Former presidential candidate and UN envoy Nikki Haley visits Israel, accompanied by former UN envoy Danny Danon, to meet officials and assess security challenges.


ed note–we’ll forego the usual extended commentary for something short-n-sweet, as the saying goes.


It is important to note that Haley’s ‘escort’ while she is on her ‘solidarity visit’ to the Pirate State is none other than Danny Danon, former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations.


But that is not the only ‘feather’ in his cap, nor is it a necessarily important factoid s it relates to Haley’s visit. He is also Chairman of the organization ‘World Likud’, which is not only an extension of Netanyahu’s Likud Party itself, but much like the ADL and other international Jewish groups, is an extension of Israeli intelligence aimed at promoting Likud’s plans and policies, one of which is revealed in the following pic–



–Greater Israel, just as it is outlined within the Torah (Old Testament) spanning from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers.


So, the long and short of it is that ‘Darling Nikki’ is not in Israel just to show her ‘solidarity’. She is on a sales trip, selling herself as POTUS, wheeling and dealing/wining and dining and doing her political version of the dance of the 7 veils, removing stitch after stitch of clothing in ‘sealing the deal’ for what she is willing to do once Netanyahu has made sure that DJT does not get elected.


As we say often folks, no one should make the mistake of thinking that the Jews are anything other than very cunning, very crafty.





Former presidential candidate and UN envoy Nikki Haley landed in Israel on Sunday to visit affected communities in the north and south of the country and to meet with senior Israeli officials.


Haley was welcomed by Israel’s former UN envoy Danny Danon, who will accompany her on the trip.


Danon, who previously worked as Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations alongside Ambassador Haley, will join her during her visit to offer firsthand insights into the challenges Israel faces in the area, was later reported in a statement from the Danon’s Media and Foreign Relations department.


Additionally, a list of activities planned for Haley’s solidarity visit was included in the statement and inlcluded meeting with heads of state and security establishment, engagement October 7 and war survivors, as well as returned hostages. Furthermore, Haley is expected to participate in briefings with top security personnel and leading military officials. Finally, Haley and Danon would visit the south and north of Israel and listen to in-depth security assessments.


During an initial private meeting, Danon shared with Haley an update on the current situation in Israel in light of the recent missiles from the South. Later this week, they are expected to visit Israel’s Southern communities together.



Rumors on running mate


On May 11, Reuters reported, citing Axios, that Nikki Haley was under active consideration by former US President Donald Trump’s campaign to be running mate. Trump could pick Haley if he were convinced she could help him win the presidency, avoid a potential prison sentence and cover tens of millions in legal bills if he loses, the report added.


However, shortly after, a following report dismissed the rumors, stating Trump has not considered Haley for running mate, ‘Nikki Haley is not under consideration for the VP slot, but I wish her well!’ Trump wrote on his social media platform Truth Social.


Last Wednesday, Despite lobbing harsh criticisms at her former rival on the campaign trail, Haley stated she would vote for Trump, according to a Reuters report. ‘Trump has not been perfect on these policies. I’ve made that clear many, many times. But Biden has been a catastrophe. So I will be voting for Trump,’ Haley told an audience during a question-and-answer session on Wednesday at the Washington-based Hudson Institute, a conservative think tank.

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