Former US Ambassador to the UN visits north during solidarity trip to Israel. ‘America stands by Israel. Israel is fighting the enemies of the US today. Don’t stop until you win.’


ed note–remember as you read this ladies and Gentile-men, Haley is not there just to ‘show solidarity’ with Israel.


She is there to ‘seal the deal’ in terms of what she is willing to do if/when Trump is knocked out of the race for POTUS via the mechanism of his being convicted on any one of the 91 felony criminal charges that Netanyahu’s team of spies, saboteurs and assassins have brought against him and she is rushed in as the Republican candidate for 2024.


As we say often on this website, ladies and Gentile-men, no one ever accused the Jews of being stupid.



Israel National News


As part of her visit to Israel, the former US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, toured the northern border today (Tuesday) together with MK Ambassador Danny Danon. The two met with Sheikh Tarif and dignitaries of the Druze community. This visit was followed by a security briefing from Colonel-in-Chief, Yuval Bazak.


During the tour of the IDF base MK Danon and Amber Nikki Haley visited the IDF post and met with soldiers serving on the northern border. There she signed missiles with ‘Finish them! America loves Israel!’


The tour ended with a visit to Kibbutz Kabri where they met with residents of the kibbutz and heard from them about the unbearable situation in which the residents of the north live during this period.


Former US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley said: ‘I was here in 2017 with my friend Danny Danon and I warned against the strengthening of Hezbollah. I want to say in the clearest way: America stands by Israel. Israel is fighting the enemies of the US today. Don’t stop until you win.’


Israel’s former ambassador to the UN, MK Danny Danon, said: ‘The situation in the north is intolerable and cannot continue. Israel must take the initiative and change the equation. The residents of the north will return to their homes.’

2 thoughts on “Whore for Israel Nikki Haley signs missiles soon to be launched against innocent women and children with ‘Finish them! America loves Israel!’”
  1. Biden/Trump/Haley are all puppets of i$rahell. What can we do in the USA? I voted for Vivek Ramaswamy as he initially wanted to stop funding i$rahell. Are you able to read my Google logo sign?

    ed note–If Trump were truly the ‘puppet’ of Israel as you allege, then all the turbulence that marked his term, brought against him courtesy of the ‘Deep State’ would never have happened. There would have been no Covid 19, no Impeachments, no theft of the elections, and there CERTAINLY would not be 91 felony charges brought against him. Gangsters don’t shoot those horses that they have bet a ton of money on to win.

    Israel began its seek and destroy mission against him the moment he announced his plans for the office of POTUS in 2016. Only someone who was sleep walking through the 4 years of his term could have missed all of this.

    Where were you, and why, still to this very day, are you unable to put the pieces of this puzzle together?

    It is a mainstay of discussion within these various ‘movements’ geared–tacitly or implicitly–towards Gentile liberation, that the Jews possess powers over us that we can’t match. It must be understood however that this master/slave relationship becomes CONSENSUAL the moment in which these same Gentiles say/do stupid things that only help the Jews out in their lordship over us, and that includes engaging in offhand, poorly-reasoned ‘analysis’ of political issues, not the least of which are those involving Trump and how he is ‘owned’ by the Jews, which he is not.

  2. That the Jews hate Trump is as obvious as a heart attack, and only someone who is either retarded or else a professional online agitator doesn’t see that.

    As this website has pointed out for many years, there’s only one group of people who have the kind of power to cause Trump the amount of trouble he’s had to deal with since 2016, and it ain’t the Jesuits.

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