ed note–just as we have said on previous occasions ladies and Gentile-men, where the topic of Jones and the tidal wave of lawsuits that have been brought against him was being discussed, the following commentary appears herein without as much as an ounce of gloat or glee, but rather with great personal regret and remorse…

As much as we are antithetical to Jones and to all the monkey business that has been his claim to fame for many, many years, the truth of the matter is that we are not in the least bit pleased that it has come to this–Him being sued and ordered to pay OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS over the ‘Sandy Hook Hoax’ nonsense that he should have avoided like the plague if indeed his brain had been firing on all cylinders when it first ‘popped up’.

And make no mistake about this, ladies and Gentile-men–This latest piece of legal ordnance is not just some average, run-of-the-mill judicial ‘hand grenade’ that has been tossed into some unlucky person’s foxhole.

It is nothing less than an ‘ELE’–Extinction-Level-Event–for Jones personally, and for all intents and purposes a public execution by beheading, followed by disembowelment and then being torn limb from limb and left in a very public place for all the townfolk to see.

However, as we have pointed out here on this humble little informational endeavor now for almost 10 tears, NONE of this should in ANY WAY surprise anyone with just a few functioning brain cells. As was warned here on occasions too many to count, ALL OF THIS was as much part of the ‘protocols’ of the learned elders of Zion as was this–

The only difference being that in this case, the act of sabotage was directed against the same ‘trooooth moovmnt’ that sprung up in the aftermath of 9/11,  imploded with the same kinds of ‘shaped charges’ that brought down the Twin Towers, those ‘explosives’ being the kinds of nutty things which this guy–

and this guy–

and this guy–

and this guy–

and this guy–

–and many others had to say viz how ‘no one died at Sandy Hook’.

Now that this latest legal thermo-nuke has gone off to the tune of over ONE BILLION DOLLARS against Jones, the precedent has been set to go after this guy–

and this guy–

and this guy–

And anyone else who DARES say anything that runs counter to the ‘official narrative’ with bankrupting lawsuits that now–per the precedent attached to the Jones case–can run into the hundreds of millions or even BILLIONS of dollars.

Now, this truly would be an ‘injustice’–as many of Jones’ supporters/defenders are saying at this time–were it not for the fact that at every step of the way, sane and intelligent voices, such as this guy–

And a very small handful of others WARNED, somewhere between a million and a billion times, that all of this was coming, just as sure-as-shinola, and that the lit fuse on this WMD needed to be yanked out of the warhead before it went off…

…Warnings that were not only for the most part completely ignored, but as well, answered with tidal waves of ridicule and charges that those issuing these warnings were ‘dupes’ and ‘disinfo agents’ and ‘shills for d’Jooz’ and out to help the evil-doers in the big ‘gun grab’ that was coming…

We’ve said it many times before and we’ll say it again, ladies and Gentile-men–

The Jews didn’t do this to us. We did it to ourselves.



Right-wing conspiracy figure Alex Jones’ company has already filed for bankruptcy protection, and it’s not clear how much of the staggering $965 million verdict reached Tuesday he’ll actually wind up paying to the 15 plaintiffs in the defamation case about his lies about the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting.

Jones plans to appeal the massive monetary damages that a Connecticut jury ordered him to pay, which comes after a judgment against him in August awarding $49.3 million to the family of a Sandy Hook victim in a separate case in Texas.

But legal experts say Jones, founder of Infowars — which has been banned by all major internet services — is almost certainly ruined financially.

‘We’re talking about such outsized numbers that even if he’s able to bob and weave some, I just don’t see how he winds up anything but basically broke now for the rest of his life,’ Harry Litman, a former U.S. Attorney, said in an interview Tuesday with MSNBC. Litman currently is an associate with whistleblower law firm Constantine Cannon in San Francisco.

Jones was sued for defamation by several of the families of Sandy Hook victims after he had claimed the December 2012 shooting in Connecticut — in which 20 children and six adults were killed — was a ‘giant hoax’ perpetrated by ‘crisis actors,’ and that ‘no one died’ in the massacre. He falsely accused the parents of the Sandy Hook victims of colluding with the government in an imagined plot to curtail Americans’ gun rights.

In the Texas case, Jones testified that he would be unable to afford to pay a jury award of even just $2 million. In the same case, economist Bernard Pettingill Jr. estimated Jones has a net worth of between $135 million and $270 million.

In July, Infowars’ parent company, Free Speech Systems, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, revealing that the owners of Infowars had taken out more than $62 million from the business.

‘Ain’t no money,’ Jones said on his Infowars show Tuesday as the nearly $1 billion verdict was being read. ‘Do these people actually think they’re getting any of this money?’ He added that he ‘lost count’ of the damages and began selling ‘vitamineral fusion’ from the Infowars store in an effort to raise money.

Norm Pattis, Jones’ attorney, said he intends to appeal the Connecticut jury’s damages award. According to CNN, he called the decision a ‘dark day for freedom of speech.’ ‘We disagree with the basis of the default, we disagree with the court’s evidentiary rulings,’ Pattis said. ‘In more than 200 trials in the course of my career I have never seen a trial like this.’

Jones, 48, is ‘almost certainly the most prolific conspiracy theorist in contemporary America,’ according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. In 2018, YouTube, Facebook, Spotify and Apple Podcasts banned Jones from their platforms, citing violations of their hate-speech policies.

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