kosher slavecard with color

OCDG: By way of economics, thou shalt do war. (cause jews aren’t known for their physical prowess 😉 )

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0 thoughts on “Sanctioned: Visa, MasterCard suspend servicing Russian banks in Crimea”
  1. Jews are not known for their physical prowess–true, but they are hell on wheels with the children in the occupied territories.

  2. Last night I was watching boxing title matches from the seventies am eighties. Nope…. No Jews , but they sure did and do gave their schnozzes stuck in management and all those peripheral money making areas.

  3. Jews have an aversion to physical labor,and are awful physical specimens. They are disharmonic,physically,and mentally. They lack any,and all imagination,or originality,and operate only with formula . Fight? They have stupid Goyim,to do it for them ?

  4. The US financial system is desperately trying to inconvenience what is unstoppable; the emergence of the Ruble and the Yuan as reserve currencies starting next year.

    When visa and m/c come back to Crimea, people will remember. .

    One thing about the Americans, they know how to shoot themselves in the foot.

    Yes, I know that they allow themselves be used as sock puppets by the Jews.

  5. ck into how many Joooze were killed in US sanctioned invasions ~ start with Korea, Viet Nam wherever you won’t find Jooz in the dead soldier or wounded for that matter …i don’t have actual counts ~ but it is a strong hunch that they don’t serve but on Wall St or K-Street.

  6. You could say that again, OCDG! 🙂 … If they had any physical prowess or self esteem, they wouldn’t specialize in “everything proxy” … or bringing down the whole of humanity, or ruin lives, in trying to prove that they are the best. …

    This news also reminds me of how : “The AntiChrist Dajjal will starve anyone who disobeys him”! And that’s exactly what suggests that Putin is not a Jewish puppet. .. [IMHO: Mark and TUT are correct on this stance regarding Putin… while others within the movement who disagree, do so because they can’t factor in the End Times’ big picture, and still view religion and politics/ world events as separate things (just like the Masons have indoctrinated all).]

  7. MasterCard and Visa have suspended service for Russian banks in Crimea, saying the decision complies with US sanctions.

    They’ve been threatening to do this for almost a year, and have temporarily blocked services in Russia before. Now they will deprive themselves of profits (they charge a percentage of every card swipe), and they will break their own monopoly. Their goal is to hurt Crimea’s economy. Sales and purchases slow down when electronic money systems are shut down.

    The Russian government and Russian banks were already edging out Visa and Mastercard anyway. Since January 2013, the Russian government has been issuing universal electronic cards to Russian citizens. The card serves as a local, regional, and national identity card, debit card, medical insurance card, pension card (i.e. social security), and so on. Fifteen Russian banks are already networked with the system. Most businesses and all local/regional/national services are legally required to accept it. The card can also be used abroad.

    A similar project has started in India, and there are experiments for related concepts in Mexico.

    The Russian card has a microchip like similar to cards in the West, but the design is 100% Russian. It was commissioned as an alternative to the Visa / Mastercard-type chip.

  8. Thanks Konrad for the information, I knew that the sanctions are a two way sword, they are going to hurt the American companies as well by depriving themselves of the profits.

  9. What a shame it would be if the people of America pissed off the cartel that operates the credit industry and visa/mastercard/amex retaliated by refusing to offer their loansharking services in the US….

  10. Konrad,also worth mentioning is China’s ‘Union Pay’ Bankcard with sevices available in 141 countries,incl. the US with Citibank.With a ‘Gold Account’ an extra 50$ or so,currency excange rates are waved when abroad.

  11. @ MJ (#13) What Andre Vltchek calls “the Empire” I call the Unholy Trinity, which consists of neo-liberalism, Jew-worship, and the police state with endless war.

    “Appeasing Western imperialism is clearly impossible, impractical, and immoral.”

    Indeed. Western imperialism is Judaic in nature. It cannot be reasoned with.

    “No logic can help, no negotiations, no international mediation from the United Nations. The willingness to compromise is mocked. Appeals for simple human compassion do not move the rulers of the Empire even an inch.”

