‘The age of the apologetic Jew is over…’

ed note–Let us begin today’s discussion with a few important psychiatric definitions–

The term ‘God Complex’ is marked by an individual’s unshakable and consistently inflated feelings of personal ability, privilege, or infallibility. A person with a God Complex may refuse to admit the possibility of their error or failure, even in the face of irrefutable evidence, intractable problems or difficult or impossible tasks. The person is also highly dogmatic in their views and speaks of their personal opinions as though they were unquestionably correct. Someone with a God Complex may exhibit no regard for the conventions and demands of society, and may expect special considerations or privileges. The recognized diagnostic name for the behaviors associated with a God Complex is narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) and is typically associated with a superiority complex…

As well as–

‘Jehovah Complex’ is a related term used in analysis to describe a neurosis of egotistical self-inflation. It is a form of megalomania in which the individual experiences delusions of grandeur and identifies with qualities associated with God.


Now, on to our discussion.

Crazy people, both today and throughout the entirety of human history, have been a dime a dozen and always will be. Just as there have always been abnormalities and ailments such as heart disease, diabetes, etc that come as a ‘package deal’ with this thing known as the ‘human condition’, likewise, crazy people always have been and always will be part of the larger fabric known as society.

Thankfully, for the most part, crazies remain in that relatively small/harmless neighborhood of the world known as Crazyville and don’t do much damage to the larger society around them due to the limits placed upon them by their own mental incapacitation. They don’t amass lots of wealth, power or influence due to the fact that oftentimes they can’t even hold down a simple job to feed/house themselves.

Except for one group of people however, who are the dictionary picture of crazy, who DO possess a lot of wealth, a lot of power and a lot of influence and who as a group are the living, breathing manifestation of the aforementioned ‘God Complex’ and in particular, the ‘Jehovah Complex’, which, by no small coincidence, happens to be the name of the violent deity they worship.

Now, as all of this talk of crazy people pertains to the OpEd penned by our deranged follower of Judah-ism below, nota bene the following ‘protocols’–

Contrary to what he has penned in this essay, there was NEVER a time/age when there existed ‘the apologetic Jew’, citing the terminology used by our deranged Hebraic author.

Unlike virtually ALL peoples the world over and throughout the entirety of human history who learned from their mistakes and evolved upwards, the followers of Judah-ism however, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just LOVE to refer to themselves, have never ‘apologized’ for anything.

As their past and–more importantly–their PRESENT indicates, they have never learned any of the important lessons in the aftermath of the many blowbacks resulting from their bad behavior, on both the individual and collective level. Acting in accordance with the ‘protocols’ of their backwards philosophy/religion, they continue–as they always have since the days of ancient Egypt as recounted in that silly book known as Genesis–to lie, cheat, steal, swindle, play on the confidence and trust of non-Jews in ‘despoiling’ them, MURDER, displace, desecrate, devastate, devour and dispossess those unfortunate ‘Goyim’ who find themselves in harm’s way, and when it all blows up in their faces–AS IT MUST ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF NATURE–and they are forced to ‘pay the piper’ for their criminal deeds, they ascribe all of this ‘persecution’ to ‘anti-Semitism’ that exists only as a result of ‘irrational and baseless’ Gentile envy and jealousy.

Now, if the name of the author of this piece has a familiar odor to it, it should. He recently wrote the following OpEd entitled The world hates the Jews because we are messengers of morality’, just as equally deranged and detached from reality as this one, in which he opined the following–

Let’s remember what the source of all morality is: It’s the Torah, the Old Testament. Call it whatever you want, but the world knows it’s immoral to steal, lie and murder from the Torah. The Torah is the epitome of morality. Thus, the messengers of morality are those who delivered the Torah to the world—the Jews.

And compare/contrast that paragraph to just a few portions of that same Torah which our deranged Hebraic author claims is the source of all morality and which forbids stealing, lying, and murder, to wit–

When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars (religion) break down their images (culture and traditions), cut down their groves (destroy their very existence) and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’–Book of Deuteronomy


Our deranged Hebrew goes further in his acid-trip word salad thus–


We have the most moral army in the world. We balance our military power with our unwavering need to behave morally and ethically, sometimes too ethically…


As if this–


and this–

and this–


and this–


–As well as a million other examples of what the ‘world’s most moral army’ has done were not proof enough of what we termed earlier, i.e. ‘Crazyville’…

What must be understood by all Gentiles with a vested interest in their own future survival in this regard is the fact that our deranged Hebraic author bases this statement viz the ‘most moral army’ on the fact that when Jews kill innocent Gentile men, women and children as demonstrated in the pics above, indeed the ‘army’ responsible for doing all of this was/is acting ‘morally’ and ‘ethically’, given that the very violence which was inflicted was EXACTLY what yahweh, also known as ‘Jehova’–the violent deity that the followers of Judah-ism worship–commands be done.

