ed note–again, ladies and Gentile-men, a tidal wave of important info that every war-weary Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.


Firsto, L&G, no one on God’s green earth should doubt for a moment that none–repeat, NONE–of what the world has witnessed over the course of the last 8 years with regards to the seek-and-destroy mission against DJT would have been in the REMOTEST sense possible were it not for the favorable nod of this guy–




–Who is dead-set upon bringing about the very same WWIII/Armageddon which Trump has sworn (not only to the American people, but indeed, to the ENTIRE WORLD) that he will prevent.


If they, the Jews, can pull off something as complicated, difficult, and risky as this–




–then certainly, they can pull off simpler ‘operations’ such as this–



…and this–



–And this…







In order to prevent THIS–



Therefore, what all need to understand is the fact that they, the ‘children of Israel’ are not done yet…


Trump’s election certification is set to take place a mere 72 hours from now, and 2 weeks afterwards he is set to be Inaugurated.


However, a mere 6 days from now, he is set to be sentenced for the 34 criminal convictions that were leveled against him by Netanyahu’s hired guns in the US legal system and it is anybody’s guess what will happen.


It is also somewhere between highly probable and definite that Trump himself, as well as his entire legal team, KNOWS there is trouble a-brewing and therefore that his lashing out in the fashion that he is against this Judge and against the entire seek-and-destroy mission against him that resulted in these 34 convictions is indicative of the fact that he–despite not saying so publically, nevertheless–is prepping himself (and the entire nation) for unprecedented political instability in the aftermath of him being sentenced to prison before he can take office.


Now, to all those out there who chirp on an hourly basis how much ‘the Jooz’ control the American political and legal processes and how nothing, NOTHING, ever takes place without their controlling it, please answer the following question–


IF INDEED, as we have all been told now for the last 8 years, and ESPECIALLY for the last 8 weeks since election day, that ‘Trump and Netanyahu are the ‘bestest’ of ‘BFFs’, why then, WHY THEN, is all of this happening to Trump, and why have Netanyahu and his henchmen in La Kosher Nostra NOT put stop to all of it?


We won’t hold our breaths waiting for an answer to that question.



The Hill


President-elect Trump in a weekend rant turned his ire on the New York judge who ordered sentencing to begin next week in his hush money case, calling him ‘the most conflicted judge in New York State history.’


‘I never falsified business records. It is a fake, made-up charge by a corrupt judge who is just doing the work of the Biden/Harris Injustice Department, an attack on their political opponent, ME!,’ he wrote on Truth Social on Saturday morning, echoing his initial response.


‘He created a case where there was none. Keeps a ‘gag order’ on me so that I can’t talk about how crooked he is,’ Trump continued. ‘The Fake News knows all about it, but they refuse to talk. He may be the most conflicted judge in New York State history.’


His comments come a day after Judge Juan Merchan announced that sentencing for the president-elect’s 34-count felony conviction would begin on Jan. 10 — handing Trump a blow after he demanded his case be dismissed following his election win.


Despite the decision to move forward with the case, Merchan ‘signaled’ that he is inclined to propose no punishment in the case connected to a payment made to an adult film star to cover up an alleged affair during the 2016 election. The New York judge cited the Supreme Court’s presidential immunity ruling in making that choice, especially as Trump prepares to take the oath of office later this month.


Still, the president-elect continued to rail against Merchan, calling him a ‘totally out of control, Trump hating judge’ and again called for him to be disbarred.


‘The judge should be disbarred! This is why people, and companies, are FLEEING New York,’ he wrote Saturday. ‘A corrupt court system.’


The president-elect also leaned into his argument that the case was politically motivated.


‘There has never been a President who was so evilly and illegally treated as I. Corrupt Democrat judges and prosecutors have gone against a political opponent of a President, ME, at levels of injustice never seen before,’ Trump wrote in a second post.


‘Corrupt judges, or judges so blinded by their hatred of me and my political ideology to ‘MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,’ are making a mockery of the United States Judicial System, and the World is watching in disgust,’ he added.


Trump invoked his win against Justice Department special counsel Jack Smith in vowing to appeal the case. Smith dismissed both the 2020 election interference case and classified documents case against the president-elect after he defeated Vice President Harris in the 2024 election, citing a standing DOJ policy against prosecuting a sitting president.


‘Deranged Jack Smith, the evil and sinister prosecutor appointed by Crooked Joe Biden to ‘take me down,’ was found to be illegally appointed by a CORRUPT DOJ and FBI, and all of his many charges against me were dropped or dismissed,’ he wrote Saturday. ‘His illegal raid of my home, Mar-a-Lago, will go down as one of the ‘dirtiest tricks’ ever perpetrated by one candidate, a dumb as a rock, Sleepy Joe Biden, on another.’


