Opposition leader says he personally attended key security briefing with PM which prompted his own Sept. 20 public warning, cites ‘intelligence materials’ that were shown to both of them prior to Oct. 7
ed note–as always, several ‘must knows’ that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to know about this.
Firsto, as we are wont to do on this humble little informational endeavor, a lil’ historical background to all of this.
As much as the the Jews, meaning the followers of Torah Judah-ism, always maintain themselves as a united force in their unceasing war against Gentiles and against Gentile civilization, at times they do find themselves at variance with each other over HOW that war against Gentiles is to be prosecuted.
Let us repeat and clarify this statement so that there is no ambiguity or confusion–They are always seeking our destruction, but at times, there is disagreement, and most certainly at the top where decisions are made, as to how this destruction is to be carried out.
Hence the difference between the ‘left-wing’ Jew and the ‘right-wing’ Jew…
They each represent 2 sides of the same coin, that ‘coin’ of course bearing the inscription ‘La Kosher Nostra’, but depending on what side the coin happens to land when it gets ‘tossed’ and whoever the winner happens to be in that toss will decide the manner in which the unceasing war against the Gentiles is to be carried out.
The right winger–clearly the less intelligent of the 2–prefers to kill his victims out in the open in a manner that is brash, bold, LOUD, and without fear of any consequences. He uses the biggest and baddest gun he can find, does it in broad daylight in the presence of hundreds of eyewitnesses and then later posts pictures of what he did on his X account celebrating the act.
The left winger on the other hand, clearly the more intelligent and cautious of the 2, makes sure that this is done in such a manner as to arouse as little suspicion as possible and that he protects the thin veneer of his respectable social standing. His manner of killing his intended victim is to poison him (or her) slowly over the period of many months (or years) while posting pics of the 2 of them together having fun, living life and in general, painting a picture of amicability and mutual affection, so that when so-and-so succumbs to the effects of the poison he/she has been drip-dosed over the course of many months or many years, the left-winger has already positioned himself away from any list of suspects, if indeed the investigation into foul play even takes place at all.
Hence the reason why someone such as Lapid is saying the kinds of things he is in the interview below. He and his cadre of fellow ‘LW’ Jews see Netanyahu, Smotrich and Ben Gvir et al as a collective mortal threat to Judea’s plans for destroying world Gentiledom due to the manner in which they operate out in the open in performing their various acts of mass murder and Gentile-cide, hence threatening the entire operation as a whole.
This angst on the part of the left-wingers in La Kosher Nostra is a fact as established as gravity itself and proven to be so by no less than former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak in his comments just a year or so ago, too wit–
‘In conversations between Israelis and Western diplomatic officials, there are deep concerns raised about the possibility that if (Netanyahu’s) coup in Israel succeeds, a messianic dictatorship that possesses nuclear weapons and fanatically wishes for a confrontation with Islam centered on the Temple Mount will be established in the heart of the Middle East…’
Now, just for reasons of clarity, Barak and the rest of the lefties within LKN–La Kosher Nostra–are not opposed to a ‘messianic dictatorship’. Nor are they opposed to a ‘confrontation with Islam’ over the Temple Mount. What makes Jews of this type jittery is that it is happening too quickly and too loudly and therefore, results in a situation wherein Judea Resurreta–rather than fighting a few thousand Palestinians over the course of many decades, instead–finds herself fighting billions of Gentiles worldwide ALL AT ONCE who have finally come to their senses concerning the historical mistake of breathing new life into this monster that had been buried in the trash heap of history 2,000 years ago, as the Creator intended.
Now, the other thing worth noting about Lapid’s comments below is the manner in which it has more to do with the Gentiles than it does with whatever internecine fights that are taking place within LKN.
Just like Ehud Barak, Lapid is a former Prime Minister, so his words carry a great deal of weight and authority. Furthermore, if his testimony is true, and there is little reason for the rest of us to assume otherwise (as difficult as that is to imagine, given the Jews’ magnetic attraction towards lying) what it means is that Oct. 7th was an event which Netanyahu and Likud not only KNEW was coming, but indeed, an event that they wanted to happen. Furthermore, all can assume that in addition to allowing it to happen, that Israel also made sure that her own agents deeply embedded within Hamas were there to carry out all the infamous and over-hyped acts of murder, rape, mutilation of bodies, etc that has been baked into the lore of the events of that day in order to legitimatize Israel’s narrative that everything taking place in Gaza in the aftermath of Oct. 7th was/is part and parcel of Israel ‘defending herself’ given that the events of that day were all a ‘surprise attack’.
Now, as to how all of this relates to the Gentiles…
This narrative–‘Israel didn’t know’–crafted by Netanyahu and Likud, has been THE dominant narrative/understanding of the Oct. 7th attacks that has facilitated Israel’s excuse that the genocide taking place in Gaza since that day has been part of the justified response in her ‘defending’ herself. A mirrored image of the same excuses that were given in the aftermath of Sept. 11, i.e. that ‘intelligence failures’ were responsible for the events of that day, likewise, all the religiously-mandated/religiously-guided murder and mayhem on the part of the Pirates of Judea towards the Gentiles in Gaza could only, repeat–ONLY–be made possible by accepting and propagating this Judaically-constructed narrative that ‘Israel didn’t know’.
Now, while some leniency can be granted for those who spend more time in an hour reading pointless posts on their X accounts about what their friend’s cat had for lunch then they will spend in a year reading something of genuine substance- (not the least of which is the Genocide taking place in Gaza and its connection to WWIII) the same leniency cannot be granted to those who should know better.