    Yes. The Israeli treatment of Palestinians in the Gaza death camp is a microcosm of what the 1% are doing to the 99% worldwide.

    “For the first time disgust with the Empire is widespread, and worldwide. Many people are getting cured from blindness.”

    Here I disagree with Mr. Vltchek. The masses are as stupid as ever. That’s why the 1% rule them.

    “The monster is in love with itself, unable to see its dreadfulness. It is proud of its fundamental religious dogma, which it often doesn’t even see as ‘religious’. It dwells on self-righteousness, and on its twisted market-fundamentalist faith that everything and everybody are for sale.”

    It’s called neo-liberalism, and it’s a global plague.

    “It is not a happy monster, and the people it produces are mostly miserable, lonely and scared. But it cannot change, it cannot back-up, it cannot let go. It would rather destroy its children and the world, than admit that it went totally wrong.”

    This applies to almost every nation, including Israel.

    “The monster, the Empire, knows that it is the beginning of the end. It cannot live as an equal. Therefore, it will fight its final battle. It will try to win. Or, it will try to destroy the world. Because life is not worth living for it, if it is not in full control; if it is not perceived as the enforcer of the divine manifesto.”

    True. But we have had world wars before.

    “There is only one possible way to defeat Russia: it is to destroy the entire world. Are you ready for that, Mr. Obama? Are you ready for it, corporate America and Europe? Are you ready for it, Pentecostal Christians, Televangelists and other morally defunct beings?”

    Yes they are ready, for they are like Jews. They cannot stop. They are mindless. (By the way, Mr. Vltchek is confusing Pentacostals with Evangelicals.)

    “Most of your arguments have no foundations in truth, only in deception and lies.”

    Try ”ALL of your arguments…”

    “Despite all of its terror, propaganda and brainwashing called ‘education’, the Empire is well aware that it is losing its grip on global power. And it is horrified, because it does not know how else to live, except with a whip in its hand.”

    Mr. Vltchek could be talking about Jews. That’s why I say that Jews are only one part of the Unholy Trinity, which Mr. Vltchek calls “the Empire.”

    If there was really a global democracy, the people of our planet would throw the existing power structure straight to the dogs. But there isn’t.”

    I thought he said that the Empire was on its last legs.

    Just look at the toothless, constantly humiliated United Nations. Almost everywhere, voting has become nothing more than an act of sticking a piece of paper into a box, and not much more.

    It’s not even that any more. Voting consists of touching a screen on electronic voting machines that the 1% easily “correct” so that the 1% can install in office whoever they want.

    “During 2015, it will become clear who is fighting for the survival of our human race, and who is on the side of oppression, of imperialism, and of the Empire.”

    It’s already clear, but most people ignore the facts. Most people worship Jews, for example.

    “Next year, more and more countries will get destabilized or attacked. Perhaps millions of people will get killed, as they get killed every year, but most likely this time many more will. The ‘opposition movements’ manufactured by the West, as well as various Christian groups and other right-wing religious factions, will continue standing firmly on the side of imperialist oppression and market fundamentalism.”

    By “opposition movements” he means Western-backed movements inside countries like Eritrea, Syria, Zimbabwe, Venezuela, and so on.

    “The Empire has many allies all over the world, and most of them are of an extremely sinister nature. But their closest allies are always ignorance, servility and fear.

    Also greed, selfishness, and hate. Jews and Jew worshippers are full of it.

    “Our revolutions, the true ones, as well as the resistance and battles for a better world, are always based on knowledge, and in summary are nothing else other than an act of love.”


    “As the grungy Russian bear is being battered and provoked into a military conflict, great Chinese dragons are determined to form a protective circle, and this time, are declaring indirectly but clearly that they will come to the rescue of weaker nations attacked by the West.”

    I don’t know about that. China is fully infected with the plague. Chinese politicians devote all their time to widening the gap between the rich and the rest, just like the USA. China has financialization, privatization, decriminalization of financial fraud, and so on. I see no hope there.

    “The Nazis called resistance fighters in Ukraine or France, ‘terrorists’.”

