American tycoon says the White House treats known enemies better than Israel, and that Iran will soon have nukes.
OCDG : Again we see that anything less than 666% acquiescence and you are labelled “israel’s/jews'” greatest enemy. He has done more for the satanic state than many other presidents combined.
Would that that comment by the well-coifed Trump were true. I now have objective reasons to dislike Trump – what a Fool. Peter
Why is trump so concerned with Israel? Is he jewish?
Anyone that likes Israel is a Jew or a servant of Jews and a criminal. If Trump is a Jew by berth he is a jew at heart and jew like. HE is a thief anyway.
It goes to show you, even Trump has to kiss Jewish ass. If he says one wrong thing he will be finished!!
Jeanine Pirro herself is Arab (SYRIAN).Yet she is all for the Jew’s. She knows never to knock Israel or the Jew’s If she does she will be looking for a new job! AND SHE KNOWS IT!!!
All those super rich 1% go for IsraHELL all the time. May be they like to kiss Jewish ass for their money just like our politicians.
BO himself is a Jew – his mother was a jew.
Yes joecthetruthteller. Barak Obama is an Ethiopian Jew. I heard that some years ago but was confirmed recently by Benjamin Satanyahu when he told BO: “Remember that You are an Ethiopian Jew”.
The Zionists knew and that is the reason they put him in power, he will do any thing for IsraHELL.