Columbia economist Jeffrey Sachs, a vocal critic of Israel, has basically told the incoming president: ‘Careful, Netanyahu will try to manipulate you into a war with Iran’. But this doesn’t mean the prime minister has dragged America into ‘endless wars,’ as Sachs claims, or that a pro-Israel lobby has taken over U.S. foreign policy


ed note–as always, a mountain range of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.


Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, everyone–along with his brother, sister, cousin, neighbor and UPS delivery man, is going gaga over the statements given by the very honorable Prof. Jeffrey Sachs (whom we at this humble little informational endeavor have coronated as winner of the ‘Righteous Jew Award’ for the year 2024) concerning his statements about Netanyahu being the ‘deep, dark, SOB’ that he is, always was, and always will be.


Furthermore, everyone and his brother, sister, cousin, neighbor and UPS delivery man are going gaga over the fact that POTUS Donald Trump reposted this video on his very own TS account as if somehow this marked some major shift, change of direction, adjustment of policy, etc, etc, etc, with regards to POTUS Trump and Netanyahu, which, by extension, suggests and intimates a major shift, change of direction, adjustment of policy, etc between the US and Israel.


Now, not wanting to be a wet blanket here folks, because we here at this humble little informational endeavor are certainly pleased with the fact that POTUS Trump saw fit to re-post these excoriating statements on the part of the Righteous Jew Prof. Sachs.


Nevertheless, all the gaga going on right now is as appropriate (and, one might even say, as insulting) as someone (or a group of someones) arriving at the conclusion–8 years after the fact–that there is a deep, dark and concerted conspiracy on the part of an extremely powerful ‘Deep State’ to destroy the political career of Donald J. Trump and to douse in flames all of his plans for preventing the utter destruction of the entire planet.


Now, the reason we say this folks, i.e. how misplaced all the ‘gaga’ is surrounding President Trump’s re-posting of the Sachs interview, is severalfold.


Firsto, an explosive book was published 3 FREAKING YEARS AGO by one of Israel’s most influential journalists, Barak Ravid, entitled ‘Trump’s Peace’. The book was based upon personal, face-to-face interviews that Trump gave to Ravid, and wherein he laid out in shocking detail what was the contentious and inimical nature of the ‘relationship’ between Trump and Netanyahu.


Comparitively speaking, the information contained in that book, and especially what was said by POTUS Trump about Netanyahu, reduces Sachs’ statements (no offense, Prof. Sachs) to the size of a mouse standing next to King Kong.


And yet folks, despite the EXPLOSIVE material in that book, the discussion of the contents within that book have been as scarce as chicken’s teeth. One would think, given the bird’s eye view that this book provides to those who have made the study of Zionism, the US/Israel ‘relationship’ and the ‘Jewish Lobby’ in general their personal bailiwick, one would think that this book would have been seized upon in the same manner as honest researchers interested in the assassination of POTUS John F. Kennedy would have seized upon the groundbreaking, must-read work by Mike Piper entitled ‘Final Judgment’.


But this wasn’t and indeed ISN’T the case at all folks…


In the 3 years since that book was made available, one is hard-pressed to find anywhere within the ‘movement’ where it has been discussed, much less being discussed today.


INSTEAD, ladies and Gentile-men, what is found and which PROLIFERATES to this day like syphilis in a Tel Aviv whorehouse are legions of know-it-alls, experts, and self-degreed ‘Geo-political analysts’ who have been screeching and continue to screech that —




–when in fact, if any of them bothered to get their hands on and read the contents of that book and read for themselves what POTUS Trump himself had to say on the matter–3 freaking years ago–they would see what fools they have made of themselves in their peddling of such nonsense.


Our point here, L&G, is as follows–


We must be careful about whose ‘theories’ and ‘concepts’ we allow into our brains, because what the percentages have proven now for a long, long time is the fact that the internet–while in many ways proving itself to have been a boon in allowing talented thinkers and researchers a platform for ‘getting the word out’, has nevertheless also been proven to have been a bane, in that it has opened the floodgates to a tidal wave of stupidity and ‘disfactualism’ (invented word here folks) that has now reduced what would otherwise be intelligent discussions about our shared condition on this late, great planet earth to some Gentile-version of ‘Seinfeld’ or ‘Jackass’.


Now, one final thing about the essay below–


It is–in the aftermath of Sach’s statements and Trump’s reposting of them, largely uneventful.


HOWEVER, there is one eensie, weensie, teensie, tiny  little ‘thingy’ contained in it that all Gentiles with a vested interest in their own future survival need to note and consider, and it is the following line found in the essay below–


‘Israel has driven so many American wars,’ he continued, referring specifically to Iraq and Syria. ‘It was a phony war. And where did it come from?’ he asked, before rehashing an old trope about how Israel hijacked U.S. foreign policy.’