Now, besides revealing the fact that the Jewish brain, tragically, is a fevered, diseased and highly-dysfunctional bodily organ that does not operate in a normal, healthy way, there is something more problematic and ominous in what our deranged Hebrew intimates when reading between the lines of his religiously-induced psychotic episode, to wit–

We don’t have to apologize for waving an Israeli flag, for praying on the Temple Mount, for holding a Torah scroll at the Western Wall or for living in our land—all of it…


As well as–


We’re so sorry about those freaks who want and are willing to fight for every inch of this land.


As well as–


…And now, we have arrived, not yet to the final destination, but we are well on the way…


As well as–


Our new government, despite its shortcomings, represents the proud Jew. There has never been more Torah learning than there is right now. We have never been stronger physically or economically, and this new government will support Torah and it will support the land of Israel—all of it… 

And understand that what he is talking about here is the planned/promised conquest of the entire Middle East per the protocols of Torah Judah-ism, the ‘epitome’ of morality in the world, and which is sure to set off WWIII/Armageddon which the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, believe must take place prior to their ascendency on the world stage as the unchallenged concentration/amalgamation of all human power in history.


Hillel Fuld for Israel National News

For many years, I have felt something that made no sense to me, but I felt it very strongly.

The feeling was that Jews around the world who blatantly support our enemies are worse than our enemies themselves.

There are many examples of this, but to keep it simple, I’m talking about Jews who are ashamed of their identity, Israelis who are ashamed of their country and the combination of the two: Jews who are ashamed of their country and Israelis who are ashamed of their Jewish identity.

Why do these people bother me so much?

Recently, the answer came to me: These people haven’t gotten the memo that Jews don’t have to be apologetic anymore.

Throughout our history, we were always apologizing:

‘Sorry, I won’t learn Torah if it offends you, Greeks.’

‘Sorry we destroyed your economy, Germans.’

It’s not new. It’s even in the Torah. We sent spies to examine the land before entering it, and guess what 10 out of 12 came back saying?

‘I’m sorry. They are too strong. We can’t do this. We’re too small. We’re too insignificant. Sorry, but no.’

Today, we no longer have to apologize.

We don’t have to apologize for waving an Israeli flag, for praying on the Temple Mount, for holding a Torah scroll at the Western Wall or for living in our land—all of it.

But these people are constantly apologizing:

‘We’re so sorry about the ‘occupation.’’

‘We’re so sorry about those crazy religious people who want my kids to know the foundations of our history, our tradition and our religion.’

‘We’re so sorry about those freaks who want and are willing to fight for every inch of this land.’

‘We are so sorry that the citizens of Israel have spoken and democratically elected a right-wing government that realizes that there never was an Arab Palestinian state and there never will be.’

‘We’re sorry, America. Please don’t pull your foreign aid. We depend on you.’

Those days are over.

We are home and some of us are proud to be home, while others are still stuck in the olden days when Jews would turn the other cheek.

Want to know how this manifests? It’s simple: When you are ashamed of who you are, you blame yourself.

There are many Jews out there who blame Israel for antisemitism:

‘If only we didn’t ‘occupy’ the ‘Palestinians,’ there would be no antisemitism.’

‘If only those haredi Jews wouldn’t dress like that and stick to their ‘primitive ways,’ people wouldn’t hate us so much.’

But they’ll never accept our apology, so it’s time we stop apologizing.

The new government is too right-wing for you? You must have confused me for someone who cares about your opinion.

Foreign aid? Go ahead, Biden, try to pull it. Try to boycott Israel, BDS. Go for it, let’s see how that goes for you.

Allow me to officially declare that the era of the apologetic Jew is dead. It should rest in peace.

Now let me introduce you to a new creature: the proud Jew.

We have a lot to be proud of.

20% of all Nobel prizes have been awarded to Jews. We have the most moral army in the world. We are able to balance our military power with our unwavering need to behave morally and ethically, sometimes too ethically.

We lead the world in life-changing tech: Medicine, food, you name it, we are at the forefront of it all.

We took a desert and transformed it into one of the most flourishing societies in the Middle East and the world, and it only took us 75 years.

So, it’s time we all declared the apologetic Jew dead and introduced the world to a new breed of Jew, the proud Jew.

If we don’t respect ourselves, how can we expect the world to?

Our new government, despite its shortcomings, represents the proud Jew. There has never been more Torah learning than there is right now. We have never been stronger physically or economically, this new government will support Torah and it will support the land of Israel—all of it. 

We have always talked about and prayed for the people of Israel, with the Torah of Israel, in the land of Israel. And now, we have arrived, not yet to the final destination, but we are well on the way.

For that, we, the Jewish people, should be proud, not ashamed and apologetic.

Or, in other words: Sorry, not sorry.

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