The rabbi added that an alleged sniper attack was a divine intervention meant to ensure Trump opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state.


ed note–one again, ladies and Gentile-men, as we have stated many, many times over the course of many, many years on this humble little informational endeavor, it has been Donald’s Trump’s plans for ending the bloodshed in the Middle East that serves as the main fulcrum around which the entire wheel of opposition to him turns. It was never about ‘borders’, or ‘immigration’, or guns, or ‘Nazis’ or abortion, or any of the other ‘teeth’ with which the Judaic shark has attempted to chew him up and devour/destroy him, but rather about this–



–which Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud have opposed with 666% of their collective being, as obviously evidenced by the events of the last 11 months.


Now, ‘newbies’ to the topic of Trump’s plans for pulling the fuse out of the ticking time-bomb which the Jews lit 3,000 years ago as part of their ‘Greater Israel’ plan (as well as those who are hopelessly wedded to the ‘Trump is owned by ‘d’Jooz’ catechism) will of course be shocked to hear of this ‘minor detail’ that for all intents and purposes functions as the ‘missing link’ in understanding the reasons for the seek-and-destroy mission against him in the part of the ‘Deep State’/NWO.


But it’s not that it hasn’t been there, ladies and Gentile-men. It has been there FROM THE VERY BEGINNING, and by that we mean all the way back in 2016, it’s just that few–VERY FEW–bothered to devote as much as a micro-millisecond’s worth of attention to it, and ESPECIALLY those types who have made a name for themselves as ‘experts’ when it comes to understanding/explaining the twisting, winding intrigues and complexities associated with the Controversy of Zion, borrowing the title of a must-read book by author Douglas Reed.


Now, for those who are GENUINELY interested in knowing more about this, we here at this humble little informational endeavor recommend getting your hands on another must-read book by Israeli author Barak Ravid entitled ‘Trump’s Peace’–



–that lays out in eye-popping detail the real nature of the relationship between Trump and Netanyahu during Trump’s first term, how they hated each other and how Netanyahu himself maneuvered various chess pieces behind the scenes in order to destroy Trump’s plans for bringing peace to the Middle East and ESPECIALLY his plans for the creation of a Palestinian State.


Now, as to what the diabolically-deranged rabbi has to say below, nota bene the following–


This is prima face evidence of ‘how they do it’, meaning the Jews of La Kosher Nostra when they want to communicate certain messages in a certain manner to certain important people (including Trump) in which ‘the point’ gets made in a very subtle yet impossible-to-misunderstand manner.


Please consider the underlying message he is conveying here to Trump, and–just as importantly–to Trump’s biggest base of support, nutcases such as these types–



–that represent the singular LARGEST voting block in America, and who care more about the Jews and their infernal Jewish State than they do about their own country–


‘You were almost assassinated, Mr. President, and you would be dead today were it not for that ‘divine intervention’ of a mere millimeter, and the reason you were saved was to make clear to you that in the event you are elevated to the highest position in the world as POTUS that it is your duty to prevent the creation of the very same Palestinian state which you proposed with your ‘Deal of the Century’ during your first term’.


Of course, inherent within the very same gansterese informing him how he was ‘saved’ is also the implicit threat that if he moves forward with his original plans of ending all the upheaval in the Middle East with the creation of the same Palestinian State which Netanyahu, Likud and the Jews in general oppose with 666% of their being, that just as easily as someone got to within shooting distance of him in Butler, Pennsylvania, that a repeat of the very same thing can happen again.





Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, a prominent mystical figure, has declared that former US President Donald Trump’s survival from an assassination attempt by a sniper was a divine intervention meant to ensure that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state.


According to the rabbi, God spared Trump’s life so he could affirm his unwavering support for Israel and reject any plans for a Palestinian state, which the rabbi claims will determine Trump’s political fate.



The popular rabbi, known for his mystical interpretations and spiritual teachings, has a large following in Israel and abroad. He often connects political events to divine messages and has previously made statements about the destiny of world leaders based on religious teachings. His followers view him as a spiritual authority who interprets significant global events through the lens of biblical prophecy and Jewish mysticism.


‘The Creator of the Universe moved Trump aside by a fraction of a millimeter, sparing his life from a fatal bullet meant to incapacitate him forever,’ Rabbi Ben Artzi said. ‘This was not simply a stroke of luck; it was an intentional move by the Holy One, blessed be He, who saved Trump to deliver an important message.’


Rabbi Ben Artzi emphasized that this divine intervention is meant to remind Trump of his duty to the Jewish people. ‘G-d, the Father of the Jews, saved Trump not for personal or familial reasons but to ensure that he stands 100% with Israel and against the establishment of a Palestinian state,’ he added.



Prophetic message 


He stressed that Trump’s political future hinges on this stance. The rabbi warned that if Trump sincerely commits to rejecting a Palestinian state and fully supports Israel, he will be re-elected as President of the United States. ‘But if he lies or fails to deliver this message truthfully, he will not be elected,’ the rabbi cautioned. ‘The Creator of the Universe examines the heart, and only if Trump speaks from the deepest depths of his heart will he be chosen again.’

2 thoughts on “Influential Israeli rabbi claims Trump must reject Palestinian state to secure re-election”
  1. RevelationS 2 vs 9. Scumbag Israel did 911 with our stinking CIA, attacked USS Liberty, raped murdered and blackmailed with mossad Maxwell and Epstein, stole US nuclear secrets and material and funded Hamas.

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