estate developer how the Jews operate—stall, delay, stall, delay, and knew that this would be the strategy by which they would attempt to destroy his peace deal, and had it not been for a certain virus ‘popping up’ literally WITHIN MINUTES of him hosting Netanyahu at the White House and beginning the ‘big push’ for his ‘Deal of the Century’, indeed, it would have been done quickly, in totality, and ‘done right’, something which Judea, Inc understood right from the beginning, which was why they released this virus and rammed through a sham election.
Also note, from no less an authority than our unesteemed Hebraic author himself, that what made DJT’s peace deal so dangerous to Israel is that it did not conform to those previous versions brought by DJT’s predecessors but rather had taken on an entirely new and different set of ‘protocols’.
Also note how our unesteemed Hebraic author underscores that what prevented this peace deal’s implementation was DJT POTUS being unsuccessful in ‘releasing the final details’ of it, and the reason he was unable to do this, ladies and Gentile-men, was due to the SUDDEN EMERGENCE of a ‘novel’ virus said to come from China when in fact, as already stated, it most likely originated in a bio-weapons lab in Israel—
‘President Trump’s failure to release a detailed plan showing the specific borders of a Palestinian Arab State before he leaves office at midday on 20 January will sink the only solution that had any remote possibility of being implemented’
Also note–again, from no less an authoritative source than our unesteemed Hebraic author himself–Israel’s ‘final solution’ to DJT’s ‘Peace plan’–the election of Joe Biden as POTUS–
‘President-elect Biden seems set to support the failed two-state solution propagated by the United Nations for the last 25 years – which is unacceptable to Israel.’
In other words, Israel knew DJT’s plan would work as it afforded the Jews NONE of the excuses involving ‘Israel’s security concerns’ that were used to shoot down those peace deals brought forth by previous Presidents. Biden, should he choose to put forth some kind of ‘peace deal’ of his own, will (just as Israel will demand of him) submit a carbon-copy/copy-cat/mirror-image plan brought forth by his predecessors (not DJT) that Israel will then be able to reject based upon those same ‘security concerns’ that were used to reject previous proposals.
None of this should be a surprise to anyone who was paying attention 5 years ago when DJT announced his intention to run for POTUS. The Neo-Conservatives–spies for Israel in furthering the ‘clash of civilizations’ which Israel needs if her long-planned-for agenda of ‘Greater Israel’ is to be realized–were on him like white on rice and never ceased for as much as 5 minutes during the entire period of the last 5 years that they have maneuvered and conspired against him.
Sad to say, even those elements whose claim to fame has been their ‘woke’ status in understanding the ‘JQ’ totally missed this important piece of information in decoding the animus against DJT.
Dittoes with the ‘911 truth movement’, the various individuals and groups organized around Palestinian rights, and the ‘anti-war’ movement–they all, almost to every single man, woman, & child, either missed this entirely or else–even worse–did the Neo-Con’s dirty work for them in helping bring about all the instability that (at least as of right now’s appearances) has resulted in the removal of DJT and the scuttling of his ‘peace deal’.
Barnum said it brilliantly and prophetically–
‘There’s a sucker born every moment’.
Israel National News
President Trump’s failure to release a detailed plan showing the specific borders of a Palestinian Arab State incorporating Gaza and about 70% of Judea and Samaria (‘West Bank’) – before he leaves office at midday on 20 January – will sink the only solution that had any remote possibility of being implemented in direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
President-elect Biden seems set to support the failed two-state solution propagated by the United Nations for the last 25 years – which is unacceptable to Israel.
When releasing his comprehensive plan ‘Peace to Prosperity – A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People’ on 28 January 2020 – Trump pointed out:
‘For the first time in this conflict, President Trump has reached an understanding with Israel regarding a map setting forth borders for a two-state solution. This Vision proposes a realistic two-state solution, offering a viable path to Palestinian statehood. Israel has now agreed to terms for a future Palestinian State.’
Trump’s Peace Plan – unlike those previously offered by his predecessors – was accompanied by the following conceptual plans showing his proposed two-state solution.
The final borders were to be determined in direct negotiations between Israel and the PLO.
At a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on 28 January 2020 – Trump announced:
‘We will form a joint committee with Israel to convert the conceptual map into a more detailed and calibrated rendering so that [Israeli] recognition can be immediately achieved. We will also work to create a contiguous territory within the future Palestinian State for when the conditions for statehood are met, including the firm rejection of terrorism.’
Trump’s Peace Plan was rejected by PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on 5 February 2020:
‘They told me Trump wants to send me the deal of the century to read, I said I would not,’ Abbas told the meeting of Arab League foreign ministers. ‘Trump asked that I speak to him over the phone, so I said ‘no’, and that he wants to send me a letter, so I refused to receive it.’
On 9 February 2020 – US Ambassador to Israel – David Friedman – affirmed:
‘The process of preparing a detailed map will not last very long…We’re going to go through a mapping process to convert a map which is drawn of more than a million to one into something which really shows on the ground how the territory will be put together. It’s not unduly difficult, but it’s also not simple, because there are a lot of judgment calls. We don’t want to do this piecemeal. Rather, we want to do it once, holistically, in totality, and get it done right. We just want to get it done right. That’s not too much to ask. And that was the president’s message when he spoke about it the first time.’
On 15 February 2020 – the three US members of a joint US-Israel committee to join Israel’s three nominees in translating Trump’s conceptual plans into two defined territorial entities were announced (Mapping Committee).
Eleven months later the Mapping Committee’s map remains under tight wraps. No reasons have been given for the Committee’s failure to publish.
Failing to release the Mapping Committee’s detailed map before 20 January setting out defined borders to facilitate future Israel-PLO negotiations – should they ever be resumed – will see Trump’s two-state solution sink into political oblivion.
President Trump’s opportunity to finally end the 100 years-old unresolved Jewish-Arab conflict will then become just a footnote in history – joining the failed attempts of his Presidential predecessors.