
Jewish social media personality Slava Rabinovich’s apocalyptic visions of a crumbling federation may be quickly realized

ed note–if there were ever a ‘Cuban MIssile Crisis’ event that people needed to be worried about, it is now, with the deliberate acts of war being waged against a nuclear-armed Russia by America and the West out to do Israel’s bidding. Putin’s Russia is the ony substantive, credible (meaning nuclear) challenge to the status quo in the Middle East with its support of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, etc, and all persons on planet earth concerned with life and limb need to understand that these acts of war being waged against Russia’s economy are not going to go ‘unresolved’.

With all of this taking place before the eyes of the world, how anyone with 3 functioning brain cells can still entertain the notion that Putin and Russia are just ‘playing their part’ in helping the powers-that-be achieve their NWO only underscores how mentally-deficient certain ‘neighborhoods’ wthin this ‘movement’ are.

Times of Israel

When Slava Rabinovich left the Soviet Union in 1987, 70 years of “planned economy” financial gridlock had made basic goods scarce and opportunities for an ambitious 21-year-old even scarcer. Although Gorbachev’s perestroika had started in January 1987 and sought to introduce gradual reform, daily life was an obstacle course with hours spent waiting in lines to purchase basic necessities.

As the country lifted restraints on free speech, nationalist forces — including vocally anti-Semitic ones — were unleashed. As Rabinovich packed his bags, he, like many Russian Jews, knew that whatever the future held in the United States, he was going to be more secure there than in Leningrad.

He came back to Russia in 1996. A freshly minted NYU Stern MBA, he was recruited by Hermitage Capital Management, a Russia-focused investment fund. Today he runs his own fund out of Moscow and in the last six months has acquired a near-celebrity status. But not as an investment banker.

Today Rabinovich is Russia’s most popular financial commentator — and he does it all on Facebook.

The banker-turned-media personality spoke to the Times of Israel from Moscow via Skype in a conversation that clarifies his political persuasions, his forecast for the failing federation and his worst-case scenario for Russia.

Sanctions lead to a crumbling Russian ruble

After Russia occupied Crimea in February 2014 and started encroaching into eastern Ukraine by proxy, the United States and the European Union introduced economic sanctions against the regime of President Vladimir Putin.

They hit hard.

In late July Rabinovich started writing about the potential impact of sanctions on the Russian economy and as Russia’s investment rating plunged, his Facebook popularity skyrocketed, going from 500 friends to over 40,000 followers by mid-December 2014.

On Facebook, Rabinovich explains what is happening in the financial markets in witty, often profane language. While most of his status updates are economic analysis presented in layman’s terms, many are political.

Rabinovich unequivocally states that Putin’s policies caused Russia’s current economic woes and calls for him to step down. He also vocally supports Ukraine’s independence in face of the Russian invasion, and criticizes the government in Kiev for procrastinating on reforms.

‘As we speak, financial markets and banking connections with Russia are being cut off’

His main claim – and a recurrent topic of his Facebook updates – is that international sanctions and its primary result, lost investor confidence, are progressively isolating the country from global financial markets, making Russian capital and assets toxic for investors.

“Over the last few years big international banks, HSBC and BNP Paribas among them, have paid close to $12 billion to the US government for breaking the sanctions imposed against Sudan, North Korea and Iran,” Rabinovich tells the Times of Israel. “Dealing with a country under sanctions is just not worth it, and as we speak, financial markets and banking connections with Russia are being cut off.”

Rabinovich says Putin and his advisers are driving the country toward a catastrophe. If the Kremlin keeps it up, says Rabinovich, Russia will experience a total economic collapse within months.

How have things become so dire?

“If you look at investment conferences as late as 2011, Putin used to say all the right things. He used to say, ‘Russia is number 140 on the list of countries in terms of ease of doing business. We know how to move it into the first 20.’

“When one heard these things, one wanted to get up and applaud. People did that, and I did as well. One used to think, even if they [the government] do 25% of what they are describing, Russia’s investment rating will be reviewed up,” he says.

