ed note–our apologies ahead of time for subjecting the reader to the following piece of cringe-worthy mental flatulence from the obviously-deranged Hebraic author, but there is a vital lesson to be gleaned from all of this, and by ‘vital’ we mean nothing less than the difference between life and death on a grand scale.


Firsto, the thing to keep in mind about our deranged Hebraic essayist is that he is not some aberration within the larger Jewish community that he calls home.


Everybody, every group, possesses some ‘black sheep’ who is not representative of the rest of the herd and whose antics bring disrepute and embarrassment to the larger group that–for the most part–is made up of respectable, civilized humanfolk.


This however, is not the case here. The obvious derangement on the part of our unesteemed Hebraic author represents what is for all intents and purposes a normal sampling of the mental processes that are part and parcel of what we term here on this humble little informational endeavor as ‘the Jewish brain’.


Just as a crocodile sees the world and his role in it in a completely different manner as does the deer or the gazelle, likewise with regards to the manner in which the Jewish brain functions in a completely different manner relative to the Gentile brain, and no better demonstration of this RADICAL difference exists than what is taking place in the right here, right now.


Israel–with the full, 666% support of her people, both within the ‘Jewish state’ proper and outside of it, particularly in the West, is engaged in a 24/7 systematic Genocide of innocent people. More than 100,000 have been killed and wounded, 2 million have been driven from their now-destroyed homes and those left alive are now being slowly starved to death. Everyday, a new massacre, everyday, a new Gentile holocaust, and with it, every day, a rise in ‘anti-Semitism’, meaning the dislike or distrust of Jews.


And everyday, in the midst of this inescapable cause-and-effect process, where Jews become more odious and unliked with every new massacre/moral outrage, comes the tidal wave of OpEds such as this one that refuses to connect the dots as to why Jew hatred always was/is now/always will be due ENTIRELY to criminal, violent anti-Gentile behavior and actions on the part of Jews.


The point being ladies and Gentile-men, that just as the crocodile cannot/will not change his nature, likewise will not his cousins of the humanoid variety walking on 2 legs who refer to themselves in the most fawning of terms as ‘the children of Israel’.


And if they are (obviously) incapacitated from doing the very simple math on all of this, i.e. the rising world-wide antagonism against them for what they are doing to 2 million people who are being mercilessly run through the Judaic meatgrinder, than what this means is that they still will not ‘figure it out’, even when the number rises to 20 million, 200 million, or even 2 billion, because, dontcha know, the rest of us are just Gentiles, and, as Israel’s chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef once stated shortly before he died and went home to hell, we are just ‘donkeys’ made to look like humans so as to better serve the Jews.


Now, for the sake of those who REALLY want to know why there is this thing known as ‘anti-Semitism’ (as the Jews themselves erroneously like to refer to it) we could write a million words on the subject explaining in the most rational of terms why it exists, but to better illustrate the reason for it, we’ll let the pics below do the explaining for us.



David Suissa for Israel 365 news


Why do Jew haters hate Jews?



On the surface, it makes little sense. Why would anyone hate a group that has given so much to the world in so many fields?



Thousands of books and essays have been written on the subject. There are myriad explanations, but the general consensus is that Jews have served throughout history both as humanity’s conscience and its convenient scapegoats.



Whatever one hates at any point in time, just blame the Jews.



‘People hate Jews because they are communists, capitalists, foreigners, residents, immigrants, elitists, have strange ways, are unassimilated, too assimilated, bankroll the left (like George Soros) or bankroll the right (like Sheldon Adelson). People hate Jews because they are weak and stateless, or because they are Zionists and defend Israel,’ Rabbi David Wolpe wrote recently in The Harvard Crimson.



One can always find a good reason, in other words, to hate, resent or envy Jews. These reasons are usually framed intellectually. We want to understand how the minds of haters work, even when they appear irrational. Understanding helps us cope.


Something has changed, however, since Oct. 7. The primal seems to have overtaken the cognitive. We’ve rarely seen such hysterics. Whether on campuses or city streets, the haters have gone bonkers with a fanatical exuberance. The fury has reached such a frenzy that I’ve been wondering if there’s a deeper motivation at work, something as simple as … pleasure.



Some smart thinkers believe so.


‘There are (at least) three principal sources of pleasure which anti-Semitism provides,’ British philosopher Eve Garrard argued a few years ago in the online journal Fathom. ‘First, the pleasure of hatred; second, the pleasure of tradition, and third, the pleasure of displaying moral purity. Each of these is an independent source of satisfaction, but the three interact in various ways, which often strengthens their effects.’



Explaining the pleasure of hatred, she writes: ‘Most of us know only too well the surge of self-righteousness, the thrill of condemning others, the intense bonding with a like-minded hater, which we feel when a good jolt of vicious hostility has risen within us.’



On the pleasure of tradition, Garrard writes: ‘Long centuries of tradition have constructed the Jew as a being who is both contemptible and dangerous, the purveyor and transmitter of evil; and various tropes have been deployed to flesh out this picture.’



This familiar and ancient tradition gives Jew-hatred a sense of legitimacy, so the hater is free to protest without reservation.



For the third source of pleasure—the desire for moral purity—Garrard highlights the ‘purity which is readily visible to others, and can count as a ticket of entry to socially and politically desirable circles.’ She adds that ‘Israel as the Jewish state is a real opportunity for people who want to display their supposed moral purity and harvest a suitable quantity of admiration from like-minded others.’



Given that bashing Israel is a lot more acceptable than bashing Jews, Israel provides the ideal instrument to camouflage Jew-hatred and maintain a semblance of moral purity.



Is it plausible, then, that Jew-hatred would bring such pleasure to the haters? My eyes and my gut tell me yes.



The anti-Israel protesters we’re seeing on college campuses and major cities may be enraged, but they’re not sad or unhappy. Indeed, there’s a kind of thrill in the air; a crowd-driven exhilaration in the service of going bonkers against the world’s most condemned country.


No matter how self-righteous and justice-seeking the protesters appear, like every human, they have a pleasure gene. They’re more likely to yell for hours if they get a dopamine hit in return. Behind the screams and the fury, the experience itself must feel good for them to keep showing up.



So, if Jew-hatred is a source of pleasure, what does this mean for our fight to end Jew-hatred? For starters, it means being more realistic. Pleasure is a tough nut to crack. No amount of education or condemnation can overcome visceral satisfaction.



To be sure, the fight must continue. We must make sure Jews are protected from bullying and harassment. We must correct the lies, expose and isolate the haters, and use all legal weapons at our disposal.



But let’s not waste time hoping haters will stop hating. Their anger is hard-wired; it feels too good. Most importantly, let’s remember that Jew-haters are in the minority. The silent majority of Americans, as the latest polls show, see Jews favorably. Let’s find them and engage them and make them our allies.



As we continue the fight, that is the group that ought to give us strength and hope—the fellow Americans who find pleasure in liking Jews.


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