But why withhold those pictures? They should be proud of them ! The dear ole USA,home of the dumb Goyim Masses,and land of the Jew does everything soooo right ! Plus that torture ‘kepted us safe’. I live in PA ‘Dutch Territory’ . No dumber bunch can be found. Well,maybe,but I won’t open that can of worms . The older,the worse. “Ve gotstsa vight deees Musssslums” They are so efil,that they might efen beees on da US Velfare’… Iz saws vonz wis a Foods Stamp cards buying a cabdies barz” I thoughtz he was gonna killz me”. Ain’t szay juuust likes Hitttlerrsss “…compund that ,with other cretins across this ‘nation’-really a Colony,reconnected to Rothschilds/Bank Of England. ! When will divine justice pass judgment on the Internataional Jews,who create all of this ignorance,and hellish consequence.. the system is so Judized,it would take generations to eliminate the pall of the evil ‘God ” Yahweh over humanity. “He kills,and wounds” . See YAHWEH GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER & Synagogue Of Saturn YT.
Evidently the US Senate report on torture created such widespread outrage that the CIA and the Pentagon are now in full damage-control mode.
In 2004, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh described how US soldiers raped boys in front of their mothers at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and the Pentagon had video tape of it.”
I will say it again…in many ways the USA is even worse than Israel.
DANTE ARDENZ makes a great point. Why withhold the pictures? Politicians and right-wingers should be proud of them. The USA does everything right. Besides, torture prevents terrorism. The proof is that the USA has not had a major “terrorist attack” since 9-11.
@ DANTE ARDENZ: I didn’t know that the Pennsylvania Dutch were that stupid.
You bring up another good point, namely that age accentuates who we are. If we are thoughtful and intelligent, then we tend to become more so as we age.
But if we are self-righteous idiots who believe in fairy tales, then we tend to become more so as we age.
Filth such as they are where this hole culls it’s cops from…. Any questions regarding 5th column pigs?
This particular news update really disturbed one of the core and founding components of my Soul — Justice! And I’m writing this with the wish that all my rare and courageous brothers at TUT (under Mark Glenn’s Blessed Humanity, Conscience and Leadership) would give this their best consideration.
So, the criminals [and their tortures] were exposed, by the Will of God. And this being the End Times, they seem to be getting away with murder again … unless we [on the side of Truth and God] hit back stronger. [Because any event from the Will of God is a Test for us and our will/ collective will.] To that end, there are some serious matters that have never received adequate attention from the masses. I’m just trying to elaborate on one of those:
– The AntiChrist’s/ Dajjal’s latest ploy (on the agenda) appears to be the cranking up of the knob for maximally inflaming ALL kinds of conflict — sectarian, religious, racist, classist, “color revolutions”, et al. …
– (I always research on any new development, and first consult all perspectives on it (at TUT, e.g.), before I decide upon a stance on any issue. However, this one, I’m quite sure about…) … I’m focusing on something specific that I discern from my personal experience in the past decades … namely: “COVERT Harassment/ Tortures” — because it is the very phenomenon that encompasses the entire gamut of atrocities (and the AntiChrist’s Masonic machinations) around the world (incl. child abuse/ sacrifice, installation of mind-controlled puppet governments, satanically possessing masses/ society and turning them into apathetic consumers, destruction of nations, prison-torture, the Secret Service Cancer, and Satanism/ the Occult). It’s interesting even Hitler hinted at Covert Harassment (e.g. ‘Slander’ being the least of key Judaic weapon against the ‘righteous’) in Mein Kampf, although his regime ultimately ended up using the same, and ended up fighting fire with fire (?) !!
– The recent exposure of the Satanic US-Israeli atrocities upon Muslims (in the Baghrams and Abu Ghraibs) IS ONLY THE TIP of the Iceberg! … The Truth is that these bastards have been inflicting torture in many [other] forms [than can be seen in the prisoner abuse photos] upon ENTIRE chunks of humanity, incl. innocent civilians. It’s a common-sense speculation/ inference that the MAJORITY of Western defence budgets (a.k.a. tax-payers’ money) has been spent on developing these mechanisms to subdue/ cull the masses (which is Judaic Agenda #1 for the ushering in of the False Messiah Dajjal). … I’m, thus, eagerly bringing your attention to the following (exemplary) cases:
– MARK RICH — http://www.newworldwar.org/ , http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/hiddenevil/hiddenevil.htm — a rare victim (in the US) who actually went on to expose the ENTIRE iceberg behind his unspeakable/ indescribable sufferings! His works were (and still are) GOLD! He even points out how University Psychology Departments at prestigious Institutions (like McGill U., e.g.) host MONSTERS like Dr. Ewen Cameron who have been conducting “experiments to gauge/ promote psychopathy among ordinary citizens/ students” for decades now! … Every man must begin by asking (i) Who funded these abominations and why? (ii) How were the results used (e.g., to perfect MK Ultra and Monarch Phoenix horrors? … To groom an ISIS army in prisons? … To create masses of psychopathic youth-snitch-brigades either for the US Army or for Masonry/ Secret Service to go viral across society without the need for badges?); (iii) If our societies today (esp. the US and Canada) are “open prisons” [and I’ve personally lived in five different countries to know that ALL countries are open prisons today, esp. since 11 Sept 1991!] … just what does all this mean for our kids in school, our families in universities, workplaces and just about ANY walk of life? (iv) In how many sneaky, monstrous ways are we all “doing it to each other” JUST because we are unaware of how our thoughtless or well-intended “everyday” actions are just jigsaw pieces of [what only amounts to] Covert Tortures! [Yes! We ALL need to see the big picture immediately… or we’ll have NO excuse in front of God on the Day of Judgment!]
– PETER MOORING — http://www.petermooring.nl/blog/?p=98 — another rare victim from Europe/ Netherlands, who didn’t keep quiet about his sufferings, and did his best to expose this burgeoning monstrosity. It’s the efforts of those like Mooring that has given birth to this honorable movement/ conference : https://www.covertharassmentconference.com/ , http://ww.covertharassmentconference.com/ . … I pray to God that such movements/ conferences would go viral in other nations [esp.] like the US and Canada. … [My heart ached for more than a decade to spread such awareness, and to alleviate the victims. However, a “targeted individual” is kept in constant surveillance/ bars in an open prison. Thus, the best I could do was as an individual…. and I surely lost everyone I know for doing so!]
– There are countless innocent victims/ guinea pigs/ “Targeted Individuals” who could never do anything mass-scale to raise awareness on this monstrosity, except modest attempts online [which todays Earthlings are “too busy” to pay heed to) — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZtfpqVxmzU , https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=targeted+individuals . The Documentary has UNMISTAKABLE contextual connections with the whole “human torture/ persecution” furore of recent times. … We may NOW understand how false-flag “killers” have been groomed till date … BY FREEMASONS and MASONAZIS! … We may NOW understand what Hollywood was [so perversely] “hinting” at with movies like “The Bourne Supremacy/ Identity/ Legacy”! [Remember the movie logo: “He (Jason) was not the only one”? … Oh, yeah! ISIS is living proof that he wasn’t the only one!!! Israelis (and other puppet Zio-presidents/ Generals around the world) are living proof that he wasn’t the only one! … …. We’re just waiting for Dajjal to “trigger/ unleash” the countless “sleepers” on home soil (and among civilian populations), soon! … The curious and random murders in the MSM are all highlighting that this is about to explode!! … … Those [few] of us who are protected/ guided by God won’t be able to handle it when we realize that some of those “sleepers” were from among our own beloved “family and friends” — now unleashed as in the WWZ movie!]
