ed note–as always, lots to unpack here, ladies and Gentile-men…


Firsto, the following fact needs to be understood–




Sorry to assault the eyes of the reader by going cap-crazy, but unfortunately due to what is the overwhelming lack of attention span these days on the part of the average human being when discussing trivial matters such as WWIII and Armageddon, we are forced to resort to somewhat drastic measures.


Now, of the many reasons that the above info is important, one of the primary reasons is because the discourse these days–and especially since Oct. 7th–on the part of world Jewry is that the creation of a Palestinian state would be DANGEROUS, not only for Israel’s security, but as well, in that the precedent would be set viz ‘rewarding terrorists’ for their violent actions.


But again, ladies and Gentile-men, this is not the real reason that the followers of Torah Judah-ism oppose the creation of a Palestinian state. They have opposed it for 3,000 years, long before there were ever groups such as the PLO, Fatah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.


They oppose it for the simple reason that their book tells them that they own everything, the ‘promised land’, just as it is deeded within various passages in the Torah, or Old Testament, to wit–


‘On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates’… –Book of Genesis, 15:18


‘And God spoke unto us saying, ‘Go to the hill-country and all the places nigh thereunto… in the Arabah, the hill-country and in the Lowland… in the South and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates…Go in therefore and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, unto them and to their seed after them…’ –Book of Deuteronomy 1:6–8


‘Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border…’ –Book of Deuteronomy


‘…From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto the great river, the Euphrates, all the land unto the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border…’ –Book of Joshua


Now, as far as the particulars found in the steaming, stinking pile of Judaic brain excrement below, nota bene the following–


Biden intends to push for the creation of a Palestinian state as much as he intends to announce to the world the truth concerning Trump winning the 2020 election and that he himself is an illegal usurper. 


All he is doing is to make the noise necessary in keeping up appearances for his Democratic base in an election year. He has given the Jews everything they have demanded, from weapons to money to political support at the UN. The Jews may make grumbling noises about him, but remember, they were the ones who made sure to run DJT out of office and to see Biden installed because they knew–given what they were planning viz the events of Oct. 7th–that they needed a weak, feckless POTUS instead of someone like Trump who would have never allowed any of it to take place at all.


Furthermore, and please pay very close attention to this, ladies and Gentile-men, Trump is out for revenge against Netanyahu and the Jews know this, which means that they are going to resort to even DIRTIER tricks than they did during the 4 years of Trump’s presidency in order to prevent his plans for the creation of a Palestinian state, which would now have been a fait accompli per his ‘Deal of the Century’ had it not been for the release of the Covid virus cooked up at the IIBR–the Israeli Institute for Biological Research–and a stolen election.


And for those who discount just how far the Jews are willing to go in preventing this ‘Palestinian State’, nota bene the last paragraph of the essay and understand that these are not mere words nor hyperbole on the part of this deranged Judah-ite and his co-tribalists, and in understanding this, it is not difficult then to imagine just how far ‘they’ are willing to go in preventing anyone and anything from getting in ‘their’ way, to wit–


‘The political strangulation plan on the part of the US administration that forces Israel to establish a Palestinian state must be stopped, and the weapon that has been pressed to the temple of the free world’s greatest friend in the Middle East must be lowered.’



Israel Ganz for Jpost


The Jewish nation was mistaken in thinking that they had left the horrors of the Holocaust behind them on European soil. On the morning of October 7, 2023, everything became topsy-turvy. A thoroughly planned massacre was unleashed by the Gaza Strip’s Arabs against the people of Israel. They slaughtered, raped, and beheaded children – not holding back from any inhumane act.


In the first days following the massacre, I visited the southern communities. The sights and the horrors taught me that the terrorists in Gaza could be the mentors for ISIS.


Despite the astonishment, these horrors cannot be described as a surprise. Anyone who has monitored the Palestinian Authority and Hamas in recent years, who opened their official Education Ministry textbooks, listened to their official media, and the words emanating from their religious and political leaders, might have been surprised by the timing and scope of their military capabilities, but not by the actions themselves. Those who live here and hear the incitement from the mosques every week were not surprised.


The real surprise came precisely from our friends overseas. While the State of Israel is fighting for its existence like sheep among a pack of wolves in the Middle East, the US administration, led by the president, chose at this time to impose a calamity on the State of Israel and called for the establishment of a Palestinian state.


This foolish and outdated act is being pushed by the US as if the Palestinian terrorist state, established in Gaza at the initiative of Israel and with America’s blessing 19 years ago, did not explode in our faces. The establishment of a Palestinian state will mirror the Gaza model and bring the savages of Hamas and Fatah closer to our homes in Judea and Samaria, and only 20 km. from Tel Aviv.


The establishment of a Palestinian state after the October 7 massacre by Hamas is an enormous danger to Israel’s existence and a moral disgrace. The American administration is pushing to realize the vision of Hamas terrorists who targeted the communities in the South with the aim of murdering Jews and establishing a state. In return, they are rewarded as the powerful Americans are working on their behalf, as they continue to fight over all of Israel, hoping for its destruction.


Imagine if the US would recognize al-Qaeda’s sovereignty over Central Park following the 9/11 attacks, an idea that did not cross the minds of any Americans, yet this is the type of logic they are holding over Israel’s head.


IT CANNOT be that Israel’s existential need for American weapons is being exploited by the administration and held over the Jewish state’s head, which could lead to the next October 7 tragedy.


The Israeli people are grateful for the American aid in providing ammunition and in the political arena. But the State of Israel is more deserving of a bigger ‘thank you.’ Israel fights alone on the frontlines against the global forces of evil who know their way to New York’s skyscrapers.


US assistance to the Jewish people for self-defense against those who are working to destroy them stems from a moral position. More important than Israel receiving planes and bombs, the United States needs to be an active partner out of a sense of morality.


And if this were not enough of a blow for Israel, the United States under President Joe Biden is promoting further measures against Israel in a time of war. The president recently signed a draconian executive order that imposes unprecedented sanctions against those who think differently from the American administration regarding the establishment of a Palestinian state.


Without trial and evidence, the US tramples on the most basic values of human rights and freedom, and does so even while blatantly interfering and trampling on the sovereignty of the State of Israel.


The executive order is not only skewed and immoral, it is embarrassing. The ‘settler violence’ campaign turned out to be fake news that the administration fell for. The insistence that government representatives not get to know the area, and not to talk to those who live here, brings about such charlatan decisions.


The political strangulation plan of the US administration that forces Israel to establish a Palestinian state must be stopped, and the weapon that has been pressed on the temple of the free world’s greatest friend in the Middle East must be lowered.

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