Today’s Program–


Mr. Armageddon himself, the AntiChrist warlord Benjamin Netanyahu recently ‘justified’ the deliberate mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza–all the way down to the ‘suckling infant’–on the basis that the followers of Judah-ism are COMMANDED to ‘exterminate Amalek’ and to erase the memory of Amalek from human history.


His statement received the usual eruptions of (tepid and temporary) moral indigestion from all the usual suspects over the fact that the Jewish Torah was being used to sanctify and justify mass murder, even though this is PRECISELY what it calls for.


And yet, illustrating once again the deadly intellectual stasis of modern day humanity–i.e comfortably numb and comfortably dumb–no one seems to be interested in just WHO this ‘Amalek’ actually is, which, when listening closely and carefully to it is that the rabbis themselves have to say about the topic, happens to be the Christian West, the modern day great great grandchildren of yesteryear’s Roman Empire responsible for executing the will of the Creator by destroying the Temple of Doom in Joo-roo-salem and scattering the dangerously-radioactive particles of this doomsday cult, i.e. the followers of Judah-ism,  to the outermost borders of the empire at that time.



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One thought on “TUT Broadcast Nov. 6, 2023”
  1. Nothing short of intense. I can’t help but think of the public ignorance on this matter. Thanks Mark.

    A 2:50 long video on Israel’s Samson Option. Facebook is the only location where I could find the video.

    ed note–Matthew, good to see you here again, has been a long time. Hope all is well in your corner of Gentiledom and thnx 4 the good words.

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