– Although some at TUT might have been aware of this apparently insidious thing called Covert Harassment/ Torture … it would make a tremendous case for the Truth Movement to consider this in its FULL horror : (i) with respect to what Putin is “referring” to as the REAL implication of colored revolutions; (ii) with respect to how “colored revolutions” may be staged/ stoked among individuals and communities as much as among nations (from Ferguson, to NY, to Sydney, to the vile Savile’s UK, to Burma, to Kashmir, to Al Aqsa)! (iii) with respect to “what was really done” to indigenous children at pseudo-missionary orphanages institutions in the past … and how the same thing may be being done under the sky in various forms, to various other groups, at various other venues — all under the guise of educational, humanitarian, charity, religious, democratic or progressive initiatives!
I just wanted to end this note with one other critical missing link [besides Covert Harassment/ Torture] … The MI7’s/ CIA’s/ Secret Services links/ dabbling with the Secret Society (Freemasons) and [thus?] occult/ demons have been exposed earlier in recent times. … In recent times, just as soon as I was trying to emphasize on the critical need for “Ruqyah”/ Exorcism in my online appeals … … an agent from the CSIS showed up at my door to convey/ allude to some benign-sounding-malignant warnings! … Yes! I KNOW that it’s one of the keys to save our “Race”!
For there are only two races as we speak — (i) the old fashion “Human Race” (irrespective of appearances, names and denominations), whose conscience still works in all its glory… whose tender hearts still swell up like the ocean with maximal Mercy, love, empathy, protectiveness, justice and compassion… whose hearts still see through walls/ monuments/ incessant-broadcasts of lies and figure out the Truth… whose hearts continually appraise and cultivate/ build-up the self and others; … … and (ii) the “Demonic Race”, whose membership is from both human and djinn forms (Surah Naas), and whose hearts are Merciless, cold, hard and vicious… who only put-down, tear-down, rob, rape, destroy and deceive everything and everyone… whom Jesus (Alayhis Salaam) called “Whited Sepulchres” and Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi was Salaam) called the “Mugharribun” (essentially satanically possessed/ inspired/ controlled humans)!
To sum up (like “the world in a grain of sand”), corresponding to the abovementioned … we are, today either: (i) the children of Adam (Alayhis Salaam), OR (ii) the children of Satan! … And in a super-summary of might narrative : the second lot is being manufactured by the hour, for years now, to wipe out the first lot! And though many might have known/ realized this … the role of Covert Harassment/ Torture/ Experiments as a key to this “evolutionary operation” may only be recognized by very few — the very few who were [likely] first hand victims.
[And as the rabbit hole keeps going deeper] the second group/ race is soon going to unite under “one god” [Satan/ the AntiChrist], chanting “we’re all ‘one’!” … May the All-Merciful God Guide us so we (from the first group/ race) remain united under the True One God … and heal us from all our wounds … either directly, now …. or through the Blessed Hands of Jesus when we returns (hopefully soon). For it’s God’s Promise to the Believers : that “HE will punish the wicked through the Believers’ [very] hands … and Heal the hearts of the Believers!” [Surah Tawbah:14]
Assalamu Alaikum Human melody 1
it was the torture stories that got me awake to start with…….:(…the kids…….the prisoners hiding the abuse from other prisoners.
Due to them
I embrace correcting the wrongs.
we have a date us and the corruptors Jewish supramicists and their supporters Muslim or non.
In 2004, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh described how US soldiers raped boys in front of their mothers at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and the Pentagon had video tape of it.”
I will say it again…in many ways the USA is even worse than Israel.
Wa ‘Alaikum AsSalaam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu, MJ. … You made me relate to your thoughts, brother, when you did mention [esp.] the Muslim supporters of Zionism/ Masonry. I just wanted to bare my soul to you on this topic. [You’d find it interesting to know how even a few Google searches with the key words “Muslim Masons” got me into trouble! Because [most likely] this is currently the hot area/ agency of the Illuminati’s latest ploys around the world! … Just look at the ISIS casualties — mostly Muslims, and most likely the decent, helpless ones (final phase of “wiping out of middle classes”?) who may still have morals/ decency and are unwilling to join/ help Masonry. Now we know: when Obama talks about degrading and destroying ISIS, his serpent tongue/ unspeak actually means degrading and destroying the last few real Muslims, maybe? So, very soon, what will we have left among Muslims? (i) Muslim-looking people who are actually Jews within (remember the “inner Jew” concept/ disease?) in the [Communist] ruling/ elite class, and below them in the Masonic pyramid (ii) ADMIRABLE “moderates” (loved, praised, hired and protected/ funded by the Zionist West) wherein “True Believers” (a.k.a. Extremists/ prime targets!) still recognize that “moderate” = munafiq = hypocrite = ‘will never brave speaking/ upholding the truth’! (iii) thus-far-Slaves (Hadeeth: poverty that pushes one over the verge of Kufr!) to be offered as ritual sacrifice (already happening) after exploitation. And we all know how group-ii (masonic dupes and adepts) and will be deeper into Hellfire than the Kafirs! [On this note, please read the ‘Dialogue between a Christian and a Mason’ here : http://henrymakow.com/000305.html . Whatever is happening among Muslims now has commonalities with what had happened to Christians earlier … as history is repeating itself!] And again, it is group-ii who shoulder the greater burden of evil/ responsibility for allowing/ facilitating CIA/Mossad tortures to take place, and for allowing CIA/Mossad to get away with it! [Quran: “Miserable is the price for which they sold Aakhira/ Hereafter”!]
I have a feeling that you’d agree with me in what I’ve always maintained: that just like “hope and fear” must be two equal wings to sustain Imaan/ Faith at it’s max, “Amr bil Ma’roof and Nahi anil Munkar” must also be equally exercised to stay on the Path of Allah or to hold on to the rope of Allah. … Further, since Dajjal and his Jews/ Masons have already brought mankind down and tilted the world in these End Times, we have to have more “fear” and “Nahi anil Munkar” than “hope” and “Amr bil Ma’roof” today to compensate for the damage/ derailment and stay level with the original coordinates of Faith.
I often get attacked/ disliked when I say this: that most Daee’s out there are always emphasizing too much “AbM” and too little “NaM” (I’m guessing, mostly out of fear of backlash from Zionists/ Masons … whereas True Believers fear Allah alone and not backlashes)! … And even the NaM they are doing are mostly irrelevant, relatively petty stuff (like “smoking is bad”!) … and rarely about the critical [Satanic] issues of our times such as Riba, moral degeneracy, mind-control, torture, imperialism, supremacist ideologies, intellectual deception, love of Dunyah, materialism/ material worship, selfishness, apathy, placing worldly success over eternal success, and placing the Hereafter in a much lower priority than everything else… etc. [That’s why I was thrilled to hear beloved Sheikh Hamza Yusuf focus essentially on NaM, at RIS 2014, here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVISHyinXi4 . See, all Prophets/ Messengers were patriarchal figures/ guides from Allah… and their rebuke is like a Blessing! And if the true Scholars are the Spiritual children of Prophets/ Muhammad (saas), then they should be accorded the same prerogative — as much as it might irk/ thwart the populace of a Scientology-/ Y.O.L.O.- brainwashed world!
