Talk of founding a Palestinian state following events of October 7 ‘not idiocy but pure evil towards the Jewish nation,’ MK Simcha Rothman tells participants at CPAC antisemitism panel.
ed note–as always, lots of important ‘protocols’ that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own survival needs to know about this one.
Firsto, as we are wont to do on this humble little informational endeavor, what must be understood at the outset of this is that the Jew–meaning the follower of Torah Judah-ism–is by no means a ‘rational’ actor. He/she is intelligent, crafty, CUNNING, but by no means ‘rational’.
Rather, he/she is a product–a ‘science experiment’ if you will–of a 3,000+ years-long program of taking a human brain and pickling it in this hallucinogenic ‘jrug’ of sorts known as Torah Judah-ism wherein, one teensy, tiny, eensy-weensy spec of creation–the ‘children of Israel’–are favored above all else in this infinite universe created by this omnipotent creator.
To hear it and understand it as they tell it, if they–the children of Israel–ceased to exist, so too would the entire universe.
We are not being hyperbolic here, ladies and Gentile-men…
This very statement has been made over, and over, and over again over the course of many millennia by various individuals considered part of the intelligentsia of this peculiar humanoid substratum of humanity, and as verbatim as it gets–‘if we cease to exist, so too would the entire universe.’
Having said that, it is important to understand the statements on the part of the dangerously-deranged and delusional Rothman appearing below.
Now, it is important that all non-Jews who only now are beginning to understand that there is a ‘Jewish problem’ also understand that for the Jews, words are very, very important. Like any witch or warlock who uses words in forming incantations (and yes, ladies and Gentile-men, this is very much a VERY REAL thing) likewise, the ‘children of Israel’ do not just ‘throw words together’ in seducing the minds of those Gentiles assembled around them, but rather, stitch words and concepts together in such a way as to surreptitiously hack into the cerebral hard drives of those they intend to mentally incapacitate.
AND HAVING SAID THAT, ladies and Gentile-men, let us look at what this ‘DDD’–dangerously-deranged & delusional–character Rothman has to say at this Gentile gathering in America, i.e. that–
‘A Palestinian state would endanger the entire world…’
Now, doubtless that those who are not necessarily ‘newbies’ to the ‘JP’, i.e. the ‘Jewish Problem’, will assign the comments on the part of this ‘DDD’ Rothman to mere hyperbole and overreach, something not at all a disassociation viz the Jews and the stew of mental illnesses that come as a ‘package deal’ with their ‘children of Israel’ diagnosis.
That however, is NOT the case here…
What Rothman is actually doing here, ladies and Gentile-men, is a repeat of what took place here–
When Netanyahu stood in front of the UN General Assembly over a decade ago, and with every world leader watching/listening, threatened to blow up the entire world if his demands were not met viz war with Iran.
And that is EXACTLY and PRECISELY what Rothman is doing here, only without the ‘visual aids’ utilized by Netanyahu at the UNGA–threatening the entire world, and especially those countries, including the US and Europe (who right now are making a lot of disingenuous noise about FINALLY creating a ‘Palestinian State’) that if they even BEGIN traversing down that road which Israel opposes with 666% of her diabolically-possessed being, that ‘bad things’, including but not limited to nuclear weapons, pandemics, economic collapses, etc, etc, etc, are bound to occur as a result.
Israel National News
MK Simcha Rothman (Religious Zionism) a member of the Knesset’s Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee, participated in a panel on fighting antisemitism at a Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event in Washington.
When asked about the demands for the creation of a Palestinian state, Rothman responded that there is a ‘direct connection’ between a Palestinian state and antisemitism.
‘The events of October 7 have only proven what everyone in the State of Israel already knew: Antisemitism has not been eradicated. The idea of creating a Palestinian state will endanger not only the State of Israel, but the citizens of the entire world, and it will be a direct prize for terror,’ he explained.
Rothman emphasized that, ‘Such a state would serve as a military base for terrorist training, and it would be founded on age-old antisemitism which is passed on through incitement in mosques and in learning materials which praise Hitler, the torturer of Jews, and call the murder of Jews a harbinger for the redemption.
‘Who will be responsible for this imaginary country? The Palestinian Authority, which did not condemn, even once, the events of October 7? Whose officials have called the massacre a ‘morning of victory, happiness, and pride?’
‘To speak about a Palestinian state after October 7 is not idiocy but pure evil towards the Jewish nation. With its founding, antisemitism will not disappear – it will only grow worse,’ he warned.
Now, dear fellow Gentiles,
He is shown in the picture on top of the article here above.
Just a reminder of who he is, this fine specimen of the Judahic persuasion: MK Simcha Rothman (Religious Zionism) a member of the Knesset’s Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee.
If you were to meet him in the street you’d have no doubt as to what tribe he belongs to. Mind you, not that he distinguishes himself for looking particularly unsavory. In fact, his features are in line with the average looks of his fellow hebrews.
But of course we are not here to comment on peoples’ aesthetics.
The question is, what does that face tell us, what do we see when we look at it…
It strikes us as a face devoid of the feelings that characterize our fellow human beings. The feelings of kindness and caring.
In this man’s eyes there are no signs of empathy. No compassion can be expected from a man lacking the fundamental positive emotions we are accustomed to see in the faces of our fellow Gentiles.
Empty eyes, showing no emotion, no signs of empathy, are in general the eyes of individuals with a psychopathic disorder.
And we can detect these features in a huge number of Judahic faces, especially in Jews with a role of power in our societies.
And to be more specific, these telling features can be detected in the totality of the Jewish State’s leading class.
Now, how does it make us feel when we think that the fate of the whole world’s Gentiledom is in the clutches of these menacing, brutal, ominous creatures, threataning to reserve us the same treatment they are now viciously inflicting on our innocent and defenseless brothers and sisters in Gaza…
Are there really any Christians left out there trusting this unholy breed and even supporting it…!?