That one sentence fragment there, ladies and Gentile-men, and that one word–


‘…Rehashing an old trope about how Israel hijacked U.S. foreign policy.’


‘Trope’, much like the word ‘canard’, is a word which Jews and powerful Jewish groups (whose MO is to anesthetize the collective Gentile mind away from any rational and factual understanding of the war in which the Judah-ites as an organized force are engaged in destroying Gentile civilization) utilize somewhere between a million and a billion times per day. They describe the ‘Zionism is racism’ statement as a ‘trope’ with no truth to it… They refer to Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS LIBERTY done for the purposes of sinking it and starting WWIII as a ‘trope’… They describe the various pieces of evidence proving Israeli foreknowledge of and involvement in the terrorist attacks of 9/11, including the 5 Mossad officers arrested that morning after they were witnessed cheering the destruction, as ‘tropes’ with no truth in them. They shoo away and shy away Gentile awareness of the fact that Jews are in near-total domination of the media, of Hollywood, of banking, and of politics through their buying and selling of politicians via AIPAC by describing these facts as ‘tropes’, in effect saying to otherwise curious Gentiles–


‘Nothing to see here stupid Goyim…Now go back to watching your videos of Taylor Swift and The Bachelor’.


And likewise with the essay below folks, which brings us to the end of this ed note commentary, which is to reiterate and underscore the importance of always, ALWAYS, taking into account the fact that ANYTHING that is put in front of our eyes, either something ‘scribed’ by one of the ‘Learned Elders of Zion’ or else appears on a news source that is owned/controlled by them, is, to some degree, the equivalent of the poisoned apple handed to Snow White by the witch, because the final, inescapable fact of the matter is that–




–and therefore, the popular notion that far too many Gentiles have come to embrace these days when it comes to understanding ‘them’, meaning the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, i.e. that it is only ‘a few bad and wayward apples’ who are the problem but that for the most, part, they, the ‘children of Israel’ are just like everyone else and can be trusted to tell the truth is, well, ladies and Gentile-men, nothing more than–you guessed it–a ‘trope’.



Alon Pinkas for Haaretz


On Thursday, President-elect Donald Trump shared a video on his social media platform Truth Social featuring renowned and contentious Columbia University economist, UN adviser and public intellectual Jeffrey Sachs. The Harvard-educated academic, speaking at the Cambridge Student Union in England, claimed that ‘Netanyahu has pursued a systematic strategy since 1995 to eliminate Hamas and Hezbollah by targeting their supporting governments in Iraq, Iran and Syria.’


Fair enough. He then called Benjamin Netanyahu a ‘deep, dark son of a bitch,’ something Trump probably wouldn’t take issue with. It is of course possible that Trump has been shown the video by someone around him who gleefully chimed, ‘Mr. President, you gotta hear what he says about Obama and Syria. You’ll love it.’


Trump has liked Sachs ever since the professor supported his policy of getting out of Syria in 2018 and opposed U.S. aid to Ukraine. Trump went on to share the video of Sachs castigating presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden for what he long believed were their failed and dangerous policies in Syria and Ukraine. But I would be remiss to conveniently assume that Trump didn’t notice Sachs’ remarks about Netanyahu.


Sachs’ characterization of the prime minister as ‘a deep, dark son of a bitch’ may be the most quotable phrase, but his criticism may prove portentous when Trump and Netanyahu inevitably clash on U.S. policy in the Middle East. Sachs was essentially saying to the incoming president: ‘Be careful, Netanyahu & Co. in Washington will try to manipulate you into a war with Iran. If you think it’s warranted, fine. But if you don’t, be very vigilant’.


Sachs was merciless, even if a bit hyperbolic. Netanyahu has ‘gotten us into endless wars, and because of the power of all of this in U.S. politics, he’s gotten his way,’ Sachs says in the video.


This wasn’t the first time the professor has harshly criticized Netanyahu and his purported outsized manipulation of, and influence on, U.S. foreign policy. In a podcast interview with Tucker Carlson last month (this one commended by co-President Elon Musk), Sachs said the United States goes to war ‘on his behalf,’ referring to Netanyahu.


‘Israel has driven so many American wars,’ he continued, referring specifically to Iraq and Syria. ‘It was a phony war; where did it come from?’ he asked, before rehashing an old trope about how Israel hijacked U.S. foreign policy: ‘The U.S. gave over Middle East foreign policy to Israel a long time ago, not to U.S. interests but to Israel’s interests. That is the Israel lobby and we don’t hear questioning of this at all.’