A just note on this, though: I realize that we are already being vilified and driven to extinction by Judaic slander/ propaganda/genocides … and TUT provides a rare support, justice and mercy to destroy the Lies with Truth, other than TUT (and some Truthers and personalities, though not to the same degree) there’s no one else speaking up for us (e.g., the UN doesn’t “mean it” when they appear to stand up for us) … so we don’t need to self-rebuke ourselves in public (and provide more fodder to the scheming Zionists). However, that’s exactly why I emphasized what I did at the end of the previous paragraph. …
I strongly feel that we/ all Muslims need to watch out for what’s coming : (i) after all these ongoing persecutions, Muslims may easily develop a “victim complex” (which the Jews/ Satan will LOVE, then!); and (ii) Dajjal might grind us down to the point where we become docile, hopeless, degraded and knave just like Pheraun did to Bani Israel (at least that’s what Dajjal dreams of). …. And this is where my “hope” kicks in … for I know that the “Real and Blessed Resistance Army” would appear soon, BEFORE Dajjal’s filthy/ faggoty dreams come true! … … Here, [as a preventive measure] I always did my part : I try to appraise, respect, uphold and encourage my fellow brother (esp. those who’re most damaged/ afflicted/ oppressed) to at least keep their Spirit alive (and not add to the destructive competition that’s plaguing so many societies). I know my effort may just be a drop in the ocean … but I do my part so I can face Allah one day. And, by the way, MJ … I believe that those who received the Qur’an (and even People of the Book/Gospel) will have a much SEVERE Hisaab/ Accounting on Judgment Day than those communities who were not chosen by Allah to receive any guidance. It’s just my logic. Correct me if I’m wrong… but it just seems obvious.
I often feel that the greatest damage done to Islam was when two “Essential” Components (I’m not going to start a war by calling them “Pillars” 🙂 … ) were removed from the Real Islam by the Jews/ Zionists/ MI/ CIA/ Muslim-Masons … namely : “Tawbah/ Tazkiyah” (Repentance and Spiritual Purification/Growth), and Akhlaq (Eternal ideals/ goals set quintessentially within the very disposition of ‘character’/ consciousness … ONLY for the sake of Allah). [IMHO : These two components open a thousand doors to countless virtues that constitute “Al-Ihsan”.] … If the Ummah was still brimming with these qualities/ virtues [and could vividly ‘see’ and keep Heaven & Hell right before their eyes 24/7] … the entire [only] few thousands of Demons that rule the earth wouldn’t dare touch even ONE of us … because not ONE of us would ever spinelessly stand there and watch it happen to even ONE of us! And if many ONEs of us ‘stood up’ and paid any price, then there will always be a thousand ONEs of us to watch out for/ watch over that ONE of us! … Think about it, brother … if every Muslim on the planet paid just a SINGLE dollar each in a trust fund … we’d have $1.5 Billion … which would buy/ gag ANY Jewish Lobby and get Sister Aafia out tomorrow morning (to mention just one such act of justice)! … [And, dare we dream, a [True] Christian-Muslim fund of the same scope would achieve the Unthinkable!] … If we can’t make this happen, then that inability must eventually be rooted in the [lack of the] two ‘components’ I mentioned above (at least).
I want to end with a great thought/ reflection. One Hadeeth regarding Abu Dharr(r.a.) tells us that Prophet Muhammad (saas) informed us of how Abu Dharr resembled/ reflected some of the characteristics/ essence of Eesa (a.s.), namely “Zuhd” and “Waraa”. I studied those two qualities the other day, and couldn’t help but be really emotionally moved (as an extension of my Love for Rasulallah (saas)) … at the very visualization of the Blessed Eesa’s (a.s.) personality as he arrives in the coming years … and just how much it means to the hearts of the tortured, the oppressed and the innocent! … However, do we all have enough Zuhd and Waraa to face him and be with him? … Are WE ready for his return?
OCDG … That verse always frightened me, brother! May God set our hearts firmly on His Path, Ameen. … Also, it is really assuring for those like myself to hear you describe the US for what it has really become (or probably was since the beginning of FreeMasonry). [I already saved the pic/ illustration you had posted earlier, and would like to use it elsewhere with your permission.]
Assalamu alaikum Human Melody 1 MashaAllah, what a well thought out reflection and I am in agreement with most of it.
I agree about Nahi an al munkar, I check to see which daees do this because it corrects the ills that is plaguing all societies and this is the thankless part of conveying the message and the component that even the prophets were persecuted for.
9:112. (The believers whose lives Allah has purchased are) those who repent to Allah (from polytheism and hypocrisy, etc.), who worship Him, who praise Him, who fast (or go out in Allah’s Cause), who bow down (in prayer), who prostrate themselves (in prayer), who enjoin (people) for Al-Ma’ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all what Islam has ordained) and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism of all kinds and all that Islam has forbidden), and who observe the limits set by Allah (do all that Allah has ordained and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allah has forbidden). And give glad tidings to the believers.
And indeed We have sent down to you manifest Ayat (these Verses of the Quran which inform in detail about the news of the Jews and their secret intentions, etc.), and none disbelieve in them but Fasiqun (those who rebel against Allah’s Command).
Say, “O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are allies of Allah , excluding the [other] people, then wish for death, if you should be truthful.”
Have you (O Muhammad SAW) not seen those (hypocrites) who take for friends a people upon whom is the Wrath of Allah (i.e. Jews)? They are neither of you (Muslims) nor of them (Jews), and they swear to a lie while they know.
.Isn’t it much easier to sit with the wrong doers and sing kumbaya and ” I am okay you are okay….:)”
Also, I agree about not being disheartened because how could we be we were told that the best of us will be victorious.
I believe our ummah/nation will be going through fitna/calamities but like iron we will be purified from the dross.
Finally, I also agreed regarding repentance and self purification because until we hold the standard we cannot expect others to hold it.
one statement would be that we as Muslims or the vast majority of us whilst having belief have shades of uncertainty and that those who will be considered in the next life to be the foremost in deen/religion will be those who have the quality of unshakeable yaqeen/certainity.
Well your statements are quit comprehensive so I will come back and discern more with a bit more time, but it is always a delight to have our brethren/sisterhood here on TUT. PS I am a sister.
Wa ‘Alaikum AsSalaam wa Rahmatullah, Sister MJ. [I correct myself. I had no way of knowing, esp. because I joined the TUT discussions rather recently.]
You’re absolutely right in that Nahi anil Munkar is an invitation to persecution! It is only for the brave. Some mullah’s misinterpret/ practice this as “fault-finding in others” (!!) … whereas it really means (e.g.) fighting to ensure everyone’s/ everyone ELSE’s rights. [Inna ma-al ‘Amaalu bin Niyaati, right?]
Your reply, Ma sha Allah, was encouraging for me, esp. the Ayaat you selected to mention … were of the very ones I had in mind originally. The Ayaat from Surah Jumu’ah is so striking when I reflect, because it still serves as the unfailing antidote to Jewish intellectual aggression/ deception, even till today. Just imagine walking up to the ISIS leader and saying : “Hey Shimon Elliott! Wanna sit all together and make a prayer for immediate death?” 🙂
Also, the Ayaah right before the one you cited is also historic : in that Allah SWT had set in stone how : “The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah and then did not take it on is like that of a donkey who carries volumes [of books]. Wretched is the example of the people who deny the signs of Allah .” (62:5) … I think to myself: Is this why the Jews are always out to prove that they have the highest IQ in the world (because, as usual, they’re trying to disprove Allah)?! … Is this why the Jews infected Muslims since a century ago into thinking that Islamic scholarship is all about ‘kitaab-kitaab-kitaab’ and no Reflection/ discussion?
