ed note–as we counsel often on the humble little informational endeavor, ladies and Gentile-men, pay CLOSE ATTENTION to what the rabbis say, because they are the guiding force of everything that takes place with regards to the Judah-ites under their sway, and therefore, when one of them (such as the diabolical nutcase below) talks about ‘Jordan being conquered’ and ‘the rest of Syria being conquered’ and of a coming global upheaval that will affect all people on God’s green earth, take stock of the fact that his ‘predictions’ are not predictions at all, but rather PLANS which he and his fellow Kosher Nostra gang members made for themselves (and the rest of us) thousands of years ago.



Rabbi Nachman Kahana for Israel National News


The changes in our region are so sudden and extreme that political analysts, commentators, as well as rabbis who have to prepare Shabbat drashot cannot keep up with events. And the only way to be relevant is to begin by appraising events beyond the present and then waiting for reality to set in.


Just as the Assad regime of Syria was overthrown, so too, by the will of Hashem in His plan for Am Yisrael, there will be a revolt and civil war in Jordan, with King Abdullah begging for refuge in Israel. This will necessitate our army seizing large areas within Jordan, if not all of that country.


Behind this, and energizing all that is happening in and around Eretz Yisrael are the tectonic changes in Hashem’s relations with Am Yisrael. They could be headlined the ‘End of galut and the beginning of the arrival of the Mashiach’, meaning–


1. We have troops along the width and length of the Gaza strip, which is part of the two biblical tribes of Yehuda and Shimon.


2. We have troops in Lebanon, which is situated on the soil of the two tribes of Asher and Naftali.


3. We have troops in Syria which is in the tribe of Menashe.


In total, there are Israeli Jews today in the areas of ten of the twelve Biblical tribes that constitute Am Yisrael. Excluded are the tribes of Reuven and Gad, which are in the central and southern regions of Jordan.


Ten is nice, but it’s not 12; and just like water, history seeks its natural level.


The last time Jews were in control in the areas of all the 12 tribes was in 722 BCE when Hoshea ben Ella, the last king of the northern 10 tribes, was exiled by the Assyrian king Shalmaneser. That is 2746 years that Jews have not been present and in control in the areas of all 12 tribes at the same time!


The involvement of Iran in Jordan will necessitate our seizing Jordan, including the areas of Reuven and Gad, thereby closing the historical circle of 2746 years when Am Yisrael is again in control of all the land areas of all the 12 tribes.


This does necessarily mean that the Mashiach is about to arrive though.


In fact, it is quite possible that the era of pre-Mashiach struggle could continue, with ups and downs, for many more years; but the direction is the increasing admiration for the Jewish nation among the gentiles.


Megillat Ta’anit, or ‘Scroll of (not) Fasting,’ is a compendium of miraculous events which occurred during the 420 years of the Second Temple period. It lists the days that the rabbis prohibited fasting and eulogizing in order to commemorate with joy those days of miracles when Hashem intervened to save the Jewish nation. After the Temple’s destruction by the Romans, the Megillah was rescinded and those days of thanks were no longer relevant as holidays, except for two which retained their special status – Hanukkah and Purim, to this day.


Why these two?





Our rabbis knew that Hanukkah and Purim would be relevant in future Jewish history, specifically to the events of our time, as follows–


Hanukkah, which we will be celebrating during the next two weeks, commemorates the military achievements of the Maccabim who defeated the Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV whose capital was Antioch in what is today’s southern Syria. Then we reconsecrated the defiled Temple of Jerusalem.


It took the Maccabees 33 years to achieve victory (167 BC to 134), but today our soldiers are walking freely in southern Syria without having fired even one shot, and if our government so desires, we could capture all of the strategic areas of Syria.


It is now ‘Hanukkah plus’.





Purim and the Megillah teach us important lessons–


1- The Megillah relates that when Haman told his wife Zeresh of the demeaning manner in which he had been treated by having to lead Mordechai on a horse through the city, his wife replied (Megillah 613):


‘If Mordecai, before whom your downfall has started, is of Jewish origin, you cannot stand against him. You will surely come to ruin!’


And the reverse is true regarding the Jewish nation. ‘If your enemies before whom your greatness has begun to show are of Yishmaeli origin, you will rise from victory to victory without end’.


2. After the astonishing turn of events in the 127 regions in the Persian empire when the citizens were preparing to murder all the Jews in one day on the 13th of Adar, and the Jews defended themselves by slaughtering 75,000 Persian anti-Semites across the land and another 800 in the city of Shushan, the reaction of the Persians was–


‘In every province and in every city to which the edict of the king came, there was joy and gladness among the Jews, with feasting and celebrating. And many people of other nationalities became Jews because fear of the Jews had seized them.’


If the chain of miraculous current events continues, we could be seeing great numbers of gentiles the world over leaving their religiouns in order to become Jews, as stated by Yirmiyahu the prophet (16,19):


‘…the nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, our ancestors bequeathed to us false gods, worthless idols that bring no benefit…’





Something big is happening now in our world; changes which are on a Biblical scale.


As it appears, the destiny of Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael is to achieve inter-national and religious recognition of that from which we have been deprived for 2000 years.


All mankind will be affected. Many by wars, many by natural calamities, while others will undergo spiritual transitions. Our destiny is to return home and restore that which was taken from us by our not fulfilling the functions of Hashem’s chosen people.


We might soon prove to be the greatest generation in Jewish history!!!!

One thought on “Judea Snarls–‘Something big is happening now in our world, changes which are on a Biblical scale’”
  1. Yeap… That’s the plan… Except what they’re going to get is WW3, the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast… Which I think will be the Star of Remphan… I+N+R+I

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