    Actually they were called “partisans.” It is unfortunate that Mr. Vltchek believes the Empire’s lies about National Socialist Germany. I presume that Mr. Vltchek also believes the “holocaust”™ lie.

  12. A most passionate plea for sanity and resistance to the “Empire” but, alas, the author, for all of his erudite use of language and examples of criminal activities by the presumed enemy of mankind, still has missed the mark. Rather than side-stepping the issue of culpability by employing terms such as “fascism” and “Empire” etc. and using the worn-out phraseology of Marxism to describe WHO is responsible for the state of the world today Andre Vltcheck would have accomplished his feat 100% if he had called a spade a spade and identified the Beast for what it is – ZIONISM!

    The veil is being torn asunder. No doubt about that but what’s being revealed is that it was and is and always will be the Zionist ideology that has driven the world to the brink of the potential disaster that we are now facing and that scenario was, in great measure, aided and abetted by the fact that the Soviet Union, under the control of the Rothschild Jewish cartel, was responsible for inflicting death upon 66 million of its own people from 1917 until its demise in 1989. No mention of this in Vltchek’s masterfully composed critique, only derogatory, stepped-down (or should I say side-stepped) references to “Christians”; the “Founding Fathers”; “the regime”; “Western establishment”; “Nazis”; “Western imperialism”; “colonialism”; etc.

    No mention either of Marxist Mao and the Communist take-over of China and the subsequent slaughter of 20 million plus Chinese by the Marxist-Leninist regime.

    Instead, Vltchek’s focus is on America and blaming America for all the wrongs rather than touching upon the sensitive subject of the Zionist infiltration and take-over of the US government beginning with the so-called “US” Federal Reserve in 1913 and extending right up to the present moment. The same with Great Britain and France and Germany and so on – all victims of the Zionist plot to take over the world.

    Yes, Vltchek has done a great job of describing what we’re up against but he’s failed to identify the enemy for who and what it is and that can only lead the resistance to further confusion.

    It’s the Zionist Jew juggernaut that threatens the world with annihilation not just “America” or any other Western nation and the sooner we all recognize this fact the sooner will we be able to stop it and set the historic record straight and reclaim our individual, national sovereignty and our dignity and the love and peace we all so earnestly desire and need.

    Arthur Topham

  13. I agree with your breakdown Konrad, and still hope the Chinese Dragon will fight for its own independence. Mr. Topham and yourself are also correct in that the true culprits are not identified so how can the masses be awakened.

  14. If Putin/Russia wanted to, they could buy up the Naked Shorts that Wall Street is selling to keep an artificial low on gold and silver, and demand delivery immediately. Would destroy the Fraud that is the Gold standard and value in one day. Putin/Russia can print rubles just like Zionist can print dollars and pounds. Russia has natural resources. They do not need western resources anymore than they need “western money”. All nations can have there own version of “exchange value” between their own citizens and cultures without any interest “usury”. National exchange value. This is the invention, and not the violent perversion that is now known as money. Public Exchange Value, recognized and printed/coined by the state, to facilitate trade and business between citizens of a common language and/or nations, at NO INTEREST. For the good of THE WHOLE. CONSTITUTIONAL. Good reads, if there are any willing, “Banking and Currency and the Money Trust”, “Your Country at War”, and “Lindbergh on the Federal Reserve” by Charles A. Lindbergh. Also, “Fraudulent Standard” by Arthur Kitson. There are many others, but here is a place to put your toes in. I also do not always agree with Henry Makow. But he does have an interesting article today in ‘The Truth Seeker’ about a hero of so many here. Simple misguided judgements, or perfectly explainable F ups. Either way, I am sure you will all be able to rationalize and make some sense of it among yourselves.

  15. @Todd Raine: A couple of items…

    [1] The USA went off the gold standard on 1 Aug 1971. Since then, no nation’s currency has been based on a gold standard.

    [2] “Putin/Russia can print rubles just like Zionist can print dollars and pounds. Russia has natural resources. They do not need western resources any more than they need western money.”

