What kind of “anti-semite” am I? The kind that will inherit the Earth.
There is a new strong wave of anti-Semitism in the world, and in Italy too unfortunately; much prejudice against Israel is driven by such anti-Semitism, from time to time that process is even unconscious.
It is out of question that if you somehow get rid of anti-Semitism, you will get rid of anti-Israelism, reducing the problems of prejudice against Israel to very low rates, the same level of criticism and disagreement we can have for the policies of other countries: who is in favour of death penalty carried out in USA? Who is in favour of female genital mutilation of some Arab countries? Who is on favour of reduced labour rights in China? We can strongly disagree with the different policies of the different countries but without hating, boycotting or disinvesting in those countries! We still continue to love Americans, Arabs, Chinese as persons even if we do not agree with their governmental policies. Indeed, the prejudice against Israel is a serious breach of morality and good sense and it drives in a way or another to anti-Semitism, even if it distinguishes from anti-Semitism as such in the early stage. It is a sort of growing process that starts with prejudice against Israel, goes through anti-Zionism and inevitably arrives to anti-Semitism.
There is no doubt that recent anti-Semitism is linked to the last summer Palestinian-Israeli conflict. And it is equally without doubt that Israeli policies sometimes deserve criticism, there is nothing wrong with that! You can feel free to criticise every single governmental decision, but why do you have to repeat the traditional anti-Semitic themes under the anti-Israel banner? The Jewish conspiracy to rule the world…linking Jews with money and media…the stingy Jew…the blood libel…disparaging use of Jewish symbols…to have killed Jesus…yada yada… Is that necessary to evoke the Jewish conspiracy or depict Israelis as Christ-killers to denounce Israeli policies?Really?
In September 2004, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance, a part of the Council of Europe, called on its member nations to ensure that anti-racist criminal law covers anti-Semitism, and in 2005, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) offered a working definition in an attempt to enable a standard definition to be used for data collection: It defined anti-Semitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred towards Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed towards Jews and non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, towards Jewish community institutions and religious facilities. The paper included examples of the ways in which anti-Semitism manifests itself with regard to the state of Israel taking into account the overall context could include:
• Denying the Jewish people the right to self-determination, e.g. by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavour;
• Applying double standards by requiring of Israel a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation;
• Using the symbols and images associated with classic anti-Semitism (e.g. claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis;
• Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
• Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the State of Israel.
So if you think like this, if you use that words, if you recognize yourself into one or more of those examples, you are an anti-Semite!
During last summer Palestinian-Israeli conflict, a new raise of anti-semitism has taken over in Italy. During that period, someone tried to remove the October 16, 1943 plaque from the so called Jewish ghetto in Rome; many hate messages were scrawled with black and red paint on Jewish businesses with phrases like “Dirty Jews,” “Jews your end is near,” and “Israel executioner”, with Celtic crosses and rows of swastikas. Those are the most evident forms of anti-Semitism but, even more disturbing, there has also been an exponential proliferation of anti-Semitic Internet websites and social networks.
From my personal observation, I have depicted some categories of anti-Semites:
1. Old fashion Nazis. Typical and traditional! For those, Jews are racially inferior and protagonists of the great conspiracy to conquer the world; they mostly like to draw swastikas on the wall of Jewish quarters and yelling that Anna Frank was a liar.
2. Go Right Go. They are mostly nationalists. They feel as Europeans to be ethnically and religiously homogeneous, so they are disturbed by minority groups as Roma, Muslims—and, of course, Jews.
3. Palestine mon amour. They are nostalgic communists and left party intellighenzia; they claim to be universalist and in favour of the poor and oppressed (in their mind pro-Palestinian); so Jews find disfavour following this attitude because they maintain a separate ethnic and cultural identity and also tend to achieve economic success and technological progress.
4. Muslim Extremists. Segments of those immigrants who have entered Europe from Muslim countries—and their descendants— are full of anti-Jewish prejudice based on select Islamic sources, reinforced by resentment that Jews today have a sovereign state in a region Islam teaches should be under its rule.
So which anti-Semite are you?
Times Of Israel
I am an Anti-Judaic. I reject that ideology in all of its phases. From every aspect of that vicious exclusive OT Religion of a tribal God called Yahweh (see: Yahweh,God Of The NWO-Synagogue nof Saturn YT) ,to there Talmud,and NEOCONSERVATIVE-RIGHT-FINANCE CAPITAL,globalism-across to the Judaic LEFT-of Trotzkyite/Marxist Leninism-with Ann Rand -Pierre Rothchilds mistress,and Alan Greenspans Dominatrix,”Liberterian”fraud thrown in-her book-ATLAS SHRUGGED-the Rothchilds/Jewish Capitals blueprint for there finance capital control-what we are experiancing today.
Bah, equating israeli crimes with nazi crimes is an obvious one. Less obvious is israel is more a Soviet like state than anything else.
The writer wishes conflate criticism with israel as antisemitic, but when we criticize the India are we anti Hindu? No! If we harp on the govt of Mexico, is it anticatholicism? Nope. And the UK, are we anti Anglo? No and so on.
Please, these people really believe they are a unique breed amongst us all.
A really great post. THANK YOU! Pics speak a thousand words!
I am anti-Israel policies, anti-genocides, anti massacres, anti injustices, anti apartheid, anti-racism, anti-theft, anti-lies, anti-war criminals, anti supporting Israel and giving them billions of dollars of our taxes.
mlo, I agree. Israel is a bolshevik country full of Russian Jews and has been so from its so-called creation.
To answer the final question, I am simply a proud anti semite. No other categories need apply.
What sick, disgusting the jews are. Another anti semite here. To hell with them all.
I am not an anti-Semite. I like the Arab and Palestinian people just fine!
