ed note–despite the fact that it will get scant (if any) of the attention that it deserves, out of the thousands of news pieces/OpEds that will appear today all around the world, this is by far the most important, and on a global scale.
Firstly, let us start with the title–
‘How jihadist does God want Israel to be?’
This is vital for several reasons, the obvious being that the word ‘jihadist’ is used in the question/title.
As the entire world now knows (thanks to the Israeli-engineered terrorist attacks taking place 20 years ago on 9/11 and to a mainstream media monopoly-mafia owned whole-hog/lock, stock and barrel by the organized forces of anti-Gentilism that flooded the world with misinformation/disinformation concerning that event) ‘jihad’ as it has been deliberately misrepresented is described as a ‘holy war’ and said to be the natural outgrowth of tenets within the Islamic religion that demand its adherents go forth and conquer the world through the use of violence and bloodshed, or, as popularly and duplicitously described by those propaganda forces loyal to the Sin-a-Gog–‘conversion by the sword’.
The truth of the matter however for anyone who has bothered to sit down for 5 minutes and read for themselves what the singular book credited with being the source of ‘jihad’ says on this issue–the Quran–proves in a milli-microsecond that nothing could be more deliberately dishonest. ‘Jihad’ is specifically described as the ‘internal spiritual struggle’ taking place within the soul of the Muslim to ‘conquer’ the evil inclinations within him/her and has NOTHING WHATSOFREAKINGEVER to do with any military ventures aimed at taking over any pieces of real estate, here, there, or wherever.
Notice as well that our deranged and disturbed Hebrish writer does not ask the question whether or not ‘God’ wants Israel to be ‘jihadist’, but rather asks in a quantitative/qualitative way HOW MUCH the Jewish state is to engage in ‘holy war’, his words specifically.
Meaning, by virtue of the manner in which the question itself has been framed that it is already an understood and accepted fact that Israel and the followers of Torah Judaism are to engage in ‘holy war’, again, his words specifically, similar in some respects to a customer going up to the butcher counter at the local market to buy some ground beef and the guy behind the counter asking ‘how much do you want?’
And herein lies the problem that the entire world faces today, which is that the followers of Judaism–ensconced within the HIGHEST LEVELS OF POWER AROUND THE WORLD–are not engaged in ‘jihad’ as our deranged Hebrish writer suggests, but rather ‘juhad’, and not just over some specific piece of real estate, but rather against an entire world populated with 7 billion people of the non-Hebrish persuasion.
Now, some of the specifics of what our deranged and demented Hebrish writer has to say–
‘Anti-Zionists love to rub Judaism into the face of ‘Zionist oppressors’.
Indicating that indeed it is a ‘Judaism’ thing, despite the not-so-clever disinformation campaigns which certain individuals and groups such as Neturei Karta wield on a regular basis in claiming that it is just ‘Zionism’ that is the problem rather than ‘Judaism’, which these disinfo/misinfo agents of influence says is ‘holy and humantarian’.
‘Israel is commanded to wage Holy War and in fact to wage different types of war. When push came to shove the stiff-necked people would have to kill before they could inherit the Promised Land and the seven nations living there had to be annihilated. ‘You shall utterly destroy them’. (Deuteronomy 20:17). Anyone who chances upon one of the seven nations and fails to do as commanded violates a negative command–‘Do not allow a soul to live.’ There is one enemy distinct from and worse than every other– ‘Eradicate the memory of Amalek from under the Heavens…you shall not forget’ (Deuteronomy 25:17-19).
Note that these passages COMMANDING the Hebrews, She-brews, Israelites, Judeans, Judahites, Jews, whatever word we want to use in describing them, originate with the Torah and not the Talmud, contrary to the faux assertions chirped incessantly by an entire industry of disinfo/misinfo ‘experts’ hailing from various corners of the ‘trooth moovmnt’.
‘The present tense of those commands is significant. The obligation to wipe out nations that pose a threat to Israel is not bound by time or by circumstance. Judaism is far from peaceful and considering what it was that Israel had to go through, being warlike should come as no shock. How else could the people claim or defend their inheritance?’
Wow, talk about the blueprints of Armageddon/WWIII in a single paragraph.
