The race theory of the first sexologist in pre-state Israel, calling for discouraging certain ‘defective’ individuals from having children – was championed by leading figures in the Zionist movement. The idea continued to be discussed even after the Nazis rose to power.
ed note–as always, LOTS of important facts and ‘protocols’ that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.
First and foremost, contrary to the narrative spewed forth from those misinformation/disinformation individuals and groups working in the service of Judea, Inc following the unnecessary and tragic Gentile bloodbath known as WWII, it was not the EEEEEVIL nazis who invented the idea of the ‘master race’ that has gotten so much ‘airtime’ in a media owned lock, stock and barrel by the organized forces of anti-Gentilism.
The ENTIRE ‘master race’ concept predates Nazi Germany by THOUSANDS OF YEARS and gets its start with a small, seemingly-inconsequential mention in the Hebraic ‘holy’ book known as the Torah and which reads thus–
‘When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are to possess and drives out the many nations larger and stronger than you, and when the Lord your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not save alive anything that breathes…
A well as–
Do not intermarry with them…Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons…
As well as–
Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their idols in the fire…
And, finalmente–
…For you are a people holy to the Lord your God who has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession…’
And right here, ladies and Gentile-men, within the span of these 133 words, it is PLAINLY evident (at least to those who examine all of this through the lens of reason and without the mind-clutter that attends much of what we might term ‘religious sentimentality’) what is in effect the sparkplugs driving the engine of Armageddon–
The marriage between distilled, undiluted pathological narcissism/self-worship coupled with the commandment to destroy all of those who fall outside the status of ‘chosen’ and ‘treasured’.
In other words, a ‘master race’ commanded by its own personal deity ‘yahweh’ to viciously and without compassion, conquer the world, rule it with a rod of iron and to consign to the torch all those who resist this commanded ethno-theocracy as a ‘burnt offering’.
Next, what the article reveals and which every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand is that the ‘Jewish problem’ is now much, much larger than simply a group of people behaving according to the protocols of their bad religion. What began in its embryonic form as a clump of ideological cells gestating within the dark and diseased womb of irrationality and tribal narcissism has now ‘gone to seed’ in producing a distinct ‘jenotype’ calling itself ‘the Jew’ that suffers disproportionately from a myriad of mental illnesses and psychological dysfunctions as described by our Hebraic medical doctor Maton, to wit–
‘We will mention other conditions of weakness, such as weakness of the nerves and a propensity that many acquire by heredity of psychic disorders which produce a tendency to suicide, to poor mental states, to melancholia and psychopathy of different kinds combined with depression and individuals of an unstable mental condition…’
He goes further in underscoring the mental/psychological defects of Jews by describing them as suffering from ‘more genetic defects than Christians’, saying that the number of ‘insane and demented’ is higher amongst Jews than it is among the Christian population…’
Now, far from being some intellectual exercise or a mere academic discussion dealing with mental disorders, what needs to be remembered is that these are not your average ‘street crazies’ shouting at a traffic light every time it changes colors or someone imagining him/herself to be either the King of Siam or the Queen of Sheba and carrying on conversations with one of his/her assembled subjects whom he/she sees whom but no one else does.
These are the most powerful people in the world in near-total control of the world’s economy, political structures, and media, to say nothing of the fact that they are armed to the fang with several hundred nuclear weapons, many of which they have smuggled into every world capital from Washington D.C. to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Besides this, they have at their disposal hundreds (thousands?) of genetically-engineered viruses that could wipe out the entire world in a matter of months if/when they choose to release them, which surely they will do if/when they feel ‘the time is right’.
Of equal interest as all of the above however is the following ‘protocol’ that needs to be studied and understood for all its important political/social implications which today are raging like a swarm of out-of-control wildfires within the political/social structures of the once-Christian West, which is the deliberate and with malice-aforethought destruction of the family unit, the sabotage of the human procreative process and of the relationship between man and woman otherwise known as ‘husband and wife’.
It must be understood and recalled–OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN–that the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, do not see anything abnormal or aberrant about themselves, neither as individuals nor as a group. Nor do they see themselves as just one group amongst all the other races, cultures, religions, societies, etc, existing on an equal plane–no better and no worse–than all the rest.
