Muslim identity change

And so it began. Like José Zamora, I wanted to experiment. First, I dropped my last name for my middle name. I was now applying to jobs under Shahida Sade. In less than two hours of shooting out emails, I received an email response and a call. I thought it could just be a coincidence. Sade may not scream Muslim, but it’s still an ethnic name. So were prejudices fueled by religious stereotypes outweighing assumptions of my race?

OCDG: A while back we had a story about how putting “jewish” down as your religion on a resume increased your chances of getting the job…

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0 thoughts on “That Time I Changed My Muslim Name, and Jobs Started Calling”
  1. @ OCDG, that original article in the Washington Post (18 June 2014) noted that job applicants in the American South (the “Bible belt”) have a hiring advantage if they put “Jewish” on their resume.

    Baptists and Evangelicals have no advantage or disadvantage. All other religions have a marked disadvantage, especially Muslims.

    This is more proof that American southerners favor Jews more than they like their own non-Jewish neighbors. These are people full of racist hate for anyone who is not a white, Jew-loving Baptist or Evangelical.

    Here is a mind-twister. I know an 80-year-old man who continually disparages southerners for their racism and bigotry and hate. He condemns southerners who attack immigrants, and who deny themselves government benefits because they hate the thought that other people in addition to themselves might get such benefits.

    Yet this same 80-year p.o.s. praises the same southerners for their Jew worship.

    Note also how northerners disparage southerners for their racism and hate (consider movies like Mississippi Burning,1988) but never for their Jew-worship.

  2. One of our state news papers appears to have hired several new reporters recently. Jewish was the only requirement, apparently. The other state paper was recently purchased from McClatchy by a very dubious dual citizen.

  3. Very sad day indeed that jews who have wreaked so much havoc on the world get a free pass anywhere just because they are so rich and powerful! To add another sad note Russians are now paying rabbis thousands of $’s to convert to Judaism knowing the West will let them in their countries. Being a jew should be a red flag to anyone.

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