0 thoughts on “Mainstream journalists expose 9/11 hoax”
  1. Decade and half after the fact- when everyone already knows it anyway. Wow, aren’t these risk taking whores something else!!!! Arent they the same corp whores who mocked, derided and did everything they could to smear us “conspiracy crazies”, until the truth became unavoidable to acknowledge??
    Screw them. Who cares about their crocodile ‘discoveries’ !

  2. The elite player have great sets, very high production values [at the rabbles expense] and a vast media imbedded in the collective consciousness to gainsay anyone who disagrees with them. [Indeed the media is the collective consciousness.] They also have the fear barrier and inertia [a force lacking on [9/11] which keeps people penned in and credulous, less doubting makes them uneasy.
    Believers defend their cosy certainty mostly with scolds and insults provided for their use: conspiracy theory being just one, as if the official explanation does not involve a conspiracy,
    What mitigation the believers offer, when they are not simply repeating off the peg pejoratives, involves feelings of nation, of nationalism, indeed feelings that the elite are immune too.
    The elite are not Nationalists. They are intent on deconstructing Nations States, including the one supporting them; that is why they are immune, also, to protests about immigration. It is their policy to swill us all into the bucket, a policy they held on course for years simply by insulting the opposition, because starting a squabble about racism, or any one of the plagues visited upon us by the Frankfurt school, puts off indefinitely having to admit that they [are] purposely dismantling Nation States and creating a multi-culture.
    Laws are enacted, by elite, self-appointed groups, making it illegal for nations to keep their borders because, to the elite, this [is] racism; just this, and nothing more. To the elite, nationalism = racism, but they will not say this plainly.
    Born hypocrites, they will not hesitate either to take advantage of any residue of national feeling when it suites them to do so. They would quite happily turn the mob on you as a traitor, merely for betraying the elite’s abuse of the mob to the mob.
    They will do all this; they will bring down Nation States, but not three buildings in New York City, and out of fellow feeling? And upon this calumny heap a million others, hiding their savagery behind humanitarianism: we are bombing them for their own good, or is it in self-defence?
    But no! This cannot be true! Surely these are honourable men. They wouldn’t lie to us…?
    The irony is that when they are found out to be lying, beyond a reasonable doubt, they gainsay. When, as in the Snowden debacle, the evidence overwhelms their ability to suppress it, they refuse further comment in, of all things, the National Interest.

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