Remember that the 2-tired social system of ‘Jew and Gentile’ exists as a product of their paradigm and their lexicon, in other words–IT IS OF THEIR CREATION. They see the world in this binary Jew vs. Gentile fashion in the same way that biologists see the world’s ecosystem as plant vs. animal, a fact that is restated every so often when some ‘rebbe’ makes some statement to the effect that Gentiles are donkeys who were created by yahweh for the sole purpose of making life easier for his ‘chosen’ and his ‘treasured possession’.
Having said that, please consider the following from our deranged Hebraic medical doctor that–although written within the context of improving the ‘human condition’ within Israel, nevertheless– functions as the model being applied today by those powerful Jewish interests in control of the media, academia and other avenues of social control in sabotaging what has been the time-honored/tested-and-true social construct known as marriage, children, family, society, etc, to wit–
‘We must influence their reproduction and guide it in a manner suitable to society…This is the new role of modern hygiene: to protect humanity from the flood of the inferior and to block their path to penetrating humankind by denying them the ability to pass on their inferiority to coming generations…We have the full authority and the supreme moral right to forbid them to produce offspring – that is, to demand that they not produce children and spread their defects in society…There are means that give pathological people, whose social and moral obligation is to not produce children, the possibility of satisfying their sexual needs without fearing that they will create a generation of wretched, defective individuals, idiots, and invalids…’
And then consider what we see taking place today, where indeed–through Jewish control of Hollywood, media, music, pop culture, etc–Gentiles are plunged deeper and deeper into every form of perversion and social suicide, whether it is ‘gay marriage’, transgenderism, abortion on demand, the saturation of society with pornography, and every imaginable/unimaginable species of vice, deviancy and degeneracy as it relates to the procreative process, and all done in the interests of killing off the Gentiles by inducing them not to reproduce and to not have families which function as the most basic building block of any civilized society.
As we like to say often here, ladies and Gentile-men, the Jews may indeed be insane, but they are NOT stupid.
In 1933, the year that the Nazis came to power in Germany, a 20-page pamphlet was published in Mandatory Palestine entitled ‘Race Improvement of the Human Species and its Value to Our People.’ The author, sexologist Avraham Matmon, born in Odessa and who grew up in Tel Aviv, had a few months earlier returned from Berlin to that city, where he established the Institute for Hygiene and Sexual Science. The institute offered treatment for sexual problems, advice on contraception and other information.
The pamphlet which it published opens with Dr. Matmon’s explanation of why quality is more important than quantity when it comes to upholding the commandment to ‘be fruitful and multiply.’
In other words, the belief that the nation needed to control – and limit – reproduction.
‘To ensure that the people does not degenerate, we must ensure not only its quantitative value but also its quality,’ he wrote. ‘A large proportion of thinking people, particularly intellectuals, believe that the nation’s size, future and strength are dependent upon entering into the largest number of marriage ties and the childbirths that follow from them. They do not ascribe much value to the essence of the newborn, whether he is weak or strong, intelligent or ignorant, a person who will become a thinker and be of benefit to others, or whether he will end up a criminal and be a detriment to society…’
To counter this approach, Matmon set forth an ostensibly scientific viewpoint, based on heredity theory. The theory’s proponents, he noted, know that ‘a people, many of whose members suffer from genetically transmitted defects, will ultimately degenerate.’
His forecast was ominous. ‘There is a large number of people who, according to the structure of their organs, cannot be considered fully robust,’ he warned. As an example, he cited ‘the defects of eyesight, which are so profuse in our people,’ and went on to explain, ‘Without a doubt we have or had a special propensity in this regard: Two-thousand years of life in dark exile in the ghetto brought it about.’
But it wasn’t just the eyeglasses worn by many Jews that troubled Matmon. ‘We will mention other conditions of weakness, such as weakness of the nerves – a propensity that many acquire by heredity.’ He cited numerous ‘psychic disorders,’ as he termed them, ‘which produce a tendency to suicide, to poor mental states, to melancholia and psychopathy of different kinds combined with depression and individuals of an unstable mental condition.’