Anti-Semitic, it’s a trick, we always use it and if that don’t work we bring up the hollowco$t…Aloni Shamit former Israeli PM
This is the kind of “anti-Semite” I am…and damn proud of it!
If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD THEY KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would they build “camps” hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, medical and other ancillary facilities. Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble? The jewish communist Bolsheviks did just that with the non-communist civilian populations of the conquered countries in the communist orbit.
Something BIG “stinks” in this whole jewish “holocaust ™” deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made “deals” with the Nazis in order to make life “uncomfortable” for jewish Germans.
The establishment of a “homeland” was a Zionist “dream” since the 1800s. What better way to encourage “emigration” to a barren land than to make things difficult for the “cream of German society” (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” is out . . .
The so-called jewish “holocaust ™” has been turned into a de-facto “religion” in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish “holocaust ™” truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the “tribe” that FEAR the real truth of the jewish “holocaust ™” being exposed is evident.
When the truth about this historical event comes out, it will change much of the world’s perception about those that are using this event as a “cash cow” that “keeps on giving”. . . “there’s NO business like “SHOAH business”.
Jewish complicity in this event is carefully “covered up”.
It is curious to note that jewish interests will hunt down and imprison a 90 plus year-old German “camp guard” while looking the other way when their “own kind” was involved in truly brutal actions. Camp “capos” and “sonderkommandos” (who were primarily jewish) come to mind. Not one of these jewish “collaborators” has been brought to (jewish) justice. I guess blood is thicker than water.
A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question “official” jewish “holocaust” orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the “official” jewish “holocaust” story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to “all things holocaust”.
Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment. . .
If people only knew of the planning that took place (among those of the “chosen”) to engineer the jewish “holocaust”, there would be a pogrom of massive size. You see, the jewish “holocaust” was necessary in order to force the establishment of a jewish state. In this case, the ENDS justified the MEANS. There have been many “holocausts” of much greater misery throughout human history, yet the jewish “holocaust” is the only one that counts . . .
jews will never be satisfied with knowing that those that commit evil deeds on earth in this lifetime will pay for it in the next life . . . they have taken vengeance from the Creator and appointed themselves the exacter of vengeance (in contradiction to mosaic law but not their anti-gentile talmud).
jews are vengeful people that will never pass up a chance to “make a buck” by screwing a gentile (goyim) out of money or property. jews were hated in Germany for taking advantage of the non-jew Germans between the two world wars. The average German did not have a pot to piss in while his wealthy jewish neighbor was trading food for land . . . taking advantage of the jewish bankster situation in Germany.
Look at the “commercialization of the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” while the much larger communist (true) holocaust is conveniently forgotten. To assure a continuing supply of jewish “holocaust ™” “survivors”, jews are tattooing their ATM (oops, I mean “camp” numbers) on their children and grandchildren.
Since the jews declared war on Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933), the Germans had no choice but to complete the Zionist plan of marginalizing German jews (to say the least).. This fulfilled the Zionist plan of forcing German jews to emigrate to Palestine while making the world grant jews a “homeland”–Israel.
Zionists have been predicting a jewish “homeland” for the last two-hundred years while predicting a “holocaust ™” of 6 million for the same amount of time. The ACTUAL number of non-combatant deaths in the European theater of operations is approximately 731,000, NOT 6 million (official International Red Cross figures).
Regarding that “holocaust ™” “showplace” Auschwitz, there are engineering inconsistencies in the design of the so-called “gas chambers”. The doors are not of a gas-tight design; it would have been impossible to retrieve the bodies, and there is no means to ventilate the rooms after the so-called “gassing” took place”. From an engineering standpoint, these are very serious errors that would have caused the deaths of the “operators” of these supposed “gas chambers”.
American execution expert, Fred Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, surreptitiously obtained samples from the purported “gas chambers”, had them tested and published his results. The absence of methylene blue in ALL of the samples, save one, was PROOF that the “gas chambers” did not exist. The one positive sample was taken from a room used to disinfect clothing.
Mr. Leuchter was rewarded for his search for TRUTH by his professional and personal character assassination by those of the “tribe”. He lost all of his federal and state contracts, and was prosecuted under an obscure Massachusetts “law” for “practicing engineering without a license”–a law which had never been used before or since. . .
It is no secret that after WW2, the Soviets attempted to “create” the “death camps” for propaganda purposes. Yes, there was extreme deprivation and suffering–many people perished. However, the prime cause of death was typhus. As allied bombings destroyed most of the infrastructure, typhus was at epidemic levels. THIS is what caused the massive amounts of human deaths . . .NOT gassing.
After the end of WW2, these same “camps” were used to intern German civilians. These German civilians were subject to much greater deprivation and suffering than the previous “occupants” of these “camps”. In fact, jews were controlling these camps, at the behest of the Allied forces, and were vicious in their treatment of those interned. For more reading on this, obtain and read the book “An Eye For An Eye” by John Sack.
So THERE, now!
The TRUTH must reign supreme…
• Denying the Jewish people the right to self-determination, e.g. by claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavour;
It isn’t??!
• Applying double standards by requiring of Israel a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation;
Israel is not a democracy!!!
• Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
wouldn’t dare! It would be denigrating the Nazis!
• Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the State of Israel.
When the various polls show 90 plus percent of Israeli Jews support the government actions, seems eminently reasonable to me!
Oh, and try using some term other than antisemitism, a long outdated, and meaningless term in today’s world.
A pipsqueak collection of minor tribes numbering 13 to 14 million does not designate the meaning of a word which covers some 470 million people.
Don’t like the growing approbation against Israeli Jews, and its seeping to cover all Jews? Try behaving like a semi-civilised country, comply with international law, drop the ‘exceptional’ nonsense . . .