ed note–we’ll forego our usual extended commentary for something a lil’ more on the side of ‘short & sweet’, as the saying goes.


No one should be in the least bit shocked or surprised if/when DJT is found guilty on at least one of the 91 felony indictments that have been leveled against him by the same organized Jewish interests that run just about everything else in these J-United States of America and as a result, Haley steps in to win the Republican nomination.


She is the clear choice as far as Israel is concerned, whereas DJT, with his plans for ending the wars in the Middle East and bringing his own version of Pax Americana to the world via his Abraham Accords that would see the creation of a Palestinian state, was/is targeted for destruction going all the way back to 2016.


Furthermore, we would be remiss if we did not point out that the game being played here against DJT is just a continuation of the same ‘jrama’ that began in 2016, but which few–VERY FEW–amongst all the self-coronated ‘experts’ in the various ‘truth movements’ that sprang up after 9/11 recognized and accurately diagnosed.



The New Republic


Donald Trump is still facing some lingering opposition in his Republican primaries around the nation, all stemming from holdouts for a candidate who threw in the towel months ago: Nikki Haley.


Three states saw diversions away from Trump’s name on the primary ticket Tuesday. In Maryland, Haley still managed to pull 20 percent—a fifth of the GOP vote in the Old Line State. She also garnered 18 percent of the vote in Nebraska, and 9.4 percent of the vote in West Virginia. And the numbers aren’t just a fluke; they’re a trend. Earlier this month, Haley nabbed 21 percent of the Republican vote in Indiana, as well as 16.6 percent in Pennsylvania’s GOP presidential primary.


Ultimately, the staunch holdouts are a warning sign for Trump’s campaign. Haley has yet to endorse Trump for president. On her exit from the race on March 6, Haley skirted endorsing the former reality TV star like his other contenders did. Instead, the former U.N. ambassador said it’s up to Trump to ‘earn’ the support of all Republican and independent voters—a critical task that he has not yet seemed to accomplish.


Haley’s brand of politics has formed an intraparty buttress against a growing wave of Trumpism in the Republican Party. Now those holdouts are being courted by an unlikely source: the Democratic Party. When Haley pulled out of the race, President Joe Biden extended an olive branch to her stranded voters, pushing a message of unity with the moderate conservative demographic.


‘Donald Trump made it clear he doesn’t want Nikki Haley’s supporters. I want to be clear: There is a place for them in my campaign,’ Biden said in a statement in March. ‘I know there is a lot we won’t agree on. But on the fundamental issues of preserving American democracy, on standing up for the rule of law, on treating each other with decency and dignity and respect, on preserving NATO and standing up to America’s adversaries, I hope and believe we can find common ground.’

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