This assault, a century ago, is right in line with what you mentioned — ‘shades of uncertainty’/ compromised Yaqeen/ doubts (Shaqq). The Judaic Zio-West had injected that Shaqq as the key weapon to dethrone the Khilafa and Install the Saudi regime, when the original Saud sold out (himself as well as Islam) for only five thousand pound sterling! … [I listen to all Sheikhs and read all Tafseers/ Mufassireen, because each bring a unique light. Syed Qutb’s was the best in : explaining how “the Quran is till being revealed”, and showing how our ONLY way must be exactly the same as that of the original Sahabas in how they dealt with the Jews’ various ploys/ weapons … and nailing/ exposing the Jews (and their strategies) for what they really are! … That’s why ‘they’ persecuted him. Btw, I don’t think the ‘brotherhood’ after his death (now Mason-infiltrated) is anything like him.] … And Shaqq still remains their greatest weapon against the Muslim Ummah (esp. in the form of confusion in these End Times). … And Yaqeen still remains inversely proportional to ‘the love of this world and what it has to offer (incl. vanity)’.
I’m too certain that we are in the End Times when, as Prophet (saas) said, “Shirk/ Idolatory will be like the black ant on a black stone on a black night”! [In a world like this, we can never be cautious enough or striving enough. I stay in line by always pushing the envelope, thinking: How good is good? How much striving Is ample? How good is my salaat/ purity? What am I Really in His Eyes? Can we ever do enough for Allah?] Logically, then, the most striving Believers will have to have at least a little paranoia (for they’d constantly fear losing their Imaan). And it’s a good paranoia … which makes one question everything (not just per se but in the light/ lens of Qur’an an Sunnah). E.g. …
– Are those Cursed Ones, who know they’re going to Hell, giving Believers a taste of Hell through such things as CIA torture? …
– Did the Jews make the post-WW Islamic Scholars preach/ brainwash that ‘Tahara’/ Purity is just Wudhu (because Jews know that if they could defile us, we will stop “understanding” or receiving the Blessing from the Qur’an, no matter how much we read, and fail exactly where they failed)? Here’s a nice page on that thought … http://www.quran-islam.org/main_topics/quran/misinterpreted_verses/touching_the_quran_(P1361).html . [Consequently, I always had my own definition (and it works) that Tahara = Purity = “Being the EXACT opposite of all that’s Maghzuub/ Jewish” … not only in words/ speech, deeds, style/ fashion, culture/ lifestyle, but also (and Esp.) in “thoughts/ thinking/ mentality, humility, empathy, sanctity; NOT being envious, sabotaging or secretive/pretentious (= Zero ‘Sarair’ or ‘Ainul Khayana’)” etc. … And I’m more convinced today that such definitions are the only safeguard against the Judaization of the world. And that’s why I always mention Tazkiyah/Tawbah and Akhlaq in every discussion with sisters/brothers. I’m grateful that you didn’t shut me down, sister … like a lot of people do when this particular subject is mentioned. Then again, I realized you listen to Sheikh Imran Hosein, so I know you are from Al-Ihsan and not the soulless/literalist Wahhabi/ Islamist people.]
– Prophet (saas) said: “The most valuable thing in this whole world is a “Pious Woman” [and the heart and tongue of a slave/ zakir that constantly remembers/ mentions Allah”. Only those with a foremost heart will know how serious and stunning this is! … Not gold or silver … nor riches nor billions … it’s the heart of the Pious Woman. … And we’re forced to wonder : is THIS why they’re torturing and killing off all THOSE women around the globe … to turn this world into a coal mine (ghasiqin) with no diamonds left in it?
A final thought : I’m grateful for this discussion. [Jazakallah humul Jannah.] You made me think and learn some more. This is one of the mechanisms to constantly enhance our Ilm as well as Yaqeen. If the goal is continual “Haqq-al-Yaqeen”, then this Blessed site/ forum being named as/ dedicated to Truth is also an amazing facilitation towards that! 🙂 … I was delighted to learn that a sister is this passionately engaged in intellectual discourses in the Truth Movement (a semblance with the Ummul Mu’mineen : As-Siddiqa) and yet not didactic or thwarting like the Wahhabi preacher sisters. 🙂 … Salaam, sister.
excellent stuff your thinking…..mirrors mine and a nice break from talking about the mundane with my fellow sisters, although I really love them and sometimes you need the mundane to be grounded.
To be particular, I try to take the good from all and discern through the science of hadith that which is not authenticated Thank goodness for the hadith collections specially the sahihaan and I stay open minded for shaykh Imran’s end times discussions as well and like syed qubt’s Quranic tafsir and hope the creator blesses him for his efforts.
I think there are good shayks in every group or what appears to be sincere shaykhs but only time will tell and ultimately we are only responsible for ourselves right? I am just a Muslim with no group who loves Allah InshaAllah….:)
Hence I take the good and leave the rest. ps even with the saud’s there was a good heart, Faisal al SAUD. methinks the worst fitna was the Saudi Salafee’s that wouldn’t give salaams to people who were “off the manhaj” and back in the day I used to post a video showing how Rand the think tank used to actively promote that group and a few other groups however many have become wise to their plots ……so I agree they, the Jews supremicists, have sown much corruption.
BTW, I had a chuckle about:
This>>>>’I’m too certain that we are in the End Times when, as Prophet (saas) said, “Shirk/ Idolatory will be like the black ant on a black stone on a black night”! [In a world like this, we can never be cautious enough or striving enough. I stay in line by always pushing the envelope, thinking: How good is good? How much striving Is ample? How good is my salaat/ purity? What am I Really in His Eyes? Can we ever do enough for Allah?] Logically, then, the most striving Believers will have to have at least a little paranoia (for they’d constantly fear losing their Imaan). And it’s a good paranoia … which makes one question everything (not just per se but in the light/ lens of Qur’an an Sunnah).”
and agree we really do not know where we will end up but we strive and remember that He is more merciful to us than our own mother.
Also an eye popping example of hidden idolatry would be for example when you are falling down the stairs and you clasp the railing…….and .whilst you are recalling your near fall, should you say things such as,”If it wasn’t for that railing I would have fallen” that is hidden shirk hence we as Muslims must say the right words and not attribute things to inanimate objects the weather, chance, luck, wood etc as you well know…..:)and how many of us do that.lol
We say these things unintentionally or thoughtlessly but alhamdullilah He is all Merciful so we ask Him to forgive us for these and any other weaknesses.
Will look forward to your posts and ideas!InshaAllah.
ps May Allah make us like the ideal you have set forth for truly I battle/ strive against myself all the time and have weaknesses that I have to overcome just like everyone. …….please should you see any incorrect info correct me InshaALLAH .
Book 23,Number 3520: (SunanAbu Dawud.)
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:
Reported the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) as saying:There are people from the servants of Allah who are neither prophets nor martyrs; the prophets and martyrs will envy them on the Day of Resurrection for their rank from Allah,the Most High.
They (the people) asked:Tell us, Apostle of Allah,who are they ? He replied:They are people who love one another for the spirit of Allah (i.e. the Qur’an),without having any mutual kinship and giving property to one.I swear by Allah,their faces will glow and they will be (sitting) in (pulpits of) light.They will have no fear (on the Day) when the people will have fear,and they will not grieve when the people will grieve.
He then recited the following Qur’anic verse:”Behold ! Verily for the friends of Allah there is no fear,nor shall they grieve.”
Correction: Here is a lecture I like, and you can also find it on youtube. I comment on several site on and off depending on the severity of the misinformation about Islam on them but TUT is home. My hubby feels sorry for me because sometimes it is a hassle.
Only sometimes though…..:) If the person respectfully disagrees that is okay the hassle is with arrogant name callers and usually once it gets nasty I say adious.
Alhamdullilah. Welcome to TUT.