Aside however from the fact that it brings the thousands-of-years-old-teachings of that book of war known as the Torah into the kind of present-day context which it deserves, there is that last line that warrants just as much scrutiny where our deranged and demented Hebrish writer justifies WIPING OUT the original inhabitants of the ‘Promised Land’ by asking the rhetorical question–
‘How else could the people claim or defend their inheritance?’
Remember, the entire proof of this ‘inheritance’ comes from a BOOK which the ‘inheritors’ wrote for themselves, along with all its commandments for engaging in murder, mayhem, theft, etc in ‘claiming’ this ‘inheritance’.
‘The great Maimonides was clear that the law mandates that the tribes go to war for two purposes–One is to deal with implacable foes, the other, more discreetly, is to expand the boundaries of Israel and to gain wealth.’
If this is not a religiously-garbed description of La Kosher Nostra, nothing is, and proving beyond any shadow of doubt that Judaism is by its very nature a gangster ideology manifested in the pretenses of religion and nothing more.
And remember, these same ‘protocols’ viz ‘the tribes’ going to war in order to ‘discreetly’ expand the ‘boundaries of Israel’ and to ‘gain wealth’ is what has taken place for thousands of years, as the followers of Judaism have over and over again penetrated various empires, seized control of their financial/economic/political systems and BLED THEM DRY before moving on to a new host.
‘Once upon a time a king bestowed gifts and favors upon his preferred and favored son.’
Again, the followers of Judaism and their ‘Chosenness’ that–along with their organic and magnetic pull towards dishonesty and criminal behavior towards Gentiles, has throughout the entirety of their sordid, miserable history resulted in Gentile antipathy towards them in the interests of the Gentiles’ own sense of self-preservation.
The rest of it is the typical word salad that attends virtually any and all Judaic verbiage indicating the perennial Judaic trait of complete reality-disconnect.
And remember, these are not the mad-scribblings of some wild-eyed nutter living in some remote mountain range all by his lonesome, with no power, no influence and no resources. To some degree, these are the thoughts of the most powerful group of people on the planet who at present are deeply embedded like a dangerous computer virus in all informational/infrastructural systems throughout the world and who believe that it is the will of their ‘god’ to destroy everything as a ‘burnt offering’ to him.
Steve Apfel for Israel National News
I once listened to a Jewish academic at a BDS event remind Israel to remember the multiple warnings in the Torah to be kind to strangers because the Israelites had been strangers in Egypt.
The panel had spent the afternoon damning Zionists for having schlepped strangers (displaced Jews from Europe) to Palestine. In that case you’d think, why not dress down the Palestinian Arabs? Remind them to be kind to strangers in their midst. Jew or Arab: how difficult can it be to give one side or the other stranger status, and the inalienable right to be treated kindly that goes with it?
Cherry-picking the bible to make political capital is good sport. Anti-Zionists, God-fearers and ridiculers alike love to rub Judaism into the face of ‘Zionist oppressors’. ‘Treat the Palestinian Arabs as you’d want to be treated…’
There’s no supply problem in a Torah that is filled with humane ideals.
But the opposite and unpleasant side of the Torah is never cherry-picked, i.e. that ‘right makes might’ and vice versa.
When Israel is not being kind it must be militaristic. It is not just allowed, it is commanded to wage Holy War and in fact to wage different types of war. When push came to shove the stiff-necked people would have to kill before they could inherit the Promised Land and the seven nations living there had to be annihilated. ‘You shall utterly destroy them’. (Deuteronomy 20:17).
Anyone who chances upon one of the seven nations and fails to do as commanded violates a negative command–‘Do not allow a soul to live.’ There is one enemy distinct from and worse than every other– ‘Eradicate the memory of Amalek from under the Heavens…you shall not forget’ (Deuteronomy 25:17-19).
The present tense of those commands is significant. The obligation to wipe out nations that pose a threat to Israel is not bound by time or by circumstance. Judaism is far from peaceful and considering what it was that Israel had to go through, being warlike should come as no shock. How else could the people claim or defend their inheritance?
The great Maimonides was clear that the law mandates that the tribes go to war for two purposes–One is to deal with implacable foes, the other, more discreetly, is to expand the boundaries of Israel and to gain wealth.
This picture of greed for money, power, and possessions is not pretty, but the law is clear. However, it does fence military action around and around until the holy warriors take an arsenal of ethical and moral codes into battle. For example, before any killing starts Israel has to try for peace. If the other side agrees to the terms and submits to being ruled, the army of Israel must pack up and go home.
