hate symbol:star
“This rhetoric of Jewish supremacy, how are people supposed to live around and deal with this mentality? That is a serious question.”

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0 thoughts on “Video: Routine exchange on a bus reveals racism embedded within Jewish Israeli society”
  1. It speaks volumes to the ignorance/treachery of western “Christians” as well. Even the Jew-owned head of the Vatican, the pope grovels before the Synagogue to the point of attacking Bishop Williams for a personal and political disbelief in the money-making scheme known as the holocaust. The west, (specifically this sewer known as the United States), is a shining example of what a “Christian” nation is NOT.

  2. Jews deserve it, hate, anger and fear is what they planted in their own land & society and they must see the results of it…
    No country in the world treats its citizens the way Jews are treating Palestinians…. Jews are the same victims of the WWII, now are treating Palestinians almost the same way that Hitler did against them… I wonder how history repeats itself and people never learn from it?!….

  3. Al #4 You are making the mistake many people today make in addressing the Reich as the proverbial ‘bad guys’ and that is a huge miscalculation. Adolf Hitler did NOT want a war with the ‘Allies’ particularly Great Britain & The United States. He was being played by Judea. This ruthless bunch of organized jews had it in for Germany ever since Hitler pulled the German people together out of a most severe Economic Depression, of which was orchestrated by the same faction of organized jewry ala Rothschild and minions. The HoloHoax was THEIR main instrument used to falsely accuse Germany and her leadership of the things they never did to them. Search here
    It was the Bolsheviks in Russia whom were the instigators of the malicious acts turned on Germany to get Prussia (See The Versailles Treaty 1913) and overrun it with jews, who stole that land as well from her rightful Custodians just as they did to the Palestinians.

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