ed note–somewhat clever, but extremely transparent. It is completely understandable how and why many in the Muslim community will be heartened by this, particularly in the present environment of rampant Islamophobia, but it is a TRICK. Let’ remember that it was/is these same organized Jewish groups who planted the seeds of Islamophobia in the West through their screeching campaign in the media, and now that enough inertia exists that the agenda is basically on ‘auto-pilot’, what they want to do is to distance themselves from their crimes so that when the blame game begins, they will be able to ‘prove’ they were against it all with gestures such as this, leaving the Christians holding the bill for it all.

Lest we forget–these same organized Jewish groups–PARTICULARLY THE ORTHODOX–view Arabs/Muslims as ‘Ishmaelites’ and ‘Amalek’ whom God has ordered the Jews to exterminate. They despise the Islamic religion, despise the culture it has produced and above all, DESPISE the way women in Islam hold their heads high with respect, honor and dignity. These same groups–while filing ‘motions’ in the legal system to protect Islamic women and their headscarves, will immediately upon finishing with such business, continue to pour their money and influence into destroying Islamic society through all the toxins with which the West has been destroyed–porn, feminism, gay lifestyle, abortion on demand, etc.


Jewish Journal

Seven national Orthodox Jewish groups filed a Supreme Court brief in favor of a Muslim woman’s right to wear a head scarf at work.

The brief was filed by attorney Nathan Lewin of Lewin & Lewin, LLP of Washington D.C. for a case that is expected to be heard in February or March of next year on whether an applicant’s failure to give explicit notice that she is a practicing Muslim who wears a head scarf at work allowed clothing retailer Abercrombie & Fitch to reject her application, saying it was in violation of the company dress code.

In the brief, Lewin recounted how his application to a New York City law firm was turned down because the firm didn’t want to be inconvenienced by making accommodations for his religious observance.

The National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs, Agudas Harabbanim, Agudath Israel of America, National Council of Young Israel, Rabbinical Alliance of America, Rabbinical Council of America and the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America joined the friend of the court brief.

0 thoughts on “Orthodox groups file with Supreme Court in support of Muslim head scarfs”
  1. It was things like this that confused me too. It took a long time and a lot of effort to reconcile perception with reality.

    These children of satan know how to lie and deceive far better than any Gentile could ever hope to recognize let alone match.

    Even after all the hell I’ve been through, my feelings and mentality are still affected to some extent… because otherwise I’d be one of them if it didn’t.

    That’s why I focus on articles that delve into the psychological aspects of these creatures… the rest is superficial and simply a reflection of their inner nature.

    I’ve always had a strong bond with the idea of the following quote, long before I’d ever read it:

    There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.

    Henry David Thoreau

  2. Jews NEVER have honorable intentions. They ALWAYS have ulterior motives.

    Jews do small things like file an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court, in return for huge things like a nationwide ban on “holocaust denial.” Or in return for new laws that make it obligatory for every American school to prominently display a Jewish menorah.

    Note that if it becomes okay for a Muslim woman to wear a head scarf at work, then it will be okay for Jews to wear their kippahs and tallits at work, and to bring federal hate crime charges against anyone who questions the holo-hoax, or speaks in favor of BDS.

    Jews ALWAYS have ulterior motives.

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