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0 thoughts on “Antisémitox & the French Survival Instinct”
  1. GILAD ATZMON says, “And as if this all this were not enough, the French anti-war movement became a Jewish occupied zone.”

    A few anti-war people might question Israeli atrocities, but they defend Jewish beliefs and attitudes. They might let you get away with questioning a genocide perpetrated by Israelis, but if you note that Israelis are Jews, you will be banned for “hate speech” and “anti-Semitism.”

    All Jews are good. It is only Israelis (i.e. Jews) that are questionable.

    Thus, the Jew-loving “anti-war” maggots support endless war.

  2. The French Jewish proponents of the Antisemitox campaign fail to see that apprehensions about Jewish power and politics are fuelled by a revival of the French collective survival instinct. In the last few years the French people have seen their ‘socialist’ Government consistently bowing to Jewish pressure – they saw their government shamelessly harass their best comedian, Dieudonne, just to appease the CRIF (the French Jewish Lobby). On TV they saw the notorious rabid Zionist Bernard Henri Levy forcefully advocate immoral Zionist interventionist wars. And as if this all this were not enough, the French anti war movement became a Jewish occupied zone. French people seem to be expressing fatigue of Jewish power, and not for the first time in their history.

    So what do these survival instincts produce? anti-Muslim hysteria!

    That’s how you get rid of the jews plaguing you… you abuse and harass Muslims.

    In the last few months there has apparently been a tidal wave of resentment towards Jews in France. Instead of blaming the French people and offering them honey candies, Jews need to look in the mirror and reflect upon the actions of their lobby, their state and their leaders. This may help to calm things down.

    Yeah “calm things down”… that’s what they’re doing… trying to put the Goyim back to sleep so they can keep doing what they’ve been doing for eons.

    No unfortunately, they will never “get it” and we will always end up paying the price. When you can count on your fingers the number of “good” jews… you know how badly the game is rigged. The very best and brightest and “moral” amongst the jews cannot even begin to fathom their collective guilt and responsibility… there’s no hope for them. Only a minute few will ever escape the grasp of their lustful father… but the rest will be the modern age’s version of the great flood :

    They were always planning this… more than 7Billion people are going to be killed by these children of lucifer. There are several gigantic seed banks located all over the world… the excuse given for their creation is “survival of natural catastrophes”…

    The Georgia guidestones have writing in several languages… including hebrew… why include a language spoken by so few people… it is nearly by comparison a dead language…

  3. Listen to the wisdom of Konrad! Please take heed of this,and it took years for me,involved ,interested ,connected to get this. We live in a Jewish LEFT/RIGHT Matrix. Everything you see mainstream,to ‘kosher conspiracy theory’,is part of this system. Go “conservative”,and you get Jews,Go “Liberals”,and its the same. Turn to the Birch Society,get it,or Alex Jones. The “Christian “Churches,or Athiest Associations. …this is practical power,as well,as esoteric. The Jews operate through Yahweh. That Diety,exclusive to them,has a dual nature. GOD/SATAN. The Star Of Saturn (david)- is “What is above is below. Marx,revealed this through the Heglian Dialectic: Thesis /Anti-Thesis/Synthasis. Two powerful figures ,in history,one divine,one mortal broke,for a time,this prison. Jesus Christ,and Adolf Hitler. This Christmas Eve, I was in a beautiful home,and powerful Jews where invited. I assured the host of my silence. MDS,business people,EVERYTHING was subjective to THEM. Nothing else counted. Ideology to them:Anti War,Pro-War-Capitalism,Mraxism,and even Christinaity,who’s founder THEY Crucified,,is merely a vehicle of their power system, This is the death star-remove it,and we are free. The problem is JUDIASM. Its temperal,and spiritual power.

  4. OCDG SAYS, “That’s how you get rid of the Jews plaguing you… you abuse and harass Muslims.”

    I’m afraid it is the nature of society for average people to almost always attack their neighbors, rather than their oppressors.

    A classic example was the New York City draft riots of July 1863. The Union government started drafting people to die in the US Civil War, but a person could buy his way out of the draft with $300. This was pocket change for the rich, but it was more than the average person had.

    Poor New Yorkers did not want to be drafted, so who did they attack? Rich people? Representatives of the federal government that sought to draft them? No, they attacked innocent black people, lynching 11 of them, and torturing many more. Blacks who were even poorer than whites, and who had nothing to do with the draft. In one case a crowd of 400 attacked a Black man with clubs and paving stones, then hung him from a tree and set him on fire. The white rioters also burned an orphanage for black children, and would have killed all the children if the police had not intervened. The violence forced most Blacks to move out of Manhattan to Brooklyn.

    Order was not restored until the Union Army came in. Then the draft proceeded as usual, and 750,000 Americans died, while rich people (in the north anyway) sat out the war in comfort.

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