But why withhold those pictures? They should be proud of them ! The dear ole USA,home of the dumb Goyim Masses,and land of the Jew does everything soooo right ! Plus that torture ‘kepted us safe’. I live in PA ‘Dutch Territory’ . No dumber bunch can be found. Well,maybe,but I won’t open that can of worms . The older,the worse. “Ve gotstsa vight deees Musssslums” They are so efil,that they might efen beees on da US Velfare’… Iz saws vonz wis a Foods Stamp cards buying a cabdies barz” I thoughtz he was gonna killz me”. Ain’t szay juuust likes Hitttlerrsss “…compund that ,with other cretins across this ‘nation’-really a Colony,reconnected to Rothschilds/Bank Of England. ! When will divine justice pass judgment on the Internataional Jews,who create all of this ignorance,and hellish consequence.. the system is so Judized,it would take generations to eliminate the pall of the evil ‘God ” Yahweh over humanity. “He kills,and wounds” . See YAHWEH GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER & Synagogue Of Saturn YT.
Evidently the US Senate report on torture created such widespread outrage that the CIA and the Pentagon are now in full damage-control mode.
In 2004, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh described how US soldiers raped boys in front of their mothers at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and the Pentagon had video tape of it.”
I will say it again…in many ways the USA is even worse than Israel.
DANTE ARDENZ makes a great point. Why withhold the pictures? Politicians and right-wingers should be proud of them. The USA does everything right. Besides, torture prevents terrorism. The proof is that the USA has not had a major “terrorist attack” since 9-11.
@ DANTE ARDENZ: I didn’t know that the Pennsylvania Dutch were that stupid.
You bring up another good point, namely that age accentuates who we are. If we are thoughtful and intelligent, then we tend to become more so as we age.
But if we are self-righteous idiots who believe in fairy tales, then we tend to become more so as we age.
Filth such as they are where this hole culls it’s cops from…. Any questions regarding 5th column pigs?
This particular news update really disturbed one of the core and founding components of my Soul — Justice! And I’m writing this with the wish that all my rare and courageous brothers at TUT (under Mark Glenn’s Blessed Humanity, Conscience and Leadership) would give this their best consideration.
So, the criminals [and their tortures] were exposed, by the Will of God. And this being the End Times, they seem to be getting away with murder again … unless we [on the side of Truth and God] hit back stronger. [Because any event from the Will of God is a Test for us and our will/ collective will.] To that end, there are some serious matters that have never received adequate attention from the masses. I’m just trying to elaborate on one of those:
– The AntiChrist’s/ Dajjal’s latest ploy (on the agenda) appears to be the cranking up of the knob for maximally inflaming ALL kinds of conflict — sectarian, religious, racist, classist, “color revolutions”, et al. …
– Putin recently threw light upon [Judaic] “extremism” http://www.themoscowtimes.com/news/article/putin-warns-of-color-revolutions-and-uncontrolled-migration-in-extremism-speech/511570.html%20 , http://rbth.com/international/2014/10/29/time_to_establish_a_new_world_order_says_putin_40973.html … … [Excerpt] “Describing the threat of extremism, Putin pointed to color revolutions. “In the modern world extremism is often used as a geopolitical instrument to rearrange spheres of influence. We see the tragic consequences of the wave of so-called ‘color revolutions,’ the turmoil in the countries that have undergone the irresponsible EXPERIMENTS of COVERT and sometimes blatant interference in their lives,” ”
– (I always research on any new development, and first consult all perspectives on it (at TUT, e.g.), before I decide upon a stance on any issue. However, this one, I’m quite sure about…) … I’m focusing on something specific that I discern from my personal experience in the past decades … namely: “COVERT Harassment/ Tortures” — because it is the very phenomenon that encompasses the entire gamut of atrocities (and the AntiChrist’s Masonic machinations) around the world (incl. child abuse/ sacrifice, installation of mind-controlled puppet governments, satanically possessing masses/ society and turning them into apathetic consumers, destruction of nations, prison-torture, the Secret Service Cancer, and Satanism/ the Occult). It’s interesting even Hitler hinted at Covert Harassment (e.g. ‘Slander’ being the least of key Judaic weapon against the ‘righteous’) in Mein Kampf, although his regime ultimately ended up using the same, and ended up fighting fire with fire (?) !!
– The recent exposure of the Satanic US-Israeli atrocities upon Muslims (in the Baghrams and Abu Ghraibs) IS ONLY THE TIP of the Iceberg! … The Truth is that these bastards have been inflicting torture in many [other] forms [than can be seen in the prisoner abuse photos] upon ENTIRE chunks of humanity, incl. innocent civilians. It’s a common-sense speculation/ inference that the MAJORITY of Western defence budgets (a.k.a. tax-payers’ money) has been spent on developing these mechanisms to subdue/ cull the masses (which is Judaic Agenda #1 for the ushering in of the False Messiah Dajjal). … I’m, thus, eagerly bringing your attention to the following (exemplary) cases:
– MARK RICH — http://www.newworldwar.org/ , http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/hiddenevil/hiddenevil.htm — a rare victim (in the US) who actually went on to expose the ENTIRE iceberg behind his unspeakable/ indescribable sufferings! His works were (and still are) GOLD! He even points out how University Psychology Departments at prestigious Institutions (like McGill U., e.g.) host MONSTERS like Dr. Ewen Cameron who have been conducting “experiments to gauge/ promote psychopathy among ordinary citizens/ students” for decades now! … Every man must begin by asking (i) Who funded these abominations and why? (ii) How were the results used (e.g., to perfect MK Ultra and Monarch Phoenix horrors? … To groom an ISIS army in prisons? … To create masses of psychopathic youth-snitch-brigades either for the US Army or for Masonry/ Secret Service to go viral across society without the need for badges?); (iii) If our societies today (esp. the US and Canada) are “open prisons” [and I’ve personally lived in five different countries to know that ALL countries are open prisons today, esp. since 11 Sept 1991!] … just what does all this mean for our kids in school, our families in universities, workplaces and just about ANY walk of life? (iv) In how many sneaky, monstrous ways are we all “doing it to each other” JUST because we are unaware of how our thoughtless or well-intended “everyday” actions are just jigsaw pieces of [what only amounts to] Covert Tortures! [Yes! We ALL need to see the big picture immediately… or we’ll have NO excuse in front of God on the Day of Judgment!]
– PETER MOORING — http://www.petermooring.nl/blog/?p=98 — another rare victim from Europe/ Netherlands, who didn’t keep quiet about his sufferings, and did his best to expose this burgeoning monstrosity. It’s the efforts of those like Mooring that has given birth to this honorable movement/ conference : https://www.covertharassmentconference.com/ , http://ww.covertharassmentconference.com/ . … I pray to God that such movements/ conferences would go viral in other nations [esp.] like the US and Canada. … [My heart ached for more than a decade to spread such awareness, and to alleviate the victims. However, a “targeted individual” is kept in constant surveillance/ bars in an open prison. Thus, the best I could do was as an individual…. and I surely lost everyone I know for doing so!]
– There are countless innocent victims/ guinea pigs/ “Targeted Individuals” who could never do anything mass-scale to raise awareness on this monstrosity, except modest attempts online [which todays Earthlings are “too busy” to pay heed to) — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZtfpqVxmzU , https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=targeted+individuals . The Documentary has UNMISTAKABLE contextual connections with the whole “human torture/ persecution” furore of recent times. … We may NOW understand how false-flag “killers” have been groomed till date … BY FREEMASONS and MASONAZIS! … We may NOW understand what Hollywood was [so perversely] “hinting” at with movies like “The Bourne Supremacy/ Identity/ Legacy”! [Remember the movie logo: “He (Jason) was not the only one”? … Oh, yeah! ISIS is living proof that he wasn’t the only one!!! Israelis (and other puppet Zio-presidents/ Generals around the world) are living proof that he wasn’t the only one! … …. We’re just waiting for Dajjal to “trigger/ unleash” the countless “sleepers” on home soil (and among civilian populations), soon! … The curious and random murders in the MSM are all highlighting that this is about to explode!! … … Those [few] of us who are protected/ guided by God won’t be able to handle it when we realize that some of those “sleepers” were from among our own beloved “family and friends” — now unleashed as in the WWZ movie!]