Those who are institutionally and constitutionally dedicated to following, understanding and (at least ostensibly) fighting against the dangers which all humanity faces in the aftermath of the most unholy of resurrections taking place in 1948 and who have neglected entirely the obligation of telling the world that the events of Oct 7th were as much part of Israel’s unceasing war again the Gentiles as were the events of 9/11 have been not just a ‘lil’ derelict in their duties, but indeed, AWOL in toto.
And of those, the most culpable have been those who have propagated the nonsense that the events of Oct. 7th and the murder of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza was all part of the ‘grand plan’ on the part of the ‘Axis of Resistance’ in revealing to the world how dangerous the Jewish State is to all life on God’s Green Earth, that Israel ‘didn’t know’ and that somehow, against all odds, Hamas bested the most surveillance-savvy and technologically-superior state on the entire planet. By their embracing this fairy tale, a fairy tale cooked up by no less than Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben Gvir et al, these types have not only contributed to the indescribable misery that the Palestinians in Gaza have experienced these last 9 months, but indeed, have helped to facilitate that same Apocalyptic end result to which the Pirates of Judea intend to take all of this, which is nothing short WW3 and nuclear Armageddon.
Times of Israel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was briefed on the looming dangers to Israel ahead of Hamas’s October 7 attack, and was told by defense chiefs that national security was at risk, but willfully ignored ‘all the red flags, all the warnings,’ Opposition leader Yair Lapid charged in an exclusive interview with The Times of Israel.
Consequently Netanyahu, who has refused to accept direct overall responsibility as prime minister for the failure to prevent Hamas’s invasion and slaughter, should have resigned on October 8, Lapid said.
The Yesh Atid leader and former prime minister mentioned a specific security briefing at which Netanyahu was present, and which he himself attended in his capacity as opposition leader, referred to ‘intelligence materials’ that Netanyahu and he were shown, and cited what he said were direct warnings delivered to the prime minister by the heads of the IDF.
At the security briefing in the final weeks before the Hamas invasion and slaughter, noted Lapid, ‘He heard the same things I heard, from General [Avi] Gil, [the prime minister’s military secretary],’ Lapid said. ‘And then I read the intelligence materials that he saw.’
‘All the signs, all the red flags, all the warnings’ were there, Lapid charged, but Netanyahu ‘ignored them all.’
So troubled was Lapid by this security briefing, he recalled, that on September 20 he held a press conference at which ‘I said, something horrible is going to happen. And Gaza was mentioned. And I said, Our parents are going to sit in safe rooms. Our children are going to die.’
Lapid began that press conference by declaring, ‘Ahead of Yom Kippur, I am compelled to warn the citizens of Israel: We are drawing close to a multi-front confrontation.’
In the previous government, led by him and Naftali Bennett, Lapid added, ‘We were alert, and there was no way on earth that if the chief of staff and his senior generals, had come into the room — as happened with Netanyahu — and said, ‘You’re risking Israel’s security; your judicial reform is actually undermining our deterrence because our enemy sees this as an opportunity,’ that I or Bennett would ignore it.’
Added Lapid: ‘This is why it wouldn’t have happened on our shift — and this is why he shouldn’t have been prime minister since October 8.’
Regarding the continuing indirect negotiations with Hamas on a hostage-ceasefire deal, Lapid accused Netanyahu of stalling in order to keep far-right parties from bolting his coalition, and said the prime minister’s recent insistence on an ongoing Israeli presence along the Philadelphi Corridor between Gaza and Egypt was a pretext.
‘The war started on October 7. He, as the prime minister, sent troops to the Philadelphi Corridor in May. That is almost eight months afterwards,’ he noted. ‘For eight months, you didn’t think the Philadelphi Corridor is the most important thing. All of a sudden, this is the only thing that matters. I’m not saying that the Philadelphi Corridor is not important. It is important. But it is way more important to finalize the hostage deal.’
Such a deal ‘will also calm the north,’ argued Lapid. ‘But more than that, Israeli society will never heal unless the hostages are back. And we can actually use the break from fighting to rebuild and reshape Israeli society and the army for the challenges we face — and make sure everybody understands that now we have an ability to be more proactive about what is going on up north — not to mention Iran, which has always been the biggest challenge. And this hostage deal is also the only path toward the regional coalition that is essential to dealing with Iran.’
Lapid in the interview insisted that Israel, post-Netanyahu, can return to being ‘what we were supposed always to be. We can be happy, we can be optimistic, we can be hopeful. We can be functional — which we are not right now.’
But first, he reiterated, Netanyahu has to go. ‘The thing that matters about Netanyahu is that he’s not working for the country,’ said Lapid. ‘He’s interested in power per se and not the power to do good.’
‘The fact that Netanyahu is saying things about unity or divisiveness doesn’t matter. You have to look at what he’s doing, and what he’s doing right now is not making the hostage deal that he should be, not building the budget for the good of everybody. He doesn’t respect the sacrifices this country is making. He’s flying around in this private jet. He hasn’t been to one kibbutz since October 7. So he cannot tell me that he’s for the country. He’s for himself.’
The only plausible question about the Oct 7 attack is Israel’s role in it.
1) Was it “let it happen”?
2) Was it “helped it happen”?
3) Or was it “ordered it, planned it, and financed it to happen”?
My conclusion? Number 3. Absolutely, certainly.