This argument isn’t new. In a 2006 essay in The London Review of Books that became a deeply reasoned but equally criticized 2007 book, ‘The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy,’ Stephen Walt of Harvard and John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago make this argument with force. They define the pro-Israel lobby as a loose coalition of organizations and individuals who actively work to steer U.S. policy in what they perceive to be pro-Israel policies. Walt and Mearsheimer claim that the pro-Israel lobby essentially hijacked American policy and strives to control the debate in both politics and academia.


Sachs also claims that, in the end, these policies will gravely hurt Israel. In a March 2024 interview with Tzach Yoked in Haaretz’s Hebrew edition, Sachs says he is ‘begging Israel not to mistakenly think that the United States will continue its support. You’ll end up alone.’ He argues that sooner or later the United States will halt military aid to Israel for a variety of reasons linked to disillusioned and changing U.S. public opinion.


Responding to a query after the video went viral, Sachs told The Guardian that while he wasn’t advising Trump, he hoped that Trump’s election signaled a shift in American foreign policy. ‘I do not know Trump’s disposition on these issues, but I do very much hope that he frees U.S. foreign policy from the grip of the cruel, ineffective, illegal and destructive policies of Netanyahu,’ Sachs said.


He’s both right and wrong. It’s true that in 1991, when Netanyahu was deputy foreign minister, he was designated persona non grata at the State Department by then-Secretary of State James Baker III after he claimed that U.S. policy in the Mideast was in disarray because it was based on false assumptions. It’s also true that in a September 2002 hearing at the House of Representatives, then-private citizen Netanyahu urged the Americans to invade Iraq because this would democratize the country, ‘reverberate’ to Iran and topple the regime in Tehran.


It’s also true that for over two decades Netanyahu has urged the United States to threaten Iran militarily, and he crudely meddled in U.S. politics by going behind Obama’s back to lobby Congress against the Iranian nuclear deal in 2015. Trump surely remembers how Netanyahu pressured him to unilaterally withdraw from the deal in 2018, promising him that ‘maximum pressure’ through crippling sanctions would weaken Iran and provide for a new and better deal.


That obviously didn’t happen, and now Trump is inheriting an Iran that’s as close as ever to developing a military nuclear capability in terms of both enriched uranium stockpiles and enrichment capabilities. Still, this doesn’t mean that Netanyahu dragged the United States into ‘endless wars,’ as Sachs claims, or that a pro-Israel lobby has taken over U.S. foreign policy at Netanyahu’s behest. That’s a gross exaggeration, even if you think the ‘Israel debate’ in Washington has been skewed by these groups.


But Sachs’ implicit warning that Netanyahu will probably try to manipulate Trump into attacking Iran is the issue more likely to grab the incoming president’s attention and ire. That pertains not just to a U.S. attack but to the Trump administration providing Israel, based on Netanyahu’s requests, with the military means to launch an independent strike.


Three Middle East issues await Trump; the first is a Gaza cease-fire and hostage deal, which he urged should be completed before he’s inaugurated. That may happen, but such a cease-fire wouldn’t last more than a few days, maybe less. Trump probably couldn’t care less about that.


Second, Saudi Arabia. The Saudis’ potential influence on Trump far exceeds that of Netanyahu by any metric that Trump values. From the ‘transactional’ Trump’s point of view, the Saudis can reciprocate and reach deals with the United States, and Israel can’t.


This is the heart of Sachs’ argument: Netanyahu can try to drag America into a war, but Saudi Arabia wants vast economic (AI-based) cooperation with Washington, would buy $50 billion to $60 billion in weapons, would join the Abraham Accords if Israel engages in a political process with the Palestinians (it won’t) and would only ask for a new deal with a weakened Iran.


The third issue is Iran itself. Trump’s dilemma on Iran is interwoven with Sachs’ warning. The United States essentially has three options that could be sequential and not mutually exclusive: Threaten Iran and impose coercive diplomacy to facilitate a new round of negotiations, green-light an Israeli preemptive strike on Iran but bear the consequences of being complicit by association, and attack Iran jointly with Israel.


Trump, if Jeffrey Sachs can help it, would choose option one, certainly given his self-proclaimed rejection of American entanglements in unnecessary wars abroad.


Sachs’ criticism and indirect warning is very pertinent to Trump. On the one hand, he has appointed end-of-days evangelical Christians to key positions relating to the Middle East. Their ally is Netanyahu. On the other hand, Trump is war-averse and amenable to Saudi influence, seeing no conceivable advantage in the United States launching a war on Iran. When U.S. and Israeli policy preferences clash, Trump may go back to Sachs’ advice.

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