Today’s Program–


The sudden death of Iran’s President Raisi–a weather-related accident as it has been described or an assassination on the part of Israel/USA?




The Savage Nation, Israel, the Jewish State–the alligator in the suit, wearing all the outward appearances of civilization and humanity, but inwardly, a ravenous beast…


The bloodshed in Gaza beginning on Oct. 7th is all part of Israel’s planned ‘coming out of the closet’ party in announcing to the world that she is not like the civilized nations of the Gentiles, but rather–as war criminal/mass murderer Ariel Sharon once stated in an interview following his role in the Sabra and Shatilla Massacre–


‘…a wild country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, one that might go crazy, go wild, burn all the oil fields in the Middle East, or might start World War III, just like that…’


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