isis meat grinder

Muslims in America and Europe say discrimination against them has seemed more pronounced after the Islamic State terrorists beheaded American and British journalists and aid workers. Hate-filled remarks on social media have also become more prevalent, especially since 9/11, when Facebook and Twitter did not yet exist.

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0 thoughts on “Muslims across America, Europe face renewed 9/11-style scorn amid ISIS' violent campaign”
  1. No doubt about it – there’s a war on Islam. The Jews have done their work well. A couple of staged beheading videos and everybody hates Muslims again. One more massive false flag event on American soil and there will be calls to put Muslims in camps like the Japanese-Americans during World War II.

  2. Zainab Chaudry says, “They are barbaric. There’s nothing Muslim about ISIS. The vast majority of their victims are Muslims. The kinds of atrocities they’re engaged in in no way reflects the true ideals of Islam. Associating ISIS with Islam only legitimizes the terrorists’ propaganda.”
    Alas, even Muslims believe the lies about the “beheadings” and the nature of “ISIS.”
    The propagandists have done their work well.

    Friends, everything that Jews and corporate media outlets have told you about “ISIS” is a lie.
    As I explained in previous comments, the US invasion of Iraq caused mass chaos and bloodshed. The majority Shi’ites have now taken power in the south, and the Kurds took power in the north. Both groups have mass quantities of oil.
    Meanwhile the Sunnis in the West (Anbar province) have nothing. Nor do Sunnis in the eastern Diayala province, on the border with Iran.
    Since the US invasion, the USA has helped the Shi’ites to starve, marginalize, and ethnically cleanse (i.e. exterminate) the minority Sunnis, who are now fighting for survival.
    The USA calls the desperate Sunni insurgents “ISIS,” and vilifies them in order to justify exterminating them. Iraqi Sunnis are trying to avoid extinction. Western governments say they want to conquer the world.
    As for Shi’ite death squads, the US government and the corporate media call them “Iraqi forces,” or “the Iraqi military.”
    Corporate media outlets (which never lie) call “ISIS” “insane,” a “global threat,” a “gang of bloodthirsty jihadists.”
    Jews agree (and Jews never lie either).
    On 22 Aug 2014 an eight-man Shi’ite death squad opened fire on the Musab Bin Omair mosque, killing 34 Sunni civilians inside, including a woman and 17-year-old boy. The Sunni victims were praying at the time they were slaughtered. They were from a Sunni tribe called the Beni Weiss. The Shi’ite death squad departed, and then returned a short time later to finish off the Sunni wounded.
    This was in the village of Imam Weiss in Hamreen, Diyala province, about 50 kilometers northeast of Baaquba, the capital of Diyala Province.
    There was an army (i.e. Shi’ite) checkpoint about 200 meters from the mosque, and a police checkpoint about 150 meters from the mosque, but no security forces responded to the attack — even though the shooting could be heard from at least 600 meters away, where one witness heard the shooting from his home.
    Shi’ite officials Baghdad say their investigation of the Shi’ite death squad is a “state secret.” They refuse to release their results.
    I’m not taking sides. Kurds, Sunnis, and Shi’ites are killing each other.
    I’m saying that Western governments praise the Shi’ites and Kurds, while depicting the Sunnis as monsters.
    YouTube has a video of a Jew named Bernhard Rosenberg. (I decline to include the link.) This Jew says, “As a child of holocaust survivors and one who lost most of his family, I say ISIS is the devil. ISIS is Hitler reincarnated. Women are being raped, men and women and children are dying every second.”
    There you have it.
    If a Jewish “holocaust survivor” says it, then it must be true.
    Here’s a four-minute video about the massacre by that (US-backed) Shi’ite death squad…

  4. Thank you Konrad bear in mind whom western bombs fall on despite the rhetoric. from Mali to Afghanistan.
    It it is lamentable that they have successfully started a sectarian war. Where everyone thinks their tribe Pardon I mean sect is right or wrong. We should question our info sources many are concocted.
    Divide and Conquer works like a charm but who will break the spell?

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