However, Jews–both ancient and modern–will be Jews, and therefore, give them a set of ground rules and they’ll push the boundaries. Set a moral bar and they will ratchet it up a few notches. War offers the chance to parade the mercy and magnanimity of Israel, to go above and beyond the letter of the law. How could the nations not respect a merciful Israel?
And there lies the rub–‘Be not over-righteous, nor too clever.’ (Ecclesiastes 7:16). And, according to Rabbi Shimon b. Lakish: ‘Whoever shows mercy to the cruel will ultimately be cruel to those deserving of mercy.’
Israeli wars, ancient and modern, make perfect case studies for those early warnings. Trouble upon trouble comes upon Israel when it bends like a reed to be extra nice, especially to enemies that are predisposed to take mercy as weakness and to bite the hand that feeds them. The Rabbis of the Talmud frown upon allowing a weaker opponent to get the upper hand. If Jews die as a result the Rabbis consider it a form of suicide. Thereafter the law set boundaries for showing mercy. A foe with an intent to kill loses the right to life.
Jewish compassion, however, seems limitless. Merciful treatment of the enemy goes to unreasonable lengths. It was such behavior that made Israeli diplomat Abba Eban complain after Israel’s lightning victory in the Six-Day War: ‘I think it is the first war in history where the victors sued for peace and the vanquished called for unconditional surrender.’
To rub salt in the wound, the world’s looked-for pat on the back never came. On the contrary: displays of mercy fed expectations and demands on Israel to ‘act with restraint.’ What other nations at war are told to hold back, time after time?
The Jews are an obliging people. Up and up goes the self-imposed bar. ‘Heaven help us if our moral standard is reduced to not committing crimes against humanity. From my country I demand a lot more,’ said Jessica Montell, head of an Israeli human rights entity. All progressive Jews expect more than above-board conduct from Israel – a whole lot more.
Montell’s remark came in the wake of Operation Cast Lead, the urban war waged against Israel by terror-crazies with every trick in the book. Israel came out on top and morally intact. Still the halo brigade is insatiable. It wants more. It sets the bar so high that it can’t be cleared. The IDF must be cleaner than clean.
Hence the trap. The higher the bar, the better to make Israel trip. Israel-haters wait and watch. How high can Israel jump? A shiver of the bar transports the court of public opinion into frenzies of scorn and condemnation. And instead of a light unto the nations, Israel becomes a polecat.
Even those professedly supportive of Israel have patience only up to a point. They’ll allow it to fight a rearguard action, but no more. Outright victory is intolerable. The result? Like Amalek’s descendant Haman, enemies came close to exterminating the Jews. Hitler himself came from the same line. Modern leaders of Israel have failed to learn the lesson. By treating implacable foes with compassion, Israel has given bloodthirsty Jew-killers a new lease on life. And the international community, instead of loving Israel for its compassion, seems to hate it with added ferocity.
What would the Almighty make of modern Israel at war? Is He an understanding God?
It all depends. Are the Jihadists who fire rockets into Israel descended from the Seven Nations in the bible? Would they be among those whom Israel is commanded to annihilate? Or are they descendants of Amalek, the enemy of all enemies for all time?
No one knows. Some do know that the mini-wars that Israel had to fight in its backyard (Defensive Shield, Cast Lead, Pillar of Defense, Protective Edge) can be traced to the original sin of treating the inheritance of the Promised Land like a hot potato–Land won in miraculous victories that became land to surrender to Israel’s enemies. It made a victorious and magnanimous Israel hated more than a weak Israel. Mayhem and terror and international pariah status were the wages of sin. It took Israelis a long time to learn that land for peace does not appease; it emboldens demands for more.
How angry might it make the God of Israel?
Once upon a time a king bestowed gifts and favors upon his preferred and favored son. The son took the king’s benevolence for granted and thought of the gifts and favors, when he did think of them, saw them only as his rightful due. To court popularity with others he was liberal with giving away the gifts, even to those who hated him. Some had gone so far as plotting to kill the son, yet were glad to accept his generosity. By the power of the king the son’s life had been saved many times over, but he was unmindful of this.
Was the king angry? Angry is not the word.