After the video was posted online, police arrested the suspect who was filmed throwing the kitten to its death.


ed note–several protocols that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.


Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, let it be understood that the only reason, the ONLY REASON, that this violent Judah-ite was arrested was because videographic proof of what he did was made public on various social media platforms and hundreds of millions of Gentiles around the world saw it.


Had this not taken place, there would have been no more action from the Jewish State than would have occurred if he had been seen spitting on the sidewalk or urinating on the corpse of some dead Palestinian murdered by the IDF in Gaza.


Furthermore, there is nothing special or, more relevant to the particulars of the story, abnormal about this behavior.


As the Hebrews, Israelites, Judah-ites, Judeans, Jews–whatever we want to call them–have demonstrated throughout the 3,000 years of Gentile misery that have typified ‘their’ presence here on God’s green earth, ‘they’, the ‘children of Israel’ as they just LOVE to refer to themselves, have proven themselves to be an uncivilized and unregenerate gang of bandits, thieves, murderers, child molesters and barbarians whose presence throughout humanity’s upwards climb towards civilization has been a thorn in the eye and a stumbling block for every single enlightened person forced to endure the unfortunate circumstance of being in their near proximity.


Their Torah Judah-ism is a credo and a ‘code of ethics’ that not only prizes theft, murder, fraud, sexual deviancy and a million other modes of deranged and uncivilized behavior that run contrary to Gentile norms, but indeed, COMMANDS that these things be done.


And not only the abuse, but as well, the CELEBRATION of the abuse of harmless and defenseless animals such as what’s described in the news story below is just one part of that ‘tapestry’ making up their collective character as the ‘eternal people’ and as the same ‘light amongst the nations’ that they like to use in referring to themselves.


After all, lest we forget, for thousands of years, their ‘holy of holies’ in ‘getting right’ with the violent and vindictive deity that they worship, ‘yahweh’, the SINGULAR ritualistic act that they are religiously required to perform multiple times EVERY DAY is to take a defenseless animal such as a lamb, a goat, or a bull, slit its throat, capture its blood in a bowl as it is bleeding to death and thrashing about in terror, cut the body up into pieces, throw it on top of a stone altar and incinerate it in creating an ‘aroma pleasing to the Lord’.


Furthermore, as Netanyahu made clear in his ‘Amalek’ statement immediately after Oct. 7th, they, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, are to show ‘no mercy’ to ‘any living thing that breathes’, to wit–


‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but slaughter them all,  both man and woman, child and suckling infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’


And with this, we can see why they, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, ‘get their kicks’ in such a profoundly perverse and public manner when hearing that millions of pounds of explosive ordnance is dropped on defenseless men, women and children in Gaza, Lebanon, or wherever, as their Gentile bodies are shredded and cut to pieces like sacrificial lambs, goats and bulls and who are then incinerated to dust as if they were all some ‘burnt offering’ to their violent ‘god’ of the Judah-ites, ‘yahweh’.


We could go on for days ‘dissecting’ this, ladies and Gentile-men, but safe to say that the point has been made…


They, the ‘children of Israel’, as they love to refer to themselves, are not just an ‘eternal menace’ to Gentile norms, morals, and civilization, they are as dangerous as a race of humanoid-alligators walking upright on 2 legs and who have mastered the ‘art’ of appearing like the rest of us, when clearly, as their own behavior has demonstrated over the course of the last 3,000 years, they are not.





A 17-year-old boy filmed himself throwing a kitten from the fifth-floor balcony of a building in Jerusalem. After the shocking video was posted online, police detectives arrested the young man for questioning on Thursday morning. 




Daniel Amram, who earlier this week revealed a video that led to the arrest and indictment against a Haifa man who beat a cat to death, wrote that the teens in the recent video found the kitten on the street in Jerusalem’s Pisgat Zeev neighborhood. They took it up to the fifth-floor apartment of a nearby building and then one of the boys was filmed throwing the cat of the balcony with force, to the laughter of his friends who were with him.

Following the publication of the video – Wednesday night shortly before midnight – animal activists arrived at the teen’s house, but he was not home. At the same time, the police opened an investigation and on Thursday morning the teen who threw the cat, apparently to its death, was arrested in the north of the country. He was taken in handcuffs for questioning at the police station.

‘We view any harm inflicted on animals seriously, and we will continue to act online to identify and deal decisively and uncompromisingly with these wrongful acts, which includes monitoring, investigating and arresting those suspects who commit such offenses and spread the act online, until they are brought to justice,’ the police said in a statement.

4 thoughts on “Jewish teen arrested after filming himself throwing kitten from 5 story building in Jerusalem as friends laughed”
  1. “Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer… and we are his chosen people.” – Harold Wallace Rosenthal

  2. This writer’s opinion piece is spot on; but irrelevant in modern times; as the GOOZE have reshaped the Western societies; in their own image. This type of behavior and attitude is more prevalent within the GOY society than you can imagine. The way to reduce antisemitism; is to make the Goy enjoy being evil themselves.

    ed note–Big Jymn, your comments are spot on as well.

    The Gentiles have–sad to say–ceased to be Gentiles. Like humans that have been bitten by vampires, they themselves have also been vampirized and as such have for all intents and purposes now been remade–as you aptly put it–in the jooz’ image.

    And yes, you are correct as well–the same attitude exhibited by the deranged Judah-ites featured in the video is also to be found within Gentile societies, and especially within the Christian churches (all but Sin-a-Gogs of Satan now, sad to say) who have cheered the mass murder of Palestinian Gentiles–SOME OF THEM CHRISTIAN, BUT NOT THAT IT MATTERS EITHER WAY–almost as much as the Jews themselves have celebrated this grisly fact.

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