All these disorders, he stated, were transmitted by heredity and were causing degeneration of the Jewish people.
The numbers cited by Matmon purportedly spoke for themselves.
In Tel Aviv’s educational institutions alone, he enumerated ‘more than 25 deaf-mutes and more than 30 defective and semi-imbecilic children.’ According to the charts in the pamphlet – whose source derived from the book ‘The Sociology of the Jews’ by Arthur Ruppin, at the time the chairman of the Jewish Agency, ‘Jews worldwide suffer more from genetic defects than Christians…In Hungary, for example, the number of deaf people, ‘the insane’ and ‘the demented’ was higher among the Jews than among the Christian population…’
According to Matmon, the difference between ‘insane’ and ‘demented’ was that the former are ‘people who were originally sane and whose mental activity became disturbed over time’ – whereas the demented were ‘mentally ill from birth.’ Worrisome data was also recorded in Prussia at the end of the 19th century, he reported, where, of every 100,000 Jews, 492 were mentally ill, 105 were blind and 130 were deaf – numbers far higher than among the Christian population.
‘A situation of this sort must not continue, because year after year the number of people with defects increases,’ Matmon wrote.
One reason for this, he maintained, was that ‘precisely those at the inferior level have more children and pass on to them their traits and propensities.’ Explaining the importance of controlling the character and quality of the coming generations, he wrote in the pamphlet, ‘The best material is that which always moves forward, pushes the people or, more correctly, pulls forward the backward.’ He added, ‘Let us not forget the many expenditures every culture spends on these degenerate individuals.’
Following this introduction, the author posed the crucial question. ‘We thus confront the question of how to stand in the breach. Shall we make do with arranging hostels and shelters for these wretched folk, or shall we allow them to walk about without any supervision until they vanish from the land?’
Only now did he come to the point. ‘We need to take the fate of these people in our hands. To give them the necessary help and shelter, and at the same time to influence their reproduction and guide it in a manner suitable to society…This is the new role of modern hygiene: to protect humanity from the flood of the inferior and block their path to penetrating humankind by denying them the ability to pass on their inferiority to coming generations.’
The scientific theory under whose aegis action should be taken, he maintained, was a ‘new branch of hygiene: the hygiene of reproduction, namely eugenics, or the enhancement of the human race.’
Matmon came from a distinguished Jewish-Zionist family. His father, Dr. Yehuda Leib Matmon Cohen, and his mother, Fanya Matmon Cohen, were among the 66 founding families of Tel Aviv and helped establish the iconic Tel Aviv high school Gymnasia Herzliya. Dr. Matmon’s wife, Tehila, was active on behalf of women’s rights and founded a feminist journal, ‘Ha’isha Bamedina’ (‘The Woman in the State’), which called for equal representation for women in Israeli society.
The rise of eugenics
It wasn’t just the eyeglasses worn by many Jews that troubled Matmon. He cited ‘psychic disorders leading to the tendency of suicide, to poor mental states, and to psychopathy and individuals of an unstable mental condition.’
Ninety years after the Nazis’ rise to power, it is difficult at first glance to imagine how a Jew who was to be spared the fate of six million of his co-religionists only because he immigrated to Palestine at an early stage could have written in this vein – and in Hebrew to boot.
At the time however, eugenics possessed many good and true adherents.
It was conceived at the end of the 19th century by the British polymath Francis Galton, who also coined the term ‘eugenics,’ which refers to improving the genetic quality of the human race by selective breeding. In the early 20th century the theory was popular in Western Europe and the United States, and some countries legally permitted sterilization of people who were termed ‘feebleminded’ or ‘crazy,’ as well as of criminals and others deemed to be ‘of no use.’
In the Zionist movement, too, there were some who advocated aspects of the theory, and they included public figures, leaders and physicians, who viewed Judaism as a race to be cultivated.
The list of supporters included the founder of political Zionism, Theodor Herzl–‘The Jewish race should be improved immediately, to make the Jews good fighters, lovers of work and virtuous’. Max Nordau, co-founder with Herzl of the Zionist Organization wrote ‘We must do everything within our power to elevate the Oriental Jews, who are degenerating, to a higher economic, moral and spiritual level…’ And Arthur Ruppin–‘To preserve the purity of our race, Jews like these must refrain from having children’.