“They did nothing of the sort though — they did the opposite,” he says.

Russian economy is almost entirely dependent on imports — and on high prices for oil, its main export. Falling oil prices, international sanctions and Russia’s counter-sanctions, including import bans, have made the Russian ruble tumble.

A year ago, 32 Russian rubles could buy one US dollar. On December 17, 2014, the rate was as high as 68 rubles to the dollar.

Russians have lost more than half of their disposable income since the beginning of the year. While many didn’t believe the sanctions and the resulting economic downturn would impact them, signs of crisis are now hard to ignore.

As you read this, Muscovites are shopping furiously to snatch up import goods before prices double. Some retailers review prices daily; others list prices in “conditional units” (listing in the more stable US dollar is illegal). Apple has stopped online sales to Russia altogether, saying the ruble is too volatile.

Putin and his close circle were trained in subversion and propaganda by the KGB, says Rabinovich, and do not understand the complexity and interdependence of international financial markets. As their anti-Western rhetoric and policies erode investor trust, Russia slides into Soviet-style isolation. Yet Russia’s economy today is so closely linked with the global markets that isolation will mean total economic meltdown.

This comes at a time when the federal government in Moscow is spending billions to prop up the falling national currency and as the Kremlin rapidly runs out of money, it is losing its grip on problematic regions such as terrorist hotbed Chechnya.

Rabinovich predicts that when the federal government will no longer be able to offer financial incentive to the regions, Russia’s feeble federalism will crumble.

Rabinovich’s worst-case scenario, however, is an outcast Russia in the world’s financial markets with Putin “clinging to power.” He says that unless Russia reverses its aggression in Ukraine, cuts out the nationalist, isolationist rhetoric, and undertakes judicial and economic reform, collapse will start in a matter of months in Russia’s outlying regions, especially in provincial one-factory towns.

In this scenario, when trade links with overseas clients and suppliers get cut, hundreds of thousands of people will lose their livelihoods. And when they go out into the streets, Moscow will drown the protests in “rivers of blood,” says Rabinovich.

Russia is a dangerous place for government critics but for some reason Rabinovich doesn’t seem concerned about his personal safety. He believes his email is monitored and phone conversations recorded, and while the wheels of his jeep were punctured on two occasions earlier this year, he downplays the danger, saying that he hasn’t noticed anything suspicious beyond that.

Rabinovich’s forecasts have so far been spot-on. He often ends his Facebook status updates by writing, “I am not saying what might happen. I am saying what will for sure happen.”

Even Slava Rabinovich would like to be wrong about Russia.

0 thoughts on “Russia’s economy could collapse in months, says Jewish financial forecaster”
  1. An economic collaps in Russia is what they surely want; but Russia’s trade with independent states like China, Iran, Latinamerica will counteract the machinations of the Zionists. Wait and see.

  2. There is nothing really new here,sanctions,boycotts,deamonization,attacks on ethnic minorities across the border and warmongering are the tried and true tools of the zionist owned and operated international high-finance minnions.Some historical parallel would be when intl, Jewry successfully boycotted German goods in retaliation for abolishing the ‘outflow of capital’ and stock-market profits ( read syphoning off wealth) from Germany.As Germany switched successfully to an inland economy,the next step was increasing attacks on ethnic Germans ( principally in the then new Poland).Ultimately an attempt of militarily encircling Germany was undertaken.Now Russia has to give in and become a zionist vassal in which the people have SOME liberties but are eccentially ( Debt ) enslaved,OR they will put up a totall resistance.The system of international stock-market capitalism must be replaced with a local stock-market.The Ruble must be completely State issued and when its value is legally declared -0- out side the borders syphoning off will cease.Russia has the recourses to switch to an inland economy,any absolut essential goods can be bartered for.The main problem is that Russia has no real higher Ideal to unite the people as the ‘Great Patriotic War’ cult or Judeo-Christianity ( plus anti-free speech laws ) protect the chosenites by default.How can anyone clean house of the fifth column under these conditions?

