‘We’ll own it, and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site. Level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings,’ he said
ed note–as always, a cargo ship of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.
Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, contrary (and maddeningly so, we might add) to what has been the tsunami of (at best) mediocre ‘analysis’ on the part of huge swaths within the ‘alternative’ media following POTUS Trump’s posting of the now-infamous ‘Deep, dark, SOB’ video on his TS account that this indicates that he has just ‘turned’ on Netanyahu, nothing could be further from the truth.
For those who bothered paying CRITICAL attention to the details, Trump and Netanyahu have been at each others’ throats for the last 8 years, and all of it over DJT’s plans for bringing about an end to the bloodshed in the Middle East via his ‘Deal of the Century’.
The only substantive difference–ONLY–between POTUS 47 and POTUS 45 is that now, ’47’ understands how late in the game everything is, that the sand has almost run out within the hourglass and that little time and/or opportunity exists for pulling the lit fuse out of the bomb known as WWIII/Armageddon.
Now, a few particulars about the news story below that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival, as well as that of their children, needs to know about all of this.
POTUS 47 is speaking in purely ‘humanitarian’ terms when he talks about ‘cleaning up Gaza’ and turning it into Paradiso Mediterraneo, but what he is actually whispering here ladies and Gentile-men is making Gaza a territory of the United States, every bit as much as Puerto Rico, Guam, the US Virgin Islands, etc, hence his statement about ‘owning’ it.
And what that means, ladies and Gentile-men, is that any nation that attacks it, including the Jypsy State, will have in effect committed an ACT OF WAR against the United States.
Now, not that it SHOULD need to be revisited and reminded, nevertheless, let’s fill in a few blank spots here that doubtless will not get the kind of discussion that they deserve, and especially not within those large swaths of the same ‘alternative media’ that for 8 stupid years has stupidly stated in the stupidest of all possible stupid ways the nonsense that DJT is ‘owned by d’Jooz’ and is ‘out to start WWIII’ per Netanyahu’s demands–
The Jews have been planning for this moment for 2,000 years, i.e. the undoing of what the Roman Empire did in 70 AD by crushing yesterday’s Torah Terrorists and renaming their diabolical state ‘Syria Palaestina’.
Gaza–in the aftermath of the pre-known attacks taking place on Oct. 7th, was supposed to be the ‘spark’ that led to the ‘big bang’ known as ‘Judea Resurrecta’ and whereby, all of the Arab lands stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates were supposed to be (eventually) absorbed into ‘Greater Israel’ per the ‘promises’ of the ‘how-to’ manual of religious terrorism, the Torah, otherwise known as the Old Testament to Christians.
Trump has known about this all along, going all the way back to the earliest days of his first term as POTUS and why it was of such monumental importance to him personally that his ‘Deal of the Century’ be implemented as a preventative measure to what all are witnessing right now–the embryonic stages of WWIII/Armageddon.
Now, the other thing to keep in mind is the following–
As already stated above, the Pirates of Judea have been planning for/anticipating this moment for the last 2,000 years, i.e. the undoing of what Rome did in destroying the cancer of Judaic political/religious terrorism and forbidding its remergence in world affairs.
Since the creation of the Jewish State, all government officials and members of the military take their oath of office atop Masada, the giant fortress in the Negev desert that was the last hideout of the Judean rebels against Rome and wherein the rebels not only murdered their wives and children with them, but as well, committed suicide rather than being captured and taken to Rome as slaves.
The oath that all Israeli government officials take today atop Masada is that ‘it shall not fall again’, i.e the Jewish State, and what this means ladies and Gentile-men, is that the Jews are, right now, at this very moment, planning ‘the next thing’ that they hope will prevent the ‘fall’ of Judea that they swore an oath never to permit.
The question that the rest of us living on God’s green earth need to consider is just how bad this ‘next thing’ is that ‘they’–the Torah Terrorists of Judea–are planning to unleash in making good on their oaths.
By Ben Sales for JTA
President Donald Trump said that the United States would ‘take control’ of the Gaza Strip after the war there ends, a dramatic pledge and sharp change from previous American policy in the region.
Trump made the pledge in a press conference on Tuesday evening alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is visiting Washington D.C.
The proposal to take control of Gaza builds on Trump’s efforts to persuade Middle Eastern countries to take in Palestinians from Gaza — a plan he doubled down on in his remarks Tuesday.
But in the press conference, he went further — saying that the United States would ‘take over’ the area, clear it of explosives and rebuild it, a daunting task after much of the enclave has been destroyed. He promised to turn it into ‘the Riviera of the Middle East.’
‘The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too,’ he said. ‘We’ll own it, and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site. Level the site and get rid of the destroyed buildings.’
He added that the United States would ‘create economic development that will supply unlimited numbers of jobs and housing for the people of the area.’
And, he said he would visit Gaza on a trip to the region.
The idea Trump proposed has never been seriously suggested before. While various proposals have suggested that a multinational force could secure Gaza after the war ends, none of the plans that have been made public envision the United States fully taking control of the territory. The Biden administration had pushed for the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority to take a leading role in governing the site, an idea Netanyahu rejected.
Israel’s neighbors have rejected the idea of depopulating Gaza, and have historically supported Palestinians governing Gaza. In response to whether the United States had the right to take over Gaza, Trump said he saw the United States controlling the area long-term. He also said the United States would be making an announcement regarding Israeli West Bank annexation within the next four weeks.
‘I do see a long-term ownership position and I see it bringing great stability to that part of the Middle East and maybe the entire Middle East,’ he said. ‘This was not a decision made lightly. Everyone I’ve spoken to loves the idea of the United States owning that piece of land and of developing and creating thousands of jobs.’
In his remarks at the press conference, Netanyahu appeared to support Trump’s proposal. He called it ‘something that could change history.’
‘The third goal is to make sure that Gaza never poses a threat to Israel again,’ he said, referring to his government’s objectives in its war against Hamas. ‘President Trump is taking it to a much higher level…He sees a different future for that piece of land that has been the focus of so much terrorism, so many attacks against us, so many trials and so many tribulations. He has a different idea, and I think it’s worth paying attention to this.’
Asked who would live in the Gaza Strip after all of its current inhabitants leave and the United States takes over, Trump envisioned an international population including but not limited to just Palestinians.
‘I envision a world people living there, the world’s people,’ he said. ‘I think you’ll make that into an international, unbelievable place. I think the potential in the Gaza Strip is unbelievable, and I think the entire world, representatives from all over the world, will be there, and they’ll live there. Palestinians also, Palestinians will live there. Many people will live there.’