    At this point, Russia needs imports from abroad. In order to buy those imports, Russia needs foreign currency, since exporters want to be paid in dollars or euros, not in Russian roubles that can only be spent in Russia. Russia also needs foreign currency in order to service its sovereign debt, i.e. to make interest payments on the sovereign bonds that Russia sold to foreign investors when oil prices were high. Again, the investors want to be paid in dollars or euros, not in Russian roubles.

    That said, I agree with you that Russia is not helpless. If Russia shut off its gas shipments to Europe, or Russia ended its oil shipments to Europe (24 million barrels per day) or if Russia stopped paying on its sovereign debt, it might well pop the global derivatives bubble, causing financial disaster for the West.

    [3] “All nations can have their own version of ‘exchange value’ between their own citizens and cultures without any interest ‘usury.’ National exchange value. This is the invention, and not the violent perversion that is now known as money.”

    Bank lending is only one of the three ways that money enters an economy (any economy). The other two ways are government spending (which carries no interest charge) and a positive current account (i.e. a trade surplus).

    An example of government spending is Social security benefits. The Social security Administration does not send you money. Instead, it sends instructions to your bank to credit your personal bank account by the amount of your benefit (say $1,000 per month). Thus the federal government creates $1,000 out of thin air, simply by changing the numbers in your account.

    It’s like adding points to a sports scoreboard. Where did the points come from? They came from nowhere. They were created out of thin air when we changed the numbers on the scoreboard. –K

  16. CORRECTION : There was a typographical error. I meant to say the USA went off the gold standard on 15 Aug 1971. President Nixon issued Executive Order 11615, and voila: it was done.

    Since then, the US government has been able to create as much money as it likes out of thin air.

    Thus, anyone who tells you that the US government is “broke,” or “needs to live within its means,” or that Social Security is “insolvent” is

  17. Russia has no trade deficit. Russia has a trade surplus. Russia can require payment in roubles as equally as London or the Fed can require(demand) payment in dollars or pounds. The myth of gold or any other commodity backing any or all countries money, is a scam. Values of commodities fluctuate with supply and demand. Or in the real world, they are artificially manipulated. Wheat, corn, iron, GOLD, etc. These all naturally fluctuate. Supply, demand. True money, REAL MONEY, HAS ONLY TO REFLECT EXCHANGE VALUE. Real money does NOT fluctuate in price value such as a commodity will. It only has to reflect purchasing value by a natural supply vs demand. Outside of science and art, and a rapper’s grill, what REAL VALUE does gold have to the value exchange of commerce to the whole of an community? Gold is of real value just as Santa is a really nice fat guy that flies around the world and planting wrapped gifts for all the good little boys and girls. If Russia was kept out of the Black Sea, and China was isolated with them? So what. There would be enough for them, and that region, to create a comfortable place in this world. But that is not the game we are in. Zion, Talmudist, Judaism, Fractional Reserve, wants control of ALL PEOPLE. and ALL SOURCES OF WEALTH AND SECURITY. THE GLOBALIST need control of the wealth of EVERY NATION able to stand against them. The jews don’t give a shit about gold any more than they give a shit about anyone else. They have convinced enough of some inherent value in a natural form of the earth that can only be extracted by human labor, which is the REAL WEALTH in this world. Human labor is the WEALTH AND CREDIT in this world. I will add, by God’s grace alone. I watch, every day, the cost of food, rise and fall artificially. Our tax payer subsidized farming is only slightly above our water subsidies. I watch every day, the cost of oil and gold being driven down artificially. Why would ANYONE, ANY COUNTRY, in their right mind, base their own CITIZENS purchasing power on things so unstable? Add to this that a foreign enemy can design a plan for their host army and country, and our own, regardless of our so called values. Why would I give a shit about this system? Why would I give a shit about this false idea of friend or enemy, or what they want me to believe is rich or poor, when ALL of their stories have so many holes? If Russia had no threat from physical attack from Zionist America, she and Eurasia/China, would be just fine by themselves, gold, or no gold. If America had no threat from having to borrow its own money, and no threat from being told to attack another country or countries, for the sake of peace ( as we are always told to kill to preserve ‘the peace’), we might not be so hated now. And, maybe we could then make our own socks, televisions, and iPads. Maybe then we could isolate this cancer that has infected the whole world through us. The credit of any country belongs to the people that labor in that same country. Anything other than this, gives the Globalist power over ALL LABOR AND GOVERNMENTS and RESISTANCE.

