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0 thoughts on “Israeli forces shoot 14-year-old Palestinian in the head”
  1. Let’s see if we have this straight;

    IDF = (1) blood thirsty gun toting filth who are raised to believe they are the rulers of the earth and we GOIM will live or die at their whim based upon how obediently we hand over our souls/wives/daughters/grand kids etc. They are chartered with keeping the screwed masses from gaining access to the screw(ers).

    Our “beloved’ heroes in blue, (most of the filth were in camo prior)…. trained by above under “advice” from the dual citizen Chertoff… Please see #1 above for concise, relevant info.

    Umm, are we able to make the connection yet or are we still as befuddled as when we’re asked to make a comparison to what the nation-killers did to Russia/Eastern Europe and this sewer??

    Have a nice day?

  2. These demon forces are child killers par excellence…..the most immoral army in the world, how can their agents live in their own creepy, crawly skin.

  3. “These demon forces are child killers par excellence…..the most immoral army in the world, how can their agents live in their own creepy, crawly skin.” The first portion of your statement answered the last portion. I have read that witnesses to their revolting actions in Eastern Europe noted that most (unarmed/defenseless), of their victims were mutilated BEFORE they murdered them, piles of arms and legs which had to be matched to torsos and the infamous rat-cage torture. These are some scary beasts.

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