ed note–we are asked from time to time why it is that we maintain such a dour opinion of the various ‘neighborhoods’ making up the ‘pro-Palestine/anti-Zionist’ movement, and this story is a case-study explanation as to why.


So, the story here is how the savages in Israel are mocking the death-by-incineration of 45 innocent Palestinian men, women and children following the rabid dogs of the IDF unleashing missiles on a TENT CAMP.


The method of this mockery was/is the fact that the savages of Israel were at the very moment of this Holocaust of Palestinian Gentiles, in the midst of their yearly celebration known as ‘Lag b’Omer’, the day wherein Jews commemorate the last of the wars between the Jews and Romans that ended in 135 AD and which saw the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s warnings about what was to befall those who conspired to murder Him by saying that ‘not one stone would be left upon another’ i.e. TOTAL destruction of Judea.


So much for that silly ‘I will bless those who bless thee and curse those who curse thee’ nonsense that is burped incessantly these days both by Jews and by their mentally retarded Christian Zionist worshipers.


Anyway, as we have pointed out on this humble little informational endeavor, somewhere between a million and a billion times, virtually ALL of the yearly Jewish religious celebrations in some way festivate the death and destruction of those Gentile civilizations that got sideways with yahweh’s chosen troglodytes. Passover celebrates the destruction of Egypt, H’Nooka the destruction of Greece, Purim the destruction of Persia, and in the case of the latter, underscoring just how sick and depraved these Torah Terrorists really are, every year they make pastries that resemble/represent the body parts and internal organs of their Persian enemies in what is a celebration of a type of religious cannibalism.


And yet, despite these facts that have been out there for Gentiles to study and to consider for all their deeper, darker, and DANGEROUS implications, year after year, non-Judah-ites will co-celebrate these yearly festivals rooted in Gentile destruction without understanding the deeper meanings behind them.


Presidents, prime ministers and potentates–INCLUDING MANY FROM MUSLIM COUNTRIES–will, year after year at the appropriate time, wish the Jews living within their respective nations a ‘Happy Passover’, a ‘Happy H’Nookah’ or a ‘Happy Purim’ as the Jews coagulate and celebrate the (perceived) past destruction of great Gentile civilizations.


And then, we see events such as those described in the news story below, featuring savage Judah-ites making fun of the fiery deaths of 45 innocent Palestinians, and Gentiles are shocked and outraged, when in fact, the shock and outrage is more the insult than the mockery itself, because this is by no means a ‘new thing’ when it comes to the Jews.


Now, returning to the original statement as to why we maintain such a dour assessment of the various ‘movements’ revolving around the rights of the Palestinians and the need to ‘get tough’ with the Jews, nota bene the following–


The answers to all the questions that are raised in the aftermath of some horrible atrocity such as this are right there in plain sight for those who just bother to look, and yet, AND YET, even now, thousands of years after the fact, the Gentiles REFUSE to sit down and study these dangerous people and the dangerous religious mentality that drives their deadly and genocidal behavior for fear of being called ‘bigots’, ‘racists’ and–lest we forget–‘anti-Semites’.


So, as far as we here at this humble little informational endeavor are concerned, all yuuz out there making spectacles of yourselves in condemning actions such as those described in the story below, and doing so believing that you are striking a blow for the cause of justice while at the same time, refusing to get to the real ‘meat of the matter’…




Middle East Eye


Soon after an Israeli air strike slammed into a camp in southern Gaza’s Rafah on Sunday night, tearing through the bodies of dozens of Palestinian men, women and children and igniting a ferocious blaze, video footage of the aftermath drew horror and condemnation worldwide.


In Israel, however, prominent figures and members of the public viewed the massacre and the fire as the perfect way to celebrate a religious holiday.


Sunday was Lag BaOmer, a Jewish holiday where people across Israel light bonfires as a representation of spiritual light brought by Shimon bar Yochai, a revered second-century rabbi.


Usually, the day’s most prominent celebration is found on Mount Meron at Shimon bar Yochai’s tomb, where a large bonfire is lit and tens of thousands of worshippers gather in one of the largest mass events in the Jewish world.


But this weekend, security concerns restricted the attendance to just 30 people, prompting Yinon Magal, a senior journalist at Israel’s Channel 14, to post images of the Gaza massacre with the caption: ‘The main lighting of the year in Rafah.’ He later removed the post on X.


Another journalist, Naveh Dromi at i24, reposted a video of the blaze under the caption ‘Happy Holiday’. That post was also later removed.


Yoav Eliasi, a far-right rapper and activist also known by his stage name ‘The Shadow’, posted videos of the Rafah fire on Telegram that also presented the incident as a Lag BaOmer bonfire.


On Sunday night and Monday morning, Israeli social media was abuzz, sharing jokes and memes mocking the Rafah massacre.


One of the most shocking images from Rafah on Sunday night was a man holding up the body of a child that had no head. A member of a popular right-wing Israeli Telegram group shared a photo of the man holding the dead child mocked up as an advert selling chicken. ‘Fresh chicken 1 shekel a kilo,’ it said.


Many drew comparisons with Lag BaOmer bonfires. ‘The Nazis burned themselves,’ one Israeli posted on X. ‘Lag BaOmer – the Rafah version’ wrote another while sharing footage of the incident, which later was reposted by Dromi.


