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0 thoughts on “Nasrallah: conflict in Middle East political, not sectarian”
  1. I’ve tried telling people this… after a century of “Planet of the Arabs” indoctrination, it has very little effect.
    Before the jewish invasion of “zionism”, there were the jewish invasions/meddling by britain and france. Always a jew at the helm. People don’t realize to what extent the jews have butchered our world… mainly by proxy (not that it changes anything).
    The devil cromwell’s name should be well recognized by the public but sadly it is not. All those who have let the vampires in, should be named and shamed.

  2. Nasrallah says that Iran and Hezbollah are not the enemies of Sunnis.
    This brings up something about war.
    There is no such thing as a “religious war.” All wars are political, i.e. struggles for power. Even if you fight defensively, or for freedom, you struggle for the power to rule your own life.
    Wars (i.e. political struggles) only seem religious because they are often coated with veneers of religion, so that opponents can dehumanize their enemies and solidify their team. Religion is advertising. It is the “team jersey.” It is present in all wars of imperialist aggression, and in all Jewish wars. Religion makes you “Chosen.” It makes you righteous and superior, regardless of your war crimes, and your victims evil, regardless of their innocence.
    But again, the struggle is about power. It is political. Religion is merely the bullshit used to sell wars.
    Jews and their allies claim that their victims are all motivated by religion, and want to become martyrs. Jew-mericans spread this lie in order to make their victims seem insane and evil, and our “own side” (including Jews) seem righteous by comparison. Jew-mericans cling to this lie with a religious-style fanaticism. Their conviction that “all Jews are victims, and all Muslims are terrorists” is faith-based. It is emotional. It is saturated with hate and selfishness. It is absolute. It is not open to facts or reason.
    In all imperialist wars, the aggressors claim to be fighting “for God.” They claim that their victims are evil and “godless.” The USA is no exception. But again, this is just propaganda. It is advertising. It is window dressing to sell the aggression and dehumanize the victims.
    Jews and their allies claim that “ISIS” is a single group, motivated by religion. Again, the purpose of this lie is to vilify and dehumanize the targets of imperialist aggression.
    In Iraq, the reality is that “ISIS” consists of Sunnis that were abused, crushed, marginalized, and killed by majority Shiites, and are now fighting back. Regardless of the term “Sunni” and “Shiite,” it is a power struggle (i.e. political contest) between ethnic groups. Meanwhile the Kurds in northern Iraq have a lot of oil, which they keep to themselves. They are also extremely tight with Israel and the USA. Hence the Sunni insurgents (i.e. “ISIS”) fight them to get a piece of the oil profits. Religion is just window dressing. It makes the insurgents seem insane. And the “ISIS” label makes them seem like a global threat.
    In Syria, the reality is that “ISIS” consists of marginalized rural-dwelling Sunnis that protested at first, and were then armed by outsiders so that their protest became a proxy war against the government, and against bourgeois city dwellers.
    [[Bashar al Assad’s blunder was to abandon socialism, and impose neo-liberal “reforms” on the Syrian masses. Assad also supported the US invasion of Iraq, and allowed the CIA to have “black site” torture chambers in Syria. All this made Assad a darling of the West, but it caused severe poverty and inequality in Syria. The West wanted to become Assad’s ally, but when Assad would not betray Iran and bow to the Jews, the West decided to destroy Assad and Syria. Gaddafi made the exact same blunder. Neo-liberalism makes you are darling of the West, but it also makes your own people miserable. If you fail to worship Israel, then the West uses your own masses against you. Masses that YOU made miserable with your neo-liberal “reforms.”]]
    Anyway, to repeat, there is no such thing as a religious war. All wars are political. Religion is merely the bullshit used to sell wars.

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