Mere days before his return to the White House, Donald Trump shares video of Jewish professor accusing Netanyahu of expansionist aims, undue Israeli influence over US foreign policy and ‘genocide’ in Gaza, sparking renewed debate on Trump’s stance on Israel


ed note–as always, a boatload of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.


Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, there’s something that needs to be said here that will doubtless irk a lot pro-Palestinian types, a group with which we at this humble little informational endeavor consider ourselves very simpatico.


As recent history has proven beyond any shadow of doubt, the problems associated with Israel, Zionism and with Jewish power in general are MUCH bigger than merely ‘Palestine’. There isn’t a country in the world, save maybe Greenland, Iceland, or either the South or North Pole, that has not been ruined by the Jews.


Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Libya and other Muslim countries have been destroyed militarily, but the rest of the Gentile nations, and especially those making up the Christian West, have had (have allowed to have had) their nations destroyed too. We do not own our governments, our societies have been turned into violent, drug-addicted/sex-addicted insane asylums, and what used to be the ‘civilized’ character of our existence is now all but gone.


And what’s worse is the fact that no one is allowed to talk about this fact. We’re allowed (sort of) to blame ‘liberals’, and ‘leftists’ and ‘DEI’ and ‘Wokeism’, but as soon as the logical and truthful line is drawn between those aforementioned INSTRUMENTS of Judaic destruction and the source of it all, meaning organized Jewish power, all hell breaks loose.


And Trump has always been aware of this, which is why he made sure, in a PAINSTAKINGLY CAUTIOUS manner, to avoid stepping on the ‘J’ bomb as much as possible during his 1st term and in the run-up to the most recent election.


However, his posting the video featuring the very honorable Prof. Jeffrey Sachs singling out the warlord Netanyahu for all the things discussed in that video does not mean Trump has ‘seen the light of day’ and is now a ‘changed man’.


The truth–the ugly and painful truth, as we will discuss in a moment–is that he is the same man he always was, ladies and Gentil-men, it’s just that now, given the fact he has secured his 2nd term, he doesn’t have to play ‘Mr. Nice Guy’ anymore and now is free to do those things which he intended to do 4 years ago but which obviously he was prevented from doing due to Israel’s theft of the 2020 election.


Having said that, here’s that painful and ugly truth referenced earlier that is sure to upset all the pro-Palestinian types.


In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7th attacks, Trump was not just being boastful when he said that the attacks ‘never would have happened’ had he remained POTUS. What he was saying in the typically coded, nuanced, and double-entendre-esque manner that has been his calling card since 2016 was that he knew Netanyahu pulled Oct. 7th off in order to get this war for Greater Israel started, that Biden was a willing accomplice/co-conspirator and that it was Trump’s insistence upon preventing WWIII/Armageddon that was the primary reason for the 2020 election being stolen from him by Netanyahu, whom he said should be impeached for Oct. 7 happening on his watch.


He was right, ladies and Gentile-men, Oct. 7th never would have happened had he been POTUS, and all the incalculable suffering that has taken place in Gaza since that day, in addition to all the other bloodshed in Lebanon and Syria, would not have happened either.


Not only that, had he remained in office, today, there would be a Palestinian State with its capital in East Jerusalem, just as Trump had intended to see materialize before being run out of office.


So here’s the painful part, L&G…


All yuuz out there who lent your voices, and who EVEN TO THIS DAY CONTINUE TO LEND YOUR VOICES to Netanyahu’s operation in running Trump out of office have the blood of Gaza, Lebanon and Syria on your hands as much as do those who are out in the streets celebrating the genocide and carnage taking place.


Rather than paying closer attention to the nuances of what Trump was saying and doing in his first term and recognizing that this was part of his ‘art of the deal’ (and yes, that includes Joo-roo-salem and the Golan Heights) what you all managed to do was to assist Netanyahu in what he was trying to do, which, as we have already made clear, was to run Trump out of office and to kick off Oct. 7th 2023 and everything that has taken place since then.


The question therefore that we here at this humble little informational endeavor have for you now is as follows–


Are you going to do it all over again this time?





U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump may be reigniting tensions with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after sharing a video on his social media featuring a scathing critique of the Israeli leader by Columbia University Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who is Jewish. 


In the video, Sachs refers to Netanyahu as a ‘deep, dark son of a b***h’ and accuses him of being responsible for the wars in Syria and Iraq, as well as for pushing the U.S. into a potential conflict with Iran.


The video, recorded on October 22, features Sachs stating that Netanyahu has pursued a policy since the 1990s aimed at dismantling regimes that support Hamas and Hezbollah, namely Iran, Iraq and Syria. According to Sachs, Netanyahu was instrumental in driving U.S. involvement in wars in those countries. 


‘The guy is nothing if not obsessive,’ Sachs says in the video. ‘He’s still trying to get us to fight Iran this day, this week. He’s a deep, dark son of a b***h, I’m sorry to tell you, because he’s gotten us into endless wars. And because of the power of all of this in U.S. politics, he’s gotten his way.’


The video sparked immediate backlash on social media, with many questioning why Trump’s campaign chose to share such a harsh critique from one of Israel’s most vocal detractors, especially in the wake of the October 7 attacks. 


Some interpreted the move as a clear signal that Trump intends to distance himself from Netanyahu, while others saw it as a calculated step in the complex relationship between the two leaders. Trump has consistently advocated for ending wars in the Middle East and stated during his campaign that he has no intention of starting new wars—only ending them. However, he has refrained from committing to withholding U.S. support for an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.


The relationship between Trump and Netanyahu has been strained in recent years, particularly after Trump accused Netanyahu of ‘disloyalty’ for congratulating Joe Biden on his 2020 presidential, which the Republican leader continues to contest.


Interestingly, Trump’s post, which accompanied Sachs’s video, did not directly reference Netanyahu. Instead, it targeted former U.S. President Barack Obama and the American media. The post, originally shared by the ‘Wall Street Apes’ page, read: ‘Jeffrey Sachs details how Barack Obama ordered the CIA to overthrow the Syrian government, and the American media covered it up. He says journalists either lie when blaming Russia or are unimaginably ignorant, claiming Russia intervened in Syria.’


Prof. Sachs continued: ‘Obama tasked the CIA to overthrow the Syrian government, starting four years before Russia intervened. What kind of nonsense is that? How many times did The New York Times report on operation Timber-Sycamore, which was the Presidential order to the CIA to overthrow Bashar al-Assad?’


Sachs, known for his frequent criticism of Israel in interviews and public forums, opposes Israel’s actions in Gaza and efforts to eliminate Hamas. He has accused Israel of committing genocide and pursuing ethnic cleansing in Gaza, alleging tacit support from Washington. 


Sachs further claims that Syria’s collapse is part of a strategic plan by Netanyahu to expand Israel’s borders. According to him, Israel rejects a two-state solution because Netanyahu seeks perpetual control over all territory between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea.

One thought on “‘Deep, dark son of a b***h’: Trump shares anti-Netanyahu video online”
  1. Some say Trump has no philosophy or religious ideal. He is just a businessman. On that account he would rather have a world with which to do commerce. Trump has a very high IQ as I hear. Trump may favor the elite, or maybe the people, he is certainly aware of the other elites he is up against. Elon, another billionaire is on Trumps team, so you have Team Trump Billionaires vs Team Billionaires. So will Trump favor H1B visas over the American population? That will be the main question moving forward and many policy moves to make it happen while carefully maneuvering thru the Zionistas, that is, if he is not one of them himself.
    If Trump is smart, he might trust no one, absolutely no one. Make policy king and favor the American worker, otherwise he fails miserably.

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