There were also physicians, such as Dr. Yosef Meir, for whom Meir Hospital in Kfar Sava is named–‘Do not have children if you are not certain that they will be healthy in body and mind’.
Matmon however did not suggest killing the people he singled out, but was unsparing in his use of terminology to describe them and how they should be treated. ‘What are we to do now?…How should the people act in order to prevent the spread of all these inferior people, who will lower the nation to a very inferior level of humanity?’
His answer:
‘There is only one way. We must do everything to have these beings vanish from the world.’
He noted that in ancient Sparta, weak and ill children were killed, ‘so that they would not become a burden on the public.’ However, he averred, ‘we cannot allow ourselves such barbaric means.’ Similarly, castration and sterilization – the latter was in use in the United States – are ‘not good or fair.’ Sterilization, in his view, was appropriate for criminals, prostitutes, and their ilk, but ‘what sin has been committed by honest people and quiet workers who always strive to do good, if they have been affected by an inheritance they received from their parents? Should they therefore be viewed in the same way as criminals and murderers?’
‘It would be extraordinarily cruel to block the sexual drive of those liable to produce deficient newborns,’ Matmon wrote, but society did have ‘authority and the moral right to forbid them to produce offspring.’
Others, he wrote, suggested that such people be prohibited from marrying. ‘But here too the question arises of whether we are permitted to make that decision. Who are we to ban people, even if they are inferior, from fulfilling the cravings with which they have been endowed by nature? We have no authority or right to demand of anyone to forgo their natural satisfaction for our peace of mind and well-being,’ he wrote. Moreover, ‘We do not have the ability to alter our sexual drive, and therefore it would be extraordinarily cruel to block the sexual drive of those who are liable to produce deficient newborns.’
‘On the contrary,’ he continued, ‘we must allow them the possibility of venting the forces that seethe within them, lest they erupt without any law, without order and regime, and bring about the perdition of part of humanity.’
What, then, was the solution?
–Prohibiting people with disabilities from bringing offspring into the world.
‘We have the full authority and the supreme moral right to forbid them to produce offspring – that is, to demand that they not produce children and spread their defects in society,’ he wrote.
The avenue to achieve this was based on sex education such as what he taught in his institute and which he termed ‘marriage control.’
It consisted of ‘examining the prospective bride and groom in order to discover whether they are healthy and whether they may have defects that could be transmitted genetically; and according to this, deciding whether they may or may not have children.’
He added, ‘There are means that give pathological people, whose social and moral obligation it is not to produce children, the possibility of satisfying their sexual needs without fearing that they will create a generation of wretched defective individuals, idiots and invalids. The premarital medical examination, or marriage control, is what needs to inform us which people are obligated to use these means.’
The supreme goal was national in character, he maintained. ‘To heighten the quality of the nation and to produce a generation, if not of a superior person, then at least [one] healthy in body and mind, and totally without defects.’
At the end of the pamphlet Matmon added a list of ‘hereditary defects,’ which included ‘feeblemindedness,’ ‘mental illness,’ ‘passionate desire for alcohol, cocaine and morphine’; he did not omit ‘perverted forms of sexual desire such as homosexuality and the like.’
Matmon’s negative approach to homosexuality was surprising, in light of the fact that he was a student of Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jewish physician and sexologist who is considered a pioneer of the movement for LGBTQ rights and who was forced to go into exile after the Nazis came to power.
Residues of the doctrine
Matmon concluded the pamphlet with a quote from the ‘Ministry of Health in Prussia’ – later Germany: ‘Each person has the sacred duty – for him and for his future partner, for his offspring and for his homeland – to declare beforehand whether his health condition permits him to create a family.’
He went on disseminating this doctrine even when the implementation of the Final Solution was at its height and its reverberations echoed through the world, including in Palestine.
In December 1942, an advertisement appeared in the Hebrew daily press inviting the public to a talk by Matmon on ‘Race, Heredity and National Purpose.’
Subsequently, for obvious reasons, the Jewish-Zionist occupation with the theory was played down, and this dark episode in the nation’s life was consigned to the archives.