  18. @Todd Raine (#22)

    Russia has no trade deficit. Russia has a trade surplus.

    Correct. It changes from month to month, but for 2014 Russia’s trade surplus has averaged US $13 billion.

    Russia can require payment in roubles as equally as London or the Fed can require (demand) payment in dollars or pounds.

    True, but why would Russia do that, when the Russian government can create as many roubles as it likes out of thin air? Russia sells oil and gas in exchange for foreign currency, which Russia uses to buy imports, and to service its foreign debt.

    The myth of gold or any other commodity backing any or all countries money is a scam. Values of commodities fluctuate with supply and demand. Or in the real world, they are artificially manipulated. Wheat, corn, iron, gold, etc. These all naturally fluctuate. Supply, demand.

    Correct. Gold does not give monetary value to any monetary system. On the contrary, it is monetary systems that give value to gold. If there is no monetary system, then gold has no monetary value. When the Europeans came to the New World they were gold-happy, because gold was prized in Europe, and was given monetary value by monetary systems. The Native Americans did not have a monetary system (at least not like Europe’s). Therefore they regarded gold as merely ornamental. They could not understand the Europeans’ obsession with gold.

    True money, real money, has only to reflect exchange value. Real money does not fluctuate in price value such as a commodity will. It only has to reflect purchasing value by a natural supply vs demand.

    You are correct, but I don’t know what point you are trying to make.

    Outside of science and art, and a rapper’s grill, what real value does gold have to the value exchange of commerce to the whole of an community? Gold is of real value just as Santa is a really nice fat guy that flies around the world and planting wrapped gifts for all the good little boys and girls.

    Correct. Outside of science and art, gold has zero monetary value. You cannot eat, wear, or sleep under gold. If society breaks down, then gold will have no monetary value whatsoever.

    If Russia was kept out of the Black Sea, and China was isolated with them? So what? There would be enough for them, and that region, to create a comfortable place in this world. But that is not the game we are in.

    Yes, Russia could become self-sufficient if it had to. Russia is the world’s biggest country. It is almost twice as big as Canada (which is #2), and most of Canada is uninhabitable.

    Zion, Talmudist, Judaism, Fractional Reserve, wants control of all people and all sources of wealth and security. The globalists need control of the wealth of every nation able to stand against them.

    True. They cannot stop and will not stop ever, for they are exactly like a cancer. They will eat and eat until the body is dead.

    The Jews don’t give a shit about gold any more than they give a shit about anyone else. They have convinced enough of some inherent value in a natural form of the earth that can only be extracted by human labor, which is the REAL WEALTH in this world. Human labor is the WEALTH AND CREDIT in this world.

    Agreed. Natural resources are wealth, but they are mere object of there are no humans to use them. For humans, the sensation of wealth depends not on how much money or natural resources you have, but on how much human energy you control. If I live alone on a planet that is loaded with resources, they will be worthless to me. In order to feel wealthy and “special,” I need slaves and subordinates. I need poor people. And since I can never wealthy enough, I can never make the masses poor enough. That’s why I keep grinding them into the dirt.

    I watch the cost of food, rise and fall artificially. Our tax-payer-subsidized farming is only slightly above our water subsidies. I watch every day, the cost of oil and gold being driven down artificially.

    Actually taxpayers subsidize nothing, at least at the federal level. The US government does not need or use tax revenue, and in fact destroys tax revenue upon receipt. This is not true with state, county, or municipal governments, since the latter are not monetarily sovereign.

    Why would anyone, any country, in their right mind, base their own citizens’ purchasing power on things so unstable?

    It’s all about power, and the quest for more of it. Power over others.

  19. Agreed Konrad. With control of our money, they have gