‘Brothers and sisters, WAKE UP! The story of Esther is being replayed today’


ed note–as we say often here ladies and Gentile-men, pay close attention to what our deranged Hebraic writer is saying here because what it offers is a vulture’s eye view into the kinds of ‘plans’ which the ‘children of Israel’ have in store for the rest of us, and not as far into the future as some might like to imagine.


Firstly, no one should have any illusions about the ‘coincidental’ timing of all this Russia/Ukraine business taking place during the yearly celebration of Purim, where the ‘children of Israel’ the world over dress up in silly costumes, get themselves falling-down drunk and ‘celebrate’ the memory of their ancestors mass-murdering 75,000 Iranians convicted of the ‘high crimes’ of ‘anti-Shemitism’.


Now, whether this really happened or not (common sense and an established record of tall tales being told by the followers of Judaism suggesting it didn’t) does not matter. 


What matters is what the celebration itself reveals about the type of mind that engages in such dark and diabolical revelry.


Putting this into perspective, if Christians had a parallel ‘celebration’ where their ancestors slaughtered 75,000 Jews who were intent upon killing them–WHICH THEY WERE–such a ‘celebration’ would be ‘anti-Shemitic’ and used as prima facie evidence of the mental illness that plagued such a people…


If Muslims had a parallel ‘celebration’ where their ancestors slaughtered 75,000 Jews who were intent upon killing them–WHICH THEY WERE–such a ‘celebration’ would be ‘anti-Shemitic’ and used as prima facie evidence of the mental illness that plagued such a people…


However, the followers of Judaism having such a yearly ‘celebration’ gloating over the deliberate murders of 75,000 Gentiles–whether historically real or not–does not raise an eyebrow, just another indication of what is the incurable suicidal stupidity of Gentiles who refuse to understand that you don’t bring an alligator into your home as a pet.


The bigger–and the more DANGEROUS–aspect of all this ‘Purim’ business however is not the fact that it is the macabre celebration of mass murder that–again, historically real or not–is said to have taken place, but rather the fact that this mass murder serves as a sanctified ‘precedent’ for doing it again and again and AGAIN in the future.




Now, will the world be shown a figure such as a Netanyahu, a Bennett, a Lapid or any of the other ‘lime-lighters’ talking frankly about such a thing in very clear language where the ‘math’ on it is easy to do?


No, just as the phrase ‘make an offer you can’t refuse’ isn’t a clear warning that the person on the receiving end of that ‘offer’ will be killed for ‘refusing’ it.


But all can rest assured, within the ‘sanctified’ walls of the various Sin-a-Gogs around the world, and especially those in Israel where ‘big’ decisions are made involving the life and death of millions (billions?) of Gentiles that this very clear language is used and where the ‘math’ involved in it is very easy to do.



Tzvi Fishman for Israel National News


Jewish law says we are to begin learning about upcoming holidays 30 days before their arrival. Brothers and sisters, Purim is almost here. In the days of Mordechai and Esther, the terrible decree of Haman against the Jews of Shushan fell upon us because we stopped yearning to return to Israel and rebuild our Holy Temple. Rather we were content to rub elbows with the goyim and enjoy our positions of aristocracy and wealth, epitomized by our flocking to the party of Achashverus, assured that we would be imbibing only glatt kosher wine.


Brothers and sisters, WAKE UP! The story of the Megillah is being replayed today. We are the Jews of Shushan who want the nations of the world to love us, while the Haman of Iran is building his deadly arsenal of bombs and missiles to remind us that we are Jews!


Brothers and sisters, WAKE UP! The United Nations isn’t going to help us. The nations of Europe won’t help us. The United States won’t come to our aid. Our political leaders don’t have the guts to NUKE IRAN NOW! Only the G-d of Israel can save us, just like in the days of Purim of old. That’s the message of Purim for today. And now is the time to cry out. Not when the missiles of Haman are already on their way!


Yes, we have to use our air force. Yes, we have to use our bombs. But we have learned time and again in Gaza that our bombers and bombs can’t do the job if we lack faith in the holy righteousness of our cause.


So what must we do? We have to paint on our bombs the message, ‘In G-d We Trust,’ just as David declared before he went out to battle to smite the wicked Goliath, ‘That all the earth may know that there is a G-d in Israel!’ We must fight our enemies with all of the military power and weapons we have, but we must do so with the recognition that our justification and salvation is from G-d.


What was true then is true today. The Almighty hasn’t changed. The Torah hasn’t changed. We are to be a holy people, living according to our holy Torah, and living in our own Holy Land. Like it or not, that’s the way it has to be.


G-d does not want us to be good American Jews who keep Shabbat. G-d does not want us to be Londoners who keep kosher. Nor does G-d want us to be Israelis who try to imitate the ways of the West.


The Jew is the essence of holiness. He is to live a distinctly holy life and be a part of a holy nation, and that holy nation is supposed to live in the Holy Land. It is as simple as that. This is our national destiny – to be a holy people in the Holy Land. Whether we like it or not, the Almighty will bring this to pass. ‘The eternal One of Israel will not lie.’ As our Sages taught, either we return on our own, by turning back to our true and complete Torah and Holy Land, or else the Hamans of the world will persuade us the hard way.


Just as the tables were turned suddenly upside down for the Jews in Shushan, so it can happen today in Paris, and London, and yes, even New York. Let alone Ukraine and Russia. And yes, it can happen too in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, G-d forbid, if we don’t WAKE UP and return to being real, holy, true Torah Jews.


This is the message of Purim. It is time to stop the masquerade of dressing up in the costumes of the good American Jew, and the loyal French Jew, and the cultured English Jew, and the Westernized Israeli Jew, and to start being 100% holy Torah Jews in Hashem’s Chosen Land. 

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