Jews and their state are portrayed in the most vicious light, ignoring both the ongoing existential threats that Israel faces and its readiness to live in peace and prosperity with its Arab citizens.


ed note–another eye-opener that every war-weary Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to read, understand and take deeply to heart.


First and foremost, ladies and Gentile-men, a tried-and-true fact that is as immutable and unchanging as gravity itself, which is that 




Not only has history proven this to be fact, but as well, we have it from a source as authoritative as Jesus Christ Himself, who condemned the Jews of His own day by describing them as–


‘Children of your father, the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning and the father of lies…’


And much of what facilitates their 1st-nature capacity for lying is that they live in a make-believe world full of fantasy completely absent of facts. In this make-believe world, they are the ‘chosen’ people and the center of the universe who enjoy ‘most favored nation’ status with ‘yahweh’, the violent deity whom they worship who has promised them the moon, the stars, and everything else in the universe that their voracious and bottomless appetite for power, possession, prestige, and prominence drives them to acquire.


Now, as to the piece below, nota bene the following–


The Rabbi is partly correct–the Jews do indeed wear a mask. They pose as righteous people, people of ‘conscience’ and ‘compassion’, people who claim to have taught the world ‘thou shalt not steal’, ‘thou shalt not lie’ and ‘thou shalt not murder’, but who, as history has demonstrated on occasions too numerous to count, steal, lie and murder with the same nature-based proclivities as fish swimming and birds flying.


So why are the words of the diabolically-deceptive Rabbi so important, ladies and Gentile-men, and why must we, the Gentiles of the world, understand and take deeply to heart what he has ‘scribed’?


Because it is prima facie evidence of ‘how they do it’ and one of the primary mechanisms by which they have now positioned themselves (and us) in such a place where they hold a razor blade to our collective throats and a loaded gun to our collective heads.


As Judah-ites, they live in a state of declared war against the rest of us while at the same time, envision themselves as the innocent, pure-as-the-wind-driven snow victims when their tribal and religiously-commanded criminality against us leads to the inevitable and unavoidable backlash that they refer to as ‘anti-Semitism’ and ‘persecution’ when in fact, all of it is based upon the same nature-based self-preservation instincts that cause any healthy body to raise a fever whenever it is invaded and threatened by a hostile, dangerous virus.


Now, we could go on verbalizing this for centuries, as if enough hasn’t ALREADY been written and said on this subject, but instead, we’ll use a few pieces of pictographical evidence in making the case as to WHY the Jews are forced to ‘mask’ themselves and hide the fact that they are, just as Jesus Christ Himself stated in the plainest and clearest of language, ‘children’ of some other ‘father’ than the one ‘who art in heaven’.





Rabbi Moshe Hauer for Jpost


‘Israel is accused of carrying out a genocide against the Palestinian people by a United Nations agency, experts, governments, and non-governmental organizations during its invasion of the Gaza Strip in the ongoing Gaza war.’ 


These are the closing words of Wikipedia’s authoritative entry on the State of Israel.


Their narrative is consistent with so many others describing Israel’s war on Gaza as genocidal, vicious, and indiscriminate and portraying Israel as a cancerous Jewish tumor created by interlopers intent on dispossessing innocent Palestinians while expanding their power, presence, and control at all costs and with utter disregard for Arab lives. 


But aren’t the Jews the nation that brought the world the Book of Books, leading and shaping its values of kindness and caring not just in the past but in the present, supporting general social causes in their communities and in the world at large at a level of charity beyond other Americans at all income levels? 


Aren’t Jews the nation obsessed with advancing every area of medicine, science, and technology and sharing their knowledge, skills, and energies for the betterment of all mankind?


Which one is it? Are we a light unto the nations or hospital-bombing baby-killers? Will the real Jews please stand up, pull off their masks, and identify themselves?


This was the mask that had to be yanked off during the climactic exchange between Queen Esther and King Achashverosh in the puzzling moments before Haman’s downfall. After dramatically and urgently revealing to the king that her nation had been condemned to annihilation, Achashverosh responds with palpable surprise, asking her who had the audacity to do this. 


Really?! Did he not realize that Esther was referring to the antisemitic decree issued at Haman’s instigation just days earlier? Achashverosh, of course, knew Haman well, but it was only at this moment that he got to know the Jew.




Promoting conspiracy theories about Judaism


Like every antisemite, Haman promoted conspiracy theories and narratives of demonization that described the Jews as a fifth column embedded in every corner of the world, playing by their own rules, and contributing nothing but harm to society. 


Achashverosh – like millions of gullible leaders and citizens of the world throughout history – swallowed this whole and granted Haman free rein to excise the Jewish disease from his kingdom.


Then, however, Achashverosh wandered past that false narrative. The night before Esther’s party, he had been reminded that he owed his life to Mordechai, who had saved him from an assassination attempt; now he had learned that his beloved Queen Esther was also Jewish. 


It simply did not compute. This was not the nation that Haman had described and that Achashverosh had readily agreed to destroy: ‘Esther, who would have the audacity to want to destroy you and your nation?!’


No different than in the Purim story, the many antisemites of the world inexcusably and maliciously distort the narrative of the Israel-Hamas War to make the Jewish people unrecognizable.


Jews and their state are portrayed in the most vicious light, ignoring both the ongoing existential threats that Israel faces and its readiness to live in peace and prosperity with its Arab citizens and neighbors similarly committed to peaceful coexistence. 


The world continues to hate and attack a fiction, a caricature of the Jew and of Israel drawn by malevolent antisemites, not realizing that if they follow that lead, they will rid the world of its Mordechais and Esthers, its greatest forces for good. 


It is time to tear off the mask.

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