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0 thoughts on “Israel: Al-Aqsa Mosque 'Will be Replaced by Jewish Temple' Claims Housing Minister Uri Ariel”
  1. Sigh, Why do western “Christians” even maintain the title? Even the Vatican/pope no longer hides his disgusting fealty to the Synagogue. It’s as if Western “Christianity”, from the lowest “Hagee-ite” to the pope himself are taking the mantle of the Synagogue and are the de-facto killers of The Christ all over again. From their allowing the (Jew instigated) placing of homosexuals on a political pedestal to allowing pornographic “text” books depicting it as an “alternative” life style in elementary schools The very ones calling themselves follows of Christ have “……bruised Him in the heel” all over again. Satan is a busy, busy entity in these final days but fortunately the west, (the open sewer known as the U.S. specifically), is giving the Father of the lie all the help he needs.

  2. The invaders/Colonizers want very desperately to setup a ‘Temple’ on top of this Mosque, Al Aqsa of which is a VERY sacred Site for Islam and its true adherents. They have been concocting stories of the alleged ‘Antiquities’ found there in some attempt at justifying tearing down Al Aqsa to replace it with ‘their own’ so called ‘place of prayer’. This farce, is a sham and the minute they down that Mosque, all hell will break loose. The many followers of Islam will react in a most justifiable way. It will bring down more than a few “israelis”. They are playing with fire here. But leave it to fanatic jews who think they are ‘invincible’. There is no ‘Temple of Solomon’ and the alleged ‘Artifacts’ they claim to have found there are simply non existent.

  3. visit United With Israel website and you will find that the man’s utterances comes from a premeditated thing. see th pictures of their 3rd temple, the vessels for use just as in the OT and the training of priests in the order of their torah…amazingly Xtians who are supposed to be waiting for Jerusalem crafted by God himself are funding this supposedly man-made project, that for sure the fruition thereof is bound to see more detention and massacre of the precious Palestinians.. good heavens why are these people so wicked but their wickedness so sacred to Christians?!?!

  4. JACK ASS TRY IT!! You will end Israel if you do it!
    You will bring the whole Muslim Nation to bare on Israel when you do it! Or should I say if you try it!
    No matter what the Arab Puppet countries do! They won’t be able to stem the hatred toward Israel and the Muslims will swarm Israel like Locusts!
    What ISIS is not doing to Israel now! Will be done a thousand times over! When a Caterpillar shows up at that Mosque!

  5. Zionist controlled media whenever has to cover anything regarding Al-Asqa mosque, a picture of the Rock of the Dome (the blueish structure with a golden dome) is thrown in your face. It has been a deliberate attempt to wipe out the image of real Mosque from memeory so that when its totally destroyed by these devils, the world will see the Rock of Dome standing and will say ‘Whats all the fuss about??? It’s still there….’. Its really sad to see that many muslims and almost all non muslims take Rock of the Dome for Al Asqa mosque.
    Below is the pic of Al Asqa mosque.

  6. Talmud = Christ is the son of a whore being boiled in excrement for eternity.
    “Christian” Bible = Christ is the son of the true God, a Propitiatory sacrifice for all mankind.
    Quran = Christ is a prophet, son of an honorable woman.
    Western “Christians” so arrogantly ignorant, eager to grovel before The Synagogue foolishly align themselves with followers of The Talmud, the Synagogue of Satan.
    You would think that, ignorance notwithstanding, “Christians” would align themselves WITH other Christians/Muslims out of common decency/loyalty. But looking in their past one can see they are capable of turning like a snake and biting those who have helped them. Completely w/o honor.
    Long live Ken O’Keefe et al.

  7. The Temple of Yahweh vs. the Dome of the Rock/al-Aqsa Mosque
    The Dome of the Rock/al-Aqsa Mosque has religious, historical, and landmark seniority in Jerusalem. Let us look at the numbers –
    Built – c. 900 BCE (not by the tribal chieftain Shlomo [Solomon], who we now know had no kingdom or empire; yet another biblical tall tale. Modern archaeology has shown that Jerusalem in the time of the tribal chieftains David and Solomon [if they existed at all], i.e. 10th century BCE, was nothing but a small, poor backwater town of about 100 people, centered around a small shrine).
    Destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian army (after numerous acts of sedition by the ruling class of Judah) – 586 BCE
    It stood for about 314 years.
    Completed – March 12, 516 BCE (according to late biblical texts)
    Destroyed by General Titus and the Roman legions (after several Jewish rebellions) – 70 CE
    It stood for 586 years.
    Total Lifespan of the Yahweh Temple in Jerusalem – roughly 900 years
    Caliph Ibn al-Malik completed the Dome of the Rock in 691 CE, and as of 2014, it has continuously stood in Jerusalem for 1,323 years, 423 years longer than the historical lifespan of the Yahweh Temple. It thus has religious, historical, and landmark seniority and should not be touched by those who work for the Dark-side of the Universe, for if the Khazarian usurpers of Palestine destroy this sacred place which has stood at that spot in Jerusalem for 1,323 years, every Jew around the world will have a huge target on their back. There will be nowhere that they will be able to run and hide from the true jihadist fury that will track them down until they are no more. The destruction of this sacred space will signal global suicide for the Judaics, something about which they should all take into serious consideration.

  8. Racist apes with too much power that haven’t been rudely slapped back into their place for too long a time.
    It took awhile, but through deception, media control, lying and bribery, organized Jewry has made most Gentiles in positions of power dependant on the asskissing of Jews and Israel. AmeriKa is a Hebrew colony. Like the USSR was.

  9. If they DO bring down the Mosque, try to find it in your hearts to remember the likes of McCain, Biden, Pelosi et al that suckered the idiot Goim in the open sewer known as the U.S. to annihilate a people who did nothing to Christians/Muslims unless attacked first by the Synagogue or the U.S. In a sense, I revile them MORE than the Synagogue for they acted out of greed/treachery and betrayed their God, their country and their people for thirty pieces of Silver. Pure disgusting filth, nothing more.

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