  3. Even a cursory reading of the Old and New Testaments will show you we’re dealing with two different gods — the jews have their war god, Yaltaboath (Satan) and Christians have Jesus Christ.

    Take a look at Marcionism and you’ll see why I’m an adherent (and can remain Catholic).

    As to the article, it’s just more sociopathic scribblings from the defective jew mind. Putin fumigated Russia and cast out the jew manipulators (oligarchs) and they will never stop hating him.

    Ed note, MG–I am more and more convinced that the crossroads for Christianity saving itself and the world from the plague of Judaism came and went with Marcion.

  4. For me the crossroads for Christianity saving itself and the world from the plague of Judaism came and went with National Socialism.

  5. This is a vital article,and magnificent comments. The things, marked by our editor must be contemplated,and Ostmans wonderful post. Putin is great,but not that great. Russia is vulnerable,on many fronts… I was an enthusiast for him;but as he came under real assualt,when he stopped the Syrian intervention;his Anti-NWO rhetoric ended,and he scrambled back to old Soviet Propaganda,about “Fascists ,and NAZIS”. He thinks reviving “Judeo-Christianity’,is a rallying point,and is frozen in, taking away ,the last remaining powers, the Jews have over Russa. This is the typical error,of someone ,who either does not understand the Jews in full,or is beholden to them in some form,somewhere. Jews do not compromise ! They manuver,hedge,switch ideological pathways,or subvert. Putin has not prepared Russia for this ‘war’, He has disramed himself with “holocaust denial laws”,and broadcasts against NON-EXISTENT
    “Nazis”,in the Ukraine,while tentatively supporting Kosher Approved “Nationalists”,in Europe. He ,an his people,have the Slavic Mentality,which embues the Poles. They hate the Jews,but allow themselves to be outmanuvered by them. Recalling “Imperialists,NAZIS,FASCISTS,GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR”,and othe chimeras,is ,more important,than the real issue. INTERNATIONAL SATANIC FINANCE JUDIASM ! TRUTH,is the greatest weapon against the Jews,and nobody has the courage to use it ! I do not see victory for Putin,and the methods,and rhetoric gainst he,and his country,is the same used by the Jews against National Socialist Germany,and Japan preceeding Jew War 2. Only both naions SUSTAINED THEMSELVES economicaly ,even to the last ,period of decline and defeat,by haveing NO JEWISH dependent economies,and where armed woith idological truth,about the foe. Putin has neither. MARCION: Please SEE :YAHWEH GOD OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER & SYNAGOGUE OF SATURN – You Tube. It is either Christ or Yahweh ! They are NOT connected ! This is key .

  6. Putin is the enemy of the NWO. Those saying otherwise are the YAHOOS,who think that “Hitler was Rothschilds”,(no dummies CHURCHILL & FDR were ) and “Jews are really not Jews”.Or “We fight an underground 4th Reich,of Reptiles.” “Its the Vatican and Illumanati”. It is a mental cope-out. A dodge,and wholly stupid. Using it ,does not save anyone ,from the wrath,of the Jews,and protects them. However,Putin has succumbed to this “Kosher Sealed ” line hinmself,in some ways. It has merited him nothing-beware anyone,in the world who does it ! They should read : JUDAS GOATS.Michael Collins Pper.

  7. The article is just Jewish ruminations. The Americans are going to have to ease back on the sanctions as there has been a substantial prisoner swap in the Ukraine as just reported on rt; the argument about Russian troops in eastern Ukraine necessitating sanctions is increasingly going to look more ludicrous than before – there were no Russian troops there.

    Certainly, very soon the Europeans are not any longer going to go along with sanctions against Russia – I think they’re getting tired of American tantrums about everything.

    As of the new year, BRICS will formally kick in, with the Yuan as a reserve currency rivalling the USD, commensurate with China now having a greater GDP than the US.

    Let’s not worry overmuch about Jewish wishful thinking, obviously stuck in Cold War paradigms of an earlier era.

  8. A Jew has spoken about finance. All of us must bow her heads in supplication.
    Shut up. Russia has more than one ace up her sleeve.

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