Trump added, ‘With all of this said, I still have confidence that the Appellate Courts will bring JUSTICE TO AMERICA!!!’


He was originally slated to be sentenced in New York in November. Since the election, his lawyers have argued that his status as president-elect compels the case to be tossed entirely. 

3 thoughts on “Responding to news he is to be sentenced 10 days before his Inauguration, Trump calls for New York judge to be disbarred”
  1. There is a perfectly simple way to remove the judge from this case, and every other judge on the bench.
    We do it in Australia, and it works all around the world.
    Have each judge present their Oath of Commission or Oath of Office BEFORE each hearing.
    Whosoever cannot produce their Oath – REMOVE them.
    Whosoever presents their Oath, presents Fictitious Conveyance of Language – ARREST them..!!

  2. No way… Trump was selected to go to war with Iran and collapse the US into debt oblivion… Trump also brags about being Father of the Jabb… He has killed more of the lesser mortals than Satan-Ya-Hoo could ever dream of… This is just Political Professional Wrestling for the Maga crowd… And if it isn’t, team Zio has their NY Police Commissioner in place to insure uncooperative elements of the Communist side of the NWO go away quietly… +++

    ed note–‘political professional wrestling…’

    Why would the Jews need such a thing if indeed Trump is ‘their man’?

    I suppose the Jews’ drive to destroy Hamas and the Palestinians is ‘political wrestling’ as well? All staged to make it appear as though there is contention, but behind the scenes, they are all the bestest of friends? Hezbollah too, and Assad, and Iran, etc,etc,etc?

    This is the problem with today’s internet where anyone and everyone has access to whatever kind of misinfo/disinfo that happens to tickle their intellectual tastebuds and who–despite believing that they are actually ‘fighting the good fight’ are nevertheless actually carrying the water for the Jews and helping do their dirty work for them in achieving whatever grand goal they have in mind that is rooted in the destruction of Gentiles.

    If Trump was ‘selected to go to war with Iran’, why then did he not do it in his first term, and why are the Jews not helping him now with his legal problems?

    If you can’t answer these simple questions, than what it reveals is that everything written above about people and their appetite for misinfo/disinfo was and is correct.

  3. See I told you… It was all professional wrestling… Bread and Circus for the Maga crowd… The US will now go to war with Iran… +++
    “A Political Witch Hunt”: Trump Rages After Judge Rules No Jail, Fines For Hush Money Conviction – ZeroHedge.

    ed note–See, we told YOU–once again, you are approaching a tangled and complicated political quadratic equation with (barely) basic level mathematical skills.

    Now tell us something here–the bullets that clipped Trump’s ear back in Butler, Pennsylvania–‘professional wrestling’ and ‘bread and circus’, or was someone really trying to kill him?

    The sniper outside his golf course a few months ago–more ‘professional wrestling’ and ‘bread and circus’, or was someone really trying to kill him?

    All the investigations, 2 Impeachments, the release of a lab-concocted virus and a stolen election–‘professional wrestling’ and ‘bread and circus’, or was someone really trying to destroy his presidency?

    As we said in the last response, people such as yourself are only as smart as you imagine yourselves being by (at best) half, and as much as you think you have the capacity for ‘peering deep’ into events of this type, you really do not, and in the process of chirping the nonsense that you do in comments sections such as this, you do more harm to the pursuit of the truth for others than you might imagine.

    Now, exactly WHY Merchan did not give Trump a prison sentence at this time we are not prepared to say. It could in and of itself be a ploy rooted in luring an intended victim into some type of ambush by creating a false sense of security. It may very well be that the PTB have decided that it is just easier to kill him by keeping him out in the open rather than within the confines of a prison cell where he is surrounded by Secret Service 24 hours a day.

    And what will be your response if/when–God Forbid–‘they’ do manage to successfully do what they failed to do in Butler Pennsylvania? Will it all be ‘professional wrestling’ and ‘bread and circus’, or will you then come to the only sane and rational conclusion surrounding it all, which is that the Jews really are intent upon destroying him?

    Or better yet, will it all be a ‘hoax’ complete with ‘crisis actors’ just like what took place at Sandy Hook elementary? That Trump was in fact not assassinated because he is ‘one of them’, that it was his ‘double’ who was killed and that he has been flown off to Epstein’s island where he will be living the rest of his life in luxury and safety?

    You people are the worst kind of joke there is, sad to say.

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