At least 45 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli strike on the area of Rafah that Israel had designated as ‘safe’ and told displaced people to settle in. On Friday, the International Court of Justice had ordered Israel to stop its offensive on Rafah.


The Israeli army said the strike was ‘precise’ and targeted two senior Hamas officials. Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said he held the United States responsible for supplying Israel with weaponry and financial assistance.


Condemnation has flooded in from European and Arab capitals. French President Emmanuel Macron said he was ‘outraged’ by the attack. ‘These operations must stop. There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians,’ he said, adding that there needs to be an immediate ceasefire.


More than 36,000 Palestinians have been killed since October by Israel’s war on Gaza, the vast majority of them women and children.

4 thoughts on “Savage Jews in Israel celebrate mass murder of 45 Palestinians on social media”
  1. “AND YET, even now, thousands of years after the fact, the Gentiles REFUSE to sit down and study these dangerous people and the dangerous religious mentality that drives their deadly and genocidal behavior for fear of being called ‘bigots’, ‘racists’ and–lest we forget–‘anti-Semites’.”
    Perhaps in defense of the Gentiles –‘THEY’ do control the “group think” through the media–even though, throughout the Ages, there have been some bright lights exposing THEM.
    Even with the religious who study the Bible, it should be CLEAR that they are the CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL–with their full characteristics being in full view and on daily display in the Gaza genocide–and yet there is no condemnation of it by the religious folk or their leadership. Let’s go one step further, these things that have taken up residence in the Holy Land and killing all the indigenous peoples there with civilizations dating back thousands of years are not of the Human species AT ALL. They are the Serpent Race and we are supposed to bring Christ into the equation of ridding ourselves of THEM:

  2. “Perhaps in defense of the Gentiles –‘THEY’ do control the “group think” through the media–even though, throughout the Ages, there have been some bright lights exposing THEM.”
    Respectfully Amber, no excuse.

    Ignorance is often born out of cowardice. Americans are unprincipled, lazy and self-absorbed. They don’t want to learn of and investigate an injustice. They’ll know they should speak up over it. They might have a twinge of guilt knowing they should speak up over it and know they won’t, so they willfully stay ignorant.

    I hope tech-savvy individuals are compiling every possible bit of film footage of this genocide and will edit it down to intelligent lengths to feed the public, now and forever, especially these complicit god-awful cowardly politicians who are not just looking away and avoiding the subject, but supplying Satan’s Children with the weapons of destruction and genocide. Not one politician that voted to arm the jews with weapons of mass destruction and genocide should ever be re-elected. Not one. And that’s being incredibly lenient. Damn them.

  3. I really cant blame the pro-Palestine/anti-Zionist movements for what they do not know about Torah-based Judaism being carried out currently. The open secret for over 3000 years (the declaration of war on All humanity) is a Gentile problem.

    ed note–We respectfully disagree…

    If there is any one group of people who should understand–or at least who should WANT to understand–the foundational nature of this thing known as the ‘Jewish Proeblem’, it is (or at least should be) those who are dedicated to the Palestinian cause, since they have been the center of the bullseye now for over a century.

    What it stems from is not that they don’t know, but rather that they don’t want to know. The number of times that we here at this humble little informational endeavor have been shut up, shut down, told to be quiet and otherwise cut out of any discussion on this problem due to our insistence of microscoping the particular pathogen responsible for all of this–the Judah-ism itself–is a number so high that God Almighty has not yet invented it.

  4. “ed note–We respectfully disagree…

    If there is any one group of people who should understand–or at least who should WANT to understand–the foundational nature of this thing known as the ‘Jewish Proeblem’, it is (or at least should be) those who are dedicated to the Palestinian cause, since they have been the center of the bullseye now for over a century.

    What it stems from is not that they don’t know, but rather that they don’t want to know. The number of times that we here at this humble little informational endeavor have been shut up, shut down, told to be quiet and otherwise cut out of any discussion on this problem due to our insistence of microscoping the particular pathogen responsible for all of this–the Judah-ism itself–is a number so high that God Almighty has not yet invented it.”

    Good counter, I understand. While they mean well and are correct on just about everything they point out, there is one obvious commonality.
    The thing I routinely hear ‘pro-Palestine/anti-Zionist movement’ talking heads say, is that “Israel is the U.S. aircraft carrier in the ME”, “Israel is the U.S. attack dog in the ME”, and “Israel takes orders from the U.S. and carries out imperialism”, blah blah blah. Nothing can be further from the truth. Its the complete opposite scenario. American ME policy IS Israeli policy. The tail (Israel) wags the dog (The US). Israel controls both political parties thru AIPAC and/or blackmail.

    ed note–exactly, and the point of all of this is how much damage is done by slogans that are thrown out there in the public discourse that are untrue and detached from reality. If it is one thing that can be said about them, it is that the Jews are very crafty, very cunning, and they know how to sabotage all countermeasures that they face. They know that they can’t stop all discussions about them, so what they in effect do is to say to polemicists and journalists covering the Palestinian situation is ‘ok, have your discussion, but keep it within these ‘guidelines’. In the process then, the discussion goes in circles and winds up going nowhere, everyone ‘gets it out of their system’ and in the meantime the Jews can chalk up yet another victory for their side.

    As we say often on the website, no one ever accused them of being stupid.

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