0 thoughts on “ICC set to declare attack on Turkish aid ship a 'war crime'”
  1. Recall Judge Goldstone, acting under the auspices of the corrupted U.N., declared the “perennial victims’ ” a terrorist nation after their slaughter in “cast lead”. The Synagogue and the Synagogue alone “defend” themselves. The pesky Goim, i.e. Christians/Muslims etc. are strictly committing atrocities again those poor defenseless darlings. Hopefully, they will eventually pay the price IN SPADES for consistently committing what they accuse we Goim of doing.

  2. Good. It was a civilian vessel and it was in international waters, despite organized Jewry’s false claims to the contrary.

  3. We don’t yet know if this item about the ICC is true. The “Middle East Monitor” is the only outlet to mention it, and ICC web site itself makes no mention of it.
    However it’s possible that the ICC has kept quiet about it, and will suddenly make an announcement.
    If the story turns out to be true, what will it mean?
    Although an ICC declaration is non-binding (Israel and the USA are not signatories to the ICC’s “Rome Statute”) we will nonetheless have another arrow in our rhetorical quiver against the Jewish plague.
    Likewise, Jews and the USA will have one less propaganda avenue to vilify their victims, and to exonerate their favored dictators.
    For a long time the ICC sought to put Israel’s enemies on trial (e.g. Assad, Gaddafi, Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, etc).
    Now (if the story is true) the ICC will say that Jews are criminals.
    The USA is not a signatory to the ICC, but Israel’s other Anglo-bitches are signatories. (The UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.) If the latter want to continue using the ICC for propaganda purposes, then they must accept the ICC’s judgment that Israel committed war crimes.
    What about the Jews’ repeated attacks on Gaza? For a long time ICC had no jurisdiction there, since Israel is not a signatory to the ICC, and Palestine is not a “state.” However the UN vote in 2012 making Palestine a nonmember observer state made it possible for Palestinians to apply to the ICC.
    Again, it’s all propaganda. The ICC has no real power. Still, all wars are ultimately wars for the control of human minds. This is why Jews cannot tolerate the slightest challenge to their supremacy, no matter how trivial or offhanded the challenge is. Indeed, much of Jewish power depends on the global belief in the mythical “holocaust.” That is, Jewish power depends on mass mind control.
    If the above story is true, then the ICC declaration will be a challenge to that control.

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