– Although some at TUT might have been aware of this apparently insidious thing called Covert Harassment/ Torture … it would make a tremendous case for the Truth Movement to consider this in its FULL horror : (i) with respect to what Putin is “referring” to as the REAL implication of colored revolutions; (ii) with respect to how “colored revolutions” may be staged/ stoked among individuals and communities as much as among nations (from Ferguson, to NY, to Sydney, to the vile Savile’s UK, to Burma, to Kashmir, to Al Aqsa)! (iii) with respect to “what was really done” to indigenous children at pseudo-missionary orphanages institutions in the past … and how the same thing may be being done under the sky in various forms, to various other groups, at various other venues — all under the guise of educational, humanitarian, charity, religious, democratic or progressive initiatives!
I just wanted to end this note with one other critical missing link [besides Covert Harassment/ Torture] … The MI7’s/ CIA’s/ Secret Services links/ dabbling with the Secret Society (Freemasons) and [thus?] occult/ demons have been exposed earlier in recent times. … In recent times, just as soon as I was trying to emphasize on the critical need for “Ruqyah”/ Exorcism in my online appeals … … an agent from the CSIS showed up at my door to convey/ allude to some benign-sounding-malignant warnings! … Yes! I KNOW that it’s one of the keys to save our “Race”!
For there are only two races as we speak — (i) the old fashion “Human Race” (irrespective of appearances, names and denominations), whose conscience still works in all its glory… whose tender hearts still swell up like the ocean with maximal Mercy, love, empathy, protectiveness, justice and compassion… whose hearts still see through walls/ monuments/ incessant-broadcasts of lies and figure out the Truth… whose hearts continually appraise and cultivate/ build-up the self and others; … … and (ii) the “Demonic Race”, whose membership is from both human and djinn forms (Surah Naas), and whose hearts are Merciless, cold, hard and vicious… who only put-down, tear-down, rob, rape, destroy and deceive everything and everyone… whom Jesus (Alayhis Salaam) called “Whited Sepulchres” and Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi was Salaam) called the “Mugharribun” (essentially satanically possessed/ inspired/ controlled humans)!
To sum up (like “the world in a grain of sand”), corresponding to the abovementioned … we are, today either: (i) the children of Adam (Alayhis Salaam), OR (ii) the children of Satan! … And in a super-summary of might narrative : the second lot is being manufactured by the hour, for years now, to wipe out the first lot! And though many might have known/ realized this … the role of Covert Harassment/ Torture/ Experiments as a key to this “evolutionary operation” may only be recognized by very few — the very few who were [likely] first hand victims.
[And as the rabbit hole keeps going deeper] the second group/ race is soon going to unite under “one god” [Satan/ the AntiChrist], chanting “we’re all ‘one’!” … May the All-Merciful God Guide us so we (from the first group/ race) remain united under the True One God … and heal us from all our wounds … either directly, now …. or through the Blessed Hands of Jesus when we returns (hopefully soon). For it’s God’s Promise to the Believers : that “HE will punish the wicked through the Believers’ [very] hands … and Heal the hearts of the Believers!” [Surah Tawbah:14]
Assalamu Alaikum Human melody 1
it was the torture stories that got me awake to start with…….:(…the kids…….the prisoners hiding the abuse from other prisoners.
Due to them
I embrace correcting the wrongs.
we have a date us and the corruptors Jewish supramicists and their supporters Muslim or non.
So, twice the sons of hell.
Reblogged this on TheFlippinTruth.
Wa ‘Alaikum AsSalaam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu, MJ. … You made me relate to your thoughts, brother, when you did mention [esp.] the Muslim supporters of Zionism/ Masonry. I just wanted to bare my soul to you on this topic. [You’d find it interesting to know how even a few Google searches with the key words “Muslim Masons” got me into trouble! Because [most likely] this is currently the hot area/ agency of the Illuminati’s latest ploys around the world! … Just look at the ISIS casualties — mostly Muslims, and most likely the decent, helpless ones (final phase of “wiping out of middle classes”?) who may still have morals/ decency and are unwilling to join/ help Masonry. Now we know: when Obama talks about degrading and destroying ISIS, his serpent tongue/ unspeak actually means degrading and destroying the last few real Muslims, maybe? So, very soon, what will we have left among Muslims? (i) Muslim-looking people who are actually Jews within (remember the “inner Jew” concept/ disease?) in the [Communist] ruling/ elite class, and below them in the Masonic pyramid (ii) ADMIRABLE “moderates” (loved, praised, hired and protected/ funded by the Zionist West) wherein “True Believers” (a.k.a. Extremists/ prime targets!) still recognize that “moderate” = munafiq = hypocrite = ‘will never brave speaking/ upholding the truth’! (iii) thus-far-Slaves (Hadeeth: poverty that pushes one over the verge of Kufr!) to be offered as ritual sacrifice (already happening) after exploitation. And we all know how group-ii (masonic dupes and adepts) and will be deeper into Hellfire than the Kafirs! [On this note, please read the ‘Dialogue between a Christian and a Mason’ here : http://henrymakow.com/000305.html . Whatever is happening among Muslims now has commonalities with what had happened to Christians earlier … as history is repeating itself!] And again, it is group-ii who shoulder the greater burden of evil/ responsibility for allowing/ facilitating CIA/Mossad tortures to take place, and for allowing CIA/Mossad to get away with it! [Quran: “Miserable is the price for which they sold Aakhira/ Hereafter”!]
I have a feeling that you’d agree with me in what I’ve always maintained: that just like “hope and fear” must be two equal wings to sustain Imaan/ Faith at it’s max, “Amr bil Ma’roof and Nahi anil Munkar” must also be equally exercised to stay on the Path of Allah or to hold on to the rope of Allah. … Further, since Dajjal and his Jews/ Masons have already brought mankind down and tilted the world in these End Times, we have to have more “fear” and “Nahi anil Munkar” than “hope” and “Amr bil Ma’roof” today to compensate for the damage/ derailment and stay level with the original coordinates of Faith.
I often get attacked/ disliked when I say this: that most Daee’s out there are always emphasizing too much “AbM” and too little “NaM” (I’m guessing, mostly out of fear of backlash from Zionists/ Masons … whereas True Believers fear Allah alone and not backlashes)! … And even the NaM they are doing are mostly irrelevant, relatively petty stuff (like “smoking is bad”!) … and rarely about the critical [Satanic] issues of our times such as Riba, moral degeneracy, mind-control, torture, imperialism, supremacist ideologies, intellectual deception, love of Dunyah, materialism/ material worship, selfishness, apathy, placing worldly success over eternal success, and placing the Hereafter in a much lower priority than everything else… etc. [That’s why I was thrilled to hear beloved Sheikh Hamza Yusuf focus essentially on NaM, at RIS 2014, here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVISHyinXi4 . See, all Prophets/ Messengers were patriarchal figures/ guides from Allah… and their rebuke is like a Blessing! And if the true Scholars are the Spiritual children of Prophets/ Muhammad (saas), then they should be accorded the same prerogative — as much as it might irk/ thwart the populace of a Scientology-/ Y.O.L.O.- brainwashed world!
