Three forensic experts that reviewed the dossier on slain Turkish-American activist say bullet did not ‘ricochet off the ground’ as Israel claims


ed note–a few ugly truths that need to be discussed here ladies, and Gentile-men, as if the situation of this beautiful young lady’s murder wasn’t ugly enough already.


The details contained in the autopsy indicate that this wasn’t just random fire from some run-of-the-mill IDF terrorist, but from a sniper using rounds that are specifically designed to do the most damage and destruction as possible. The 5.56 rounds used by IDF ground troops are full metal jacketed that are not frangible, do not separate and do not leave fragments in the manner discovered in the autopsy. These types of rounds known as ‘ball ammo’ are the result of various agreements by governments that stipulate that fragmenting bullets will not be used in the theatre of war so as to minimize the likelihood of death on the battlefield.




Yes, sounds/seems counter-intuitive, given that what we are talking about here is war, but that’s the way it is.


Snipers however, especially those working for police forces, are free to use frangible/fragmenting projectiles that do the most amount of damage, given that they expand in diameter when making contact and then explode like shattering glass when hitting their target.



The next ugly truth that needs to be understood is that the IDF, Shin Bet or whoever the shooters were knew her to be both a citizen of America and a citizen of Turkey. No one gets through a checkpoint in the West Bank without having their passport/ID scanned and stored in an IDF database.


In other words, they murdered her because she was both a Turkish Citizen and an American one.


The reason for the Jewish State murdering her because of her Turkish citizenship is because ultimately the Jews want the Turks dragged into this war for ‘Greater Israel’, just as Erdogan recently stated, and how better to inflame the already-existing volcanic rage against Israel in Turkey than to murder this beautiful young woman in such a deliberate manner.


The other reason for her murder, i.e. her being a US citizen, is to communicate to the rest of the world the fact that the most powerful attack dog in the world, America, is nothing more than a dog as far as Israel is concerned, that the Jewish State holds the leash and that this attack dog with do nothing in its own interests, NOT EVEN AVENGING THE MURDER OF ONE OF ITS OWN ‘PUPS’ for fear of the repercussions.



Middle East Eye


An autopsy report prepared by the Palestinian Authority indicates that Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, a 26-year-old Turkish-American activist, was directly shot in the head by Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank, according to three forensic experts who reviewed the dossier.



The report, dated 6 September and drafted by a Palestinian medical committee led by Dr Rayyan al-Ali, contradicts the version of events given by Israel and by US President Joe Biden, who said the bullet that killed Eygi appeared to have ‘ricocheted off the ground’. 


Three separate forensic experts who viewed the autopsy report told Middle East Eye that the damage on Ezgi’s skull and the destruction within it indicates that it was a direct hit. 


‘The bullet left large damage inside the skull and indicates that it spent all its kinetic energy in the impacted area in parallel with a gunshot that hit the head directly,’ Polat Erdi, a forensic medicine expert, told MEE.


Eygi, a pro-Palestinian activist with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), was shot in the head when Israeli soldiers opened fire on protestors in the West Bank village of Beita near Nablus last week. 


Sermet Koc, a veteran forensic expert and professor who has practiced autopsies for decades in Turkey, agreed with the assessment that it was a direct hit to the head rather than from a ricochet.


‘Moreover, the size of the entry wound indicates the bullet wasn’t fired from a simple gun or rifle but from a more sophisticated weapon,’ he told MEE, raising the possibility of sniper fire. 


The report said fragments of a bullet were discovered in the brain. ‘All the metal fragments were preserved and handed over to the Public Prosecution directly,’ it said.


The third expert, who asked to remain anonymous, said that several fractures in skull bone and the damage inside the head indicated that the bullet was a direct hit. 


The report summarized the cause of death as follows: ‘We attribute the cause of death to hemorrhage, swelling and rupture of the brain resulting from being injured by a bullet that penetrated the skull cavity, fragmented and lodged.’


On Tuesday, Israel’s military said it was ‘highly likely’ Eygi was killed by Israeli fire ‘indirectly and unintentionally’.


Eyewitnesses have refuted the Israeli claim, telling MEE that she was not near any violence at the time she was killed.


An activist present at the protest said they retreated from soldiers who had shot tear gas into the crowd. Then two rounds of live ammunition were fired at the group, the activist said, one of which struck Eygi in the head.


‘When she was shot, she was standing there doing absolutely nothing with one other woman – it was a deliberate shot because they shot from a very, very, very far distance,’ the activist previously told MEE, speaking on condition of anonymity due to security concerns.


Eygi’s death echoes the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akhlah, who was shot dead by Israel in the West Bank in May 2023. 


Biden initially issued a muted statement backing the Israeli assessment that the bullet that killed Eygi appeared to have ‘ricocheted off the ground’, but as criticism has grown about the incident and the US response, his administration has become more vocal. 


On Wednesday, Biden said he was ‘outraged and deeply saddened’ by the killing, which he said was the result of ‘an unnecessary escalation’.

2 thoughts on “Autopsy report on US citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi indicates she was murdered directly and deliberately by IDF gunshot”
  1. The IDF sniper no doubt did not know who he/she had targeted. It wouldn’t have mattered. Just a lucky shot on a target standing in a war zone. I regret her loss, but contend she was stupid for being there. Any person in a place where idiots with guns roam freely is putting themselves at risk.

  2. I must concur with the ed note attached to the piece–whoever the assassins of this lovely young lady were, they knew she held both American and Turkish citizenship. I have been to the WB and endured the scrutiny that one experiences when crossing into that territory. On several occasions, I was followed by Israeli Intel thugs everywhere I went who didn’t try to hide the fact that they were there with me every step. The editor is correct, me thinks–they killed her deliberately in order to affect 2 outcomes, not the least of which is provoking Turkey into doing something reactive so as to widen the already out of control bloodshed.

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