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Ed note (Trevor) I was on Press TV again, explaining that ISIS and the other inorganic zionist-backed takfiri terrorist groups are simply working on weakening the region for the “Greater Israel” project aka the plan to turn everything from the Nile to the Euphrates into Jewish-only land, and that the world sees through the deception and stands in solidarity with Muslims against this horrid Zionist plot to blacken the name of Islam and foment sectarianism. 
Also, for the 3rd out of four times on Press TV so far, my Skype video feed went down seconds before going live.


0 thoughts on “Iran president: World has realized Syria battling terrorism”
  1. The diabolical neocon plan, of 7 countries in 5 years has hit a hurdle,by destroying Saddam Hussein ,_a powerful Sunni leader of Iraq has ironically altered the power dynamic of the region,leaving Iran as a proto super power,_Iran has always been the target for the Israeli agents commonly known as neocons and neo liberals, they who subvert and have misused America’s military might against Israel’s enemies,Syria is the buffer between Iran and its enemies,_both Israel and Saudis Arabia both see the future and it is a sophisticated powerful super state that Iran will one day become,while Israel supplies islamists like ISIS and Al Nusra front in desperate attempts to spread terrorism into Iran.We must be prepared for the demonization of Iran by corrupted msm.

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