The year since October 7 has shown us that Israel can neither be accommodated nor reformed. It must be dismantled, and Zionism must be brought to an end. Only this will finally alleviate the Palestinians’ terrible ordeal over the past 76 years.


ed note–Every word written by our esteemed Palestinian author below is correct–


‘Israel can neither be accommodated nor reformed. It must be dismantled, and Zionism must be brought to an end…’


The problem with this approach is that as long as Judah-ism remains intact, Zionism will return.


In dealing with the Palestinian situation (and the general headache that has been the Jewish State since 1948) commentators from across the spectrum deliberately leave HUGE gaps in the big puzzle involved in all of this, those gaps of course represented by the fact that while Zionism is indeed the ‘tumor’ as it is described, what must remembered is that a tumor is a cluster of cancer cells, and in the case involving Israel, the cancer is the Judah-ism itself.


In other words, you can excise the tumor a million times, but as long as the cancer cells remain, the tumor will return.


Yes, we know it is a ‘fashionable’ thing in the midst of all of this to burp out the obligatory ‘Zionism isn’t Judah-ism’ nonsense and to point to the fuzzy-wuzzy ‘rabbis’ of Neturei Karta and the snake oil that they peddle (with great success, unfortunately) that ‘authentic Judah-ism forbids the creation of a Jewish state’, but this is a bald-faced lie, and all that anyone need do for him/herself is to read Jewish religious texts in figuring this simple math equation out, to wit–


‘On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates…’–Book of Genesis, 15:18


‘And God spoke unto us saying, ‘Go to the hill-country and all the places nigh thereunto… in the Arabah, the hill-country and in the Lowland… in the South and by the sea-shore, the land of the Canaanites, and Lebanon, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates…Go in therefore and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, unto them and to their seed after them…’ –Book of Deuteronomy 1:6–8


‘Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours, from the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river Euphrates, even unto the hinder sea shall be your border…’ –Book of Deuteronomy


‘…From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto the great river, the Euphrates, all the land unto the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border…’ –Book of Joshua


‘When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he will give you a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant…–Book of Deuteronomy


The above citations represent a mere smattering of similar statements calling for a Hebraic ‘state’ starting at the Nile in Egypt and going all the way to the Euphrates in Iraq. It didn’t come from the Talmud nor from Herzl’s book ‘Die Juden Stadt’,  but rather from the Torah (Old Testament to Christians) and it is 3,000 years old.


At what point is the sane world going to take this last, final step in understanding the nature of this thing known as the ‘Jewish Problem’? After a billion are killed in the atomic and biological wars that the Jews are planning?


After 2 billion?


After 3 billion?


After 4, 5, 6, or 7 billion?


We’ve said it many times, ladies and Gentile-men, and it bears repeating–


We don’t have Jewish problem as much as we do a Gentile one.



By Ghada Karmi  October 8, 2024


As we come up to the first anniversary of Israel’s war on Gaza, I think back to 1948, when Israel was first created. Our family lived in Jerusalem, where I was born. But, like most of Palestine’s population, we were forced out from our homes in 1948 to make room for the state of Israel being created in our place.


Learning to live in exile, people’s one comfort was the thought that Israel would not last. Such gross injustice could not prevail, they said, and the rag-tag collection of immigrants who came to Palestine from a variety of countries and were artificially assembled into something they called a ‘state’ would soon return to the places from which they came.


It never happened, and Israel has grown from strength to strength ever since. Today, it rules the whole of historic Palestine from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. It has loyal, even fanatical, supporters throughout Europe and America, and it dominates the U.S. political system. For 76 years it has worked to subdue the Middle East region, aiming to leave not a single foe capable of opposing it. We are currently seeing it trying to disable its longtime enemies, Hezbollah and Iran, through its weaponization of antisemitism that it uses in keeping the rest of the world at bay.


In Palestine, Israel completely controls Gaza and the West Bank, and is rapidly judaizing Jerusalem. Palestinian resistance to these outrages has flared up many times, always easily managed by Israel. With a pacified Palestinian population unable to fight its occupier, the situation over time had become comfortable for Israel and its western backers, including many Arab states wanting a quiet life.


One year ago, on October 7, this cozy set-up came crashing down. It is a date that will go down in history as the day when the Middle East, and perhaps the world, changed for good. Hamas broke out of the giant prison that is Gaza and attacked Israel on its own soil. Vilified as ‘terrorism’ by Israel and its friends, it was in fact a bid for freedom and autonomy, familiar to all prisoners who long for release.


