The Ugly Truth, 2024


In 1993, much of the world was electrified following the release of the blockbuster movie entitled Jurassic Park. The storyline featured dinosaurs, extinct for eons following what paleontologists today believe was a meteor strike, being brought back to life through the ‘miracle’ of modern science via their DNA left in fossils. A large island in the Caribbean was chosen as a suitable locale for these creatures and a planned ‘theme park’ was built that will afford future tourists the ability to come to the island and see these previously-extinct creatures that, up to that point, had existed only as artists’ conceptual drawings based upon the skeletal remains that had been unearthed by archeologists.


In the film were various characters involved with the planning of this project, including several enthusiastic paleontologists whose life work up to that point had been digging up the remains of fossilized dinosaurs and imagining what their behavioral characteristics might have been.


One of the characters in the film however, Dr. Ian Malcolm, opposed the notion of bringing these pre-historic and very dangerous creatures back to life. His argument was that Mother Nature had already spoken on this issue eons ago, had selected the dinosaurs for extinction and that man in his arrogance should not think that just because he can do something as radical as bringing back something that had been made extinct that he necessarily should.


Nevertheless, despite Dr. Malcolm’s warnings about man tampering with nature and the inherent danger involved, the project moves forward. Dinosaurs of various species are brought back to life on the island, including those of a particularly vicious nature such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex. For safety reasons, various high-tech protective measures–including high-voltage electric fencing–are installed on the island in order to keep the more dangerous creatures (such as the T-Rex) contained and controlled.


However, as it is with all technology, and especially with modern technology that involves computers susceptible to ‘glitches’ and failures, all the protective measures fail, and the dinosaurs, including the apocalyptically-dangerous T-Rex, find themselves free to roam, at which time the humans on the island then become prey and are hunted down, one at a time, and eaten.


And in many impossible-to-deny ways, the mega-popular screenplay that shook the world in 1993 is the tale of the modern Jewish State. Not ‘Jurassic Park’ as originally titled, but rather, ‘Jewrassic Park’, where something that had been made extinct eons previously is–against the wisdom of both history and destiny–brought back to life, only to begin anew its reign of terror. Having been ‘resurrected’ and now free to live according to its nature, the Jewish State has over the course of the last near-century lived its daily life as a hunter/killer in destroying/devouring the innocent human life in the region, the most notable of course been the Palestinian people.


And now, as part of the process of rebuilding that Jewrassic ‘kingdom’ that was brought low and destroyed thousands of years ago, not by a meteor as was the case involving the Dinosaurs, but rather, by the hand of destiny and the will of God, it–the Jewish State–is now on the rampage like the dangerous creatures found in the film, and will, if not stopped, destroy and/or devour everything, not only from the Nile to the Euphrates rivers per the commandments of the same Torah Judah-ism that functions as the ‘constitution’ and ‘business model’ of this ‘tourist attraction’ known as ‘Jewrassic Park’, but indeed, the entire world that has now become its ‘habitat’.


It is (and will remain) the ultimate historical irony that the entities primarily responsible for this apocalyptic disaster known as ‘Jewrassic Park’ and for bringing back to life this dangerous pre-historic monster known as the Jewish State were and are the more powerful nations within the Christian world, particularly Great Britain, France and the US, and the reason it can be described as the ultimate historical irony is explained thus–


1. The destruction of Judea in the 1st century AD by the Roman Empire was nothing less than an act of divine mercy, and particularly for this small, powerless group of acolytes and disciples of the person of Jesus Christ. Considered heretics and blasphemers, they were being hunted down and murdered by the Jews of their day for choosing to exercise their 1st Amendment rights to freedom of religion, freedom fo speech and freedom of association. It was only the power of the Roman Empire that brought an end to all religiously-driven murder and mayhem with the events of 70 A.D. where ‘Judea’ was destroyed and was renamed ‘Syria-Palestina’, and the followers of Jesus, Son of Mary, were then free to live their lives without the fear of being hunted down and murdered by the feral and diabolically-insane Judah-ites for their beliefs.


And all of this was undone via the treachery, inhumanity and betrayal of those same Christian nations today, the UK, France, and the US, who for all intents and purposes represent the great, great-grandchildren of the same Romans who in 70 A.D. brought an end to the reign of terror associated with Judea that was military/political equivalent of the same meteor that destroyed the Dinosaurs for the benefit of man who would later appear.


In other words, today’s nations making up the modern-day Roman Empire have, in their arrogance and audacity, decided to abrogate the will and the mercy of God Almighty Himself, and in so doing, have put themselves and all life on earth in more peril than would have existed had the Dinosaurs not been made extinct eons ago.




2. The fact that Jesus Christ Himself, on occasions too numerous to count, warned His followers of the danger posed to them by His eternal enemies, the citizens of the ‘Jewish State’, within His own day. While referring to His own followers as ‘lambs’ and He as their shepherd and protector, His enemies however He contrastingly described–quite unflatteringly, for sure–as ‘vipers’‘wolves’ and as ‘children of their father, the devil’.


Furthermore, and perhaps the greatest historical irony of all, were the warnings which Jesus Himself left for His followers concerning the ‘end of days’ when His enemies would be loosed upon the world in testing the ‘faith’ of the faithful, days which He described thus–


‘…When you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation, let all understand, for then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be equaled again, and if those days were not cut short, no flesh would survive, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened…’


He then went on to describe the deception that would pervade and prevail in those days, when the mind of man would be made dark by dark ideas, false ‘religion’ and moral madness, a picture-perfect description of the manner in which Christians today fall on their knees and worship the great, great grandchildren of those who organized the Mafia murder of the same Messiah they CLAIM to revere, Jesus Christ.


And if the above is not a hand-in-glove description of what has taken place since the opening of ‘Jew-rassic Park’ in the 20th century, the unholy resurrection of this pitiless, ravenous monster whose existence had been brought to an end eons earlier by nothing less than the hand of a merciful Creator, then what else can suffice?


And it is within this context that every honest watcher of world events, and especially those events involving the creation of ‘Jew-rassic Park’, must evaluate and appreciate the role that Islam, and in particular, the role that the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Axis of Resistance are playing today in waging war against this monster. Just as it was the Roman Empire that was the instrument in the hands of the Creator in destroying this monster as a blessing upon mankind in 70 A.D., so too today the aforementioned instruments are being used in the same manner, much unbeknownst on the part of the majority of the world’s peoples who are benefitting from this, and who should, if they were right in the head, begin and end each day with ‘Long Live Islam, and Long Live the Resistance.’

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