A just note on this, though: I realize that we are already being vilified and driven to extinction by Judaic slander/ propaganda/genocides … and TUT provides a rare support, justice and mercy to destroy the Lies with Truth, other than TUT (and some Truthers and personalities, though not to the same degree) there’s no one else speaking up for us (e.g., the UN doesn’t “mean it” when they appear to stand up for us) … so we don’t need to self-rebuke ourselves in public (and provide more fodder to the scheming Zionists). However, that’s exactly why I emphasized what I did at the end of the previous paragraph. …
I strongly feel that we/ all Muslims need to watch out for what’s coming : (i) after all these ongoing persecutions, Muslims may easily develop a “victim complex” (which the Jews/ Satan will LOVE, then!); and (ii) Dajjal might grind us down to the point where we become docile, hopeless, degraded and knave just like Pheraun did to Bani Israel (at least that’s what Dajjal dreams of). …. And this is where my “hope” kicks in … for I know that the “Real and Blessed Resistance Army” would appear soon, BEFORE Dajjal’s filthy/ faggoty dreams come true! … … Here, [as a preventive measure] I always did my part : I try to appraise, respect, uphold and encourage my fellow brother (esp. those who’re most damaged/ afflicted/ oppressed) to at least keep their Spirit alive (and not add to the destructive competition that’s plaguing so many societies). I know my effort may just be a drop in the ocean … but I do my part so I can face Allah one day. And, by the way, MJ … I believe that those who received the Qur’an (and even People of the Book/Gospel) will have a much SEVERE Hisaab/ Accounting on Judgment Day than those communities who were not chosen by Allah to receive any guidance. It’s just my logic. Correct me if I’m wrong… but it just seems obvious.
I often feel that the greatest damage done to Islam was when two “Essential” Components (I’m not going to start a war by calling them “Pillars” 🙂 … ) were removed from the Real Islam by the Jews/ Zionists/ MI/ CIA/ Muslim-Masons … namely : “Tawbah/ Tazkiyah” (Repentance and Spiritual Purification/Growth), and Akhlaq (Eternal ideals/ goals set quintessentially within the very disposition of ‘character’/ consciousness … ONLY for the sake of Allah). [IMHO : These two components open a thousand doors to countless virtues that constitute “Al-Ihsan”.] … If the Ummah was still brimming with these qualities/ virtues [and could vividly ‘see’ and keep Heaven & Hell right before their eyes 24/7] … the entire [only] few thousands of Demons that rule the earth wouldn’t dare touch even ONE of us … because not ONE of us would ever spinelessly stand there and watch it happen to even ONE of us! And if many ONEs of us ‘stood up’ and paid any price, then there will always be a thousand ONEs of us to watch out for/ watch over that ONE of us! … Think about it, brother … if every Muslim on the planet paid just a SINGLE dollar each in a trust fund … we’d have $1.5 Billion … which would buy/ gag ANY Jewish Lobby and get Sister Aafia out tomorrow morning (to mention just one such act of justice)! … [And, dare we dream, a [True] Christian-Muslim fund of the same scope would achieve the Unthinkable!] … If we can’t make this happen, then that inability must eventually be rooted in the [lack of the] two ‘components’ I mentioned above (at least).
I want to end with a great thought/ reflection. One Hadeeth regarding Abu Dharr(r.a.) tells us that Prophet Muhammad (saas) informed us of how Abu Dharr resembled/ reflected some of the characteristics/ essence of Eesa (a.s.), namely “Zuhd” and “Waraa”. I studied those two qualities the other day, and couldn’t help but be really emotionally moved (as an extension of my Love for Rasulallah (saas)) … at the very visualization of the Blessed Eesa’s (a.s.) personality as he arrives in the coming years … and just how much it means to the hearts of the tortured, the oppressed and the innocent! … However, do we all have enough Zuhd and Waraa to face him and be with him? … Are WE ready for his return?
OCDG … That verse always frightened me, brother! May God set our hearts firmly on His Path, Ameen. … Also, it is really assuring for those like myself to hear you describe the US for what it has really become (or probably was since the beginning of FreeMasonry). [I already saved the pic/ illustration you had posted earlier, and would like to use it elsewhere with your permission.]
Assalamu alaikum Human Melody 1 MashaAllah, what a well thought out reflection and I am in agreement with most of it.
I agree about Nahi an al munkar, I check to see which daees do this because it corrects the ills that is plaguing all societies and this is the thankless part of conveying the message and the component that even the prophets were persecuted for.
9:112. (The believers whose lives Allah has purchased are) those who repent to Allah (from polytheism and hypocrisy, etc.), who worship Him, who praise Him, who fast (or go out in Allah’s Cause), who bow down (in prayer), who prostrate themselves (in prayer), who enjoin (people) for Al-Ma’ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all what Islam has ordained) and forbid (people) from Al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism of all kinds and all that Islam has forbidden), and who observe the limits set by Allah (do all that Allah has ordained and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allah has forbidden). And give glad tidings to the believers.
And indeed We have sent down to you manifest Ayat (these Verses of the Quran which inform in detail about the news of the Jews and their secret intentions, etc.), and none disbelieve in them but Fasiqun (those who rebel against Allah’s Command).
Say, “O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are allies of Allah , excluding the [other] people, then wish for death, if you should be truthful.”
Have you (O Muhammad SAW) not seen those (hypocrites) who take for friends a people upon whom is the Wrath of Allah (i.e. Jews)? They are neither of you (Muslims) nor of them (Jews), and they swear to a lie while they know.
.Isn’t it much easier to sit with the wrong doers and sing kumbaya and ” I am okay you are okay….:)”
Also, I agree about not being disheartened because how could we be we were told that the best of us will be victorious.
I believe our ummah/nation will be going through fitna/calamities but like iron we will be purified from the dross.
Finally, I also agreed regarding repentance and self purification because until we hold the standard we cannot expect others to hold it.
one statement would be that we as Muslims or the vast majority of us whilst having belief have shades of uncertainty and that those who will be considered in the next life to be the foremost in deen/religion will be those who have the quality of unshakeable yaqeen/certainity.
Well your statements are quit comprehensive so I will come back and discern more with a bit more time, but it is always a delight to have our brethren/sisterhood here on TUT. PS I am a sister.
Wa ‘Alaikum AsSalaam wa Rahmatullah, Sister MJ. [I correct myself. I had no way of knowing, esp. because I joined the TUT discussions rather recently.]
You’re absolutely right in that Nahi anil Munkar is an invitation to persecution! It is only for the brave. Some mullah’s misinterpret/ practice this as “fault-finding in others” (!!) … whereas it really means (e.g.) fighting to ensure everyone’s/ everyone ELSE’s rights. [Inna ma-al ‘Amaalu bin Niyaati, right?]
Your reply, Ma sha Allah, was encouraging for me, esp. the Ayaat you selected to mention … were of the very ones I had in mind originally. The Ayaat from Surah Jumu’ah is so striking when I reflect, because it still serves as the unfailing antidote to Jewish intellectual aggression/ deception, even till today. Just imagine walking up to the ISIS leader and saying : “Hey Shimon Elliott! Wanna sit all together and make a prayer for immediate death?” 🙂
Also, the Ayaah right before the one you cited is also historic : in that Allah SWT had set in stone how : “The example of those who were entrusted with the Torah and then did not take it on is like that of a donkey who carries volumes [of books]. Wretched is the example of the people who deny the signs of Allah .” (62:5) … I think to myself: Is this why the Jews are always out to prove that they have the highest IQ in the world (because, as usual, they’re trying to disprove Allah)?! … Is this why the Jews infected Muslims since a century ago into thinking that Islamic scholarship is all about ‘kitaab-kitaab-kitaab’ and no Reflection/ discussion?