Whether those Hamas fighters knew it or not, their actions that day exposed the edifice of lies, hypocrisy and ruthless tyranny Israel and its western allies have used to oppress Palestinians since Israel’s creation. The genocidal war Israel is waging on Gaza and the West Bank since October 7, has only rammed this exposure home.


For all those who liked seeing Israel as a liberal democracy, it has been revealed as a nasty, brutish colonizer with fascist tendencies; for those who thought that Israel was a military superpower no one could defeat, it’s shown itself incapable of fighting a single war without U.S. arms and funding; and most of all, for anyone who saw Zionism as a moral project, justifying Israel’s creation as a ‘light unto the nations’,’ its inhumane conduct towards the Palestinians since October 7 should have abolished any notion of morality applicable to Israel.


It was not news that Israel enjoyed massive U.S. and western support from the start. But October 7 showed us how far and how deep it went. Israel’s genocide in Gaza, the multiple atrocities it has committed against civilians, especially children, and the indescribable cruelty of its soldiers, all brazenly conducted in broad daylight, have been unashamedly tolerated and aided by the west. Not a single Israeli outrage has earned western condemnation.


And the same is now true of Israel’s recent assault on Lebanon.


The mass terrorist attack of the Israeli-manipulated pagers and walkie-talkies on September 17 killed 37 and injured 3,000 people mostly in Beirut. Relentless Israeli bombing and assassinations of Hezbollah leaders have raised the number of Lebanese dead and wounded to many thousands, with a million people displaced from their homes. Israel’s ground invasion of Lebanese territory on October 1 in pursuit of Hezbollah has depopulated villages and destroyed the infrastructure, with reported U.S. approval.


Having disabled Hezbollah, as Israel imagines it will do, its next target is Iran, where it aims to draw the U.S. into a war on its behalf. Its fantasy is to smite its enemies once and for all in order to attain hegemony over a new Middle East – one reconfigured as a series of defeated states, dominated by Israel and wholly subservient to the west.


Whether any of this can happen is unknown. But one thing is certain: there is no place for an apartheid, genocidal, supremacist state like Israel in the Middle East – or anywhere else. Since its inception, it has been a violent, bellicose, and expansionist focus of regional instability. It has inflicted untold misery on countless generations of Palestinians and other Arabs, and plans for more to come.


When the Arab states, which had fought against the formation of Israel in 1948, eventually came to accept its presence in the region after 1967, Israel rejected every peaceful approach they made. At the end of September, Jordan’s foreign minister offered a guarantee of Israel’s security from Arab and Islamic countries, which Israel ignored.


The truth is Israel can neither be accommodated nor reformed. It must be dismantled as a state, its policies and system of government discarded, and its citizens set free to learn how to live with others on a basis of cooperation and equality. Zionism, which has been at the core of Israel’s existence as an exclusivist, supremacist ideology, will also have to end.


If that were to happen, and the Palestinians regained their homeland to live normal lives, it would finally alleviate their terrible ordeal over 76 years. And in that lies the true lesson of October 7.

5 thoughts on “The true lesson of October 7 is that Israel cannot be reformed”
  1. Karl Marx once stated:
    “There can be no solution of the problems of the world without the destruction of the Jews and their religion, Judaism. “

  2. “In other words, you can excise the tumor a million times, but as long as the cancer remains, the tumor will return.”
    The true lesson of October 7 is that ANYTHING Israel says to the world is seemingly a bald-faced lie and yet the world STILL gives it a pass! If people in general knew about the history of Israel/Palestine it would enlighten them to the fact that Israel STOLE Palestine, terrorized and murdered its people to accomplish this, and to this day STILL commits these crimes free from any international sanctions. The lesson learned is that a government can facilitate an “attack” on its territory and use it to “justify” subsequent war crimes AND get away with because its international enablers are just as guilty of war crimes!

  3. “We don’t have a Jewish problem as much as we do a Gentile one.”
    I wonder why it is that the vast majority of people worldwide are unable to comprehend this simple sentence? All sorts of remedies have been attempted, none of which have had permanent effect. People need to let go of the Abrahamic idea and cling to Jesus, and only to Jesus. Why is that so difficult?

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