This assault, a century ago, is right in line with what you mentioned — ‘shades of uncertainty’/ compromised Yaqeen/ doubts (Shaqq). The Judaic Zio-West had injected that Shaqq as the key weapon to dethrone the Khilafa and Install the Saudi regime, when the original Saud sold out (himself as well as Islam) for only five thousand pound sterling! … [I listen to all Sheikhs and read all Tafseers/ Mufassireen, because each bring a unique light. Syed Qutb’s was the best in : explaining how “the Quran is till being revealed”, and showing how our ONLY way must be exactly the same as that of the original Sahabas in how they dealt with the Jews’ various ploys/ weapons … and nailing/ exposing the Jews (and their strategies) for what they really are! … That’s why ‘they’ persecuted him. Btw, I don’t think the ‘brotherhood’ after his death (now Mason-infiltrated) is anything like him.] … And Shaqq still remains their greatest weapon against the Muslim Ummah (esp. in the form of confusion in these End Times). … And Yaqeen still remains inversely proportional to ‘the love of this world and what it has to offer (incl. vanity)’.
I’m too certain that we are in the End Times when, as Prophet (saas) said, “Shirk/ Idolatory will be like the black ant on a black stone on a black night”! [In a world like this, we can never be cautious enough or striving enough. I stay in line by always pushing the envelope, thinking: How good is good? How much striving Is ample? How good is my salaat/ purity? What am I Really in His Eyes? Can we ever do enough for Allah?] Logically, then, the most striving Believers will have to have at least a little paranoia (for they’d constantly fear losing their Imaan). And it’s a good paranoia … which makes one question everything (not just per se but in the light/ lens of Qur’an an Sunnah). E.g. …
– Are those Cursed Ones, who know they’re going to Hell, giving Believers a taste of Hell through such things as CIA torture? …
– Did the Jews make the post-WW Islamic Scholars preach/ brainwash that ‘Tahara’/ Purity is just Wudhu (because Jews know that if they could defile us, we will stop “understanding” or receiving the Blessing from the Qur’an, no matter how much we read, and fail exactly where they failed)? Here’s a nice page on that thought … http://www.quran-islam.org/main_topics/quran/misinterpreted_verses/touching_the_quran_(P1361).html . [Consequently, I always had my own definition (and it works) that Tahara = Purity = “Being the EXACT opposite of all that’s Maghzuub/ Jewish” … not only in words/ speech, deeds, style/ fashion, culture/ lifestyle, but also (and Esp.) in “thoughts/ thinking/ mentality, humility, empathy, sanctity; NOT being envious, sabotaging or secretive/pretentious (= Zero ‘Sarair’ or ‘Ainul Khayana’)” etc. … And I’m more convinced today that such definitions are the only safeguard against the Judaization of the world. And that’s why I always mention Tazkiyah/Tawbah and Akhlaq in every discussion with sisters/brothers. I’m grateful that you didn’t shut me down, sister … like a lot of people do when this particular subject is mentioned. Then again, I realized you listen to Sheikh Imran Hosein, so I know you are from Al-Ihsan and not the soulless/literalist Wahhabi/ Islamist people.]
– Prophet (saas) said: “The most valuable thing in this whole world is a “Pious Woman” [and the heart and tongue of a slave/ zakir that constantly remembers/ mentions Allah”. Only those with a foremost heart will know how serious and stunning this is! … Not gold or silver … nor riches nor billions … it’s the heart of the Pious Woman. … And we’re forced to wonder : is THIS why they’re torturing and killing off all THOSE women around the globe … to turn this world into a coal mine (ghasiqin) with no diamonds left in it?
A final thought : I’m grateful for this discussion. [Jazakallah humul Jannah.] You made me think and learn some more. This is one of the mechanisms to constantly enhance our Ilm as well as Yaqeen. If the goal is continual “Haqq-al-Yaqeen”, then this Blessed site/ forum being named as/ dedicated to Truth is also an amazing facilitation towards that! 🙂 … I was delighted to learn that a sister is this passionately engaged in intellectual discourses in the Truth Movement (a semblance with the Ummul Mu’mineen : As-Siddiqa) and yet not didactic or thwarting like the Wahhabi preacher sisters. 🙂 … Salaam, sister.
excellent stuff your thinking…..mirrors mine and a nice break from talking about the mundane with my fellow sisters, although I really love them and sometimes you need the mundane to be grounded.
To be particular, I try to take the good from all and discern through the science of hadith that which is not authenticated Thank goodness for the hadith collections specially the sahihaan and I stay open minded for shaykh Imran’s end times discussions as well and like syed qubt’s Quranic tafsir and hope the creator blesses him for his efforts.
I think there are good shayks in every group or what appears to be sincere shaykhs but only time will tell and ultimately we are only responsible for ourselves right? I am just a Muslim with no group who loves Allah InshaAllah….:)
Hence I take the good and leave the rest. ps even with the saud’s there was a good heart, Faisal al SAUD. methinks the worst fitna was the Saudi Salafee’s that wouldn’t give salaams to people who were “off the manhaj” and back in the day I used to post a video showing how Rand the think tank used to actively promote that group and a few other groups however many have become wise to their plots ……so I agree they, the Jews supremicists, have sown much corruption.
BTW, I had a chuckle about:
This>>>>’I’m too certain that we are in the End Times when, as Prophet (saas) said, “Shirk/ Idolatory will be like the black ant on a black stone on a black night”! [In a world like this, we can never be cautious enough or striving enough. I stay in line by always pushing the envelope, thinking: How good is good? How much striving Is ample? How good is my salaat/ purity? What am I Really in His Eyes? Can we ever do enough for Allah?] Logically, then, the most striving Believers will have to have at least a little paranoia (for they’d constantly fear losing their Imaan). And it’s a good paranoia … which makes one question everything (not just per se but in the light/ lens of Qur’an an Sunnah).”
and agree we really do not know where we will end up but we strive and remember that He is more merciful to us than our own mother.
Also an eye popping example of hidden idolatry would be for example when you are falling down the stairs and you clasp the railing…….and .whilst you are recalling your near fall, should you say things such as,”If it wasn’t for that railing I would have fallen” that is hidden shirk hence we as Muslims must say the right words and not attribute things to inanimate objects the weather, chance, luck, wood etc as you well know…..:)and how many of us do that.lol
We say these things unintentionally or thoughtlessly but alhamdullilah He is all Merciful so we ask Him to forgive us for these and any other weaknesses.
Will look forward to your posts and ideas!InshaAllah.
ps May Allah make us like the ideal you have set forth for truly I battle/ strive against myself all the time and have weaknesses that I have to overcome just like everyone. …….please should you see any incorrect info correct me InshaALLAH .
Book 23,Number 3520: (SunanAbu Dawud.)
Narrated Umar ibn al-Khattab:
Reported the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) as saying:There are people from the servants of Allah who are neither prophets nor martyrs; the prophets and martyrs will envy them on the Day of Resurrection for their rank from Allah,the Most High.
They (the people) asked:Tell us, Apostle of Allah,who are they ? He replied:They are people who love one another for the spirit of Allah (i.e. the Qur’an),without having any mutual kinship and giving property to one.I swear by Allah,their faces will glow and they will be (sitting) in (pulpits of) light.They will have no fear (on the Day) when the people will have fear,and they will not grieve when the people will grieve.
He then recited the following Qur’anic verse:”Behold ! Verily for the friends of Allah there is no fear,nor shall they grieve.”
May we all have lofty aspirations!
Here is a lecture, I like you can also get it at youtube:
Correction: Here is a lecture I like, and you can also find it on youtube. I comment on several site on and off depending on the severity of the misinformation about Islam on them but TUT is home. My hubby feels sorry for me because sometimes it is a hassle.
Only sometimes though…..:) If the person respectfully disagrees that is okay the hassle is with arrogant name callers and usually once it gets nasty I say adious.
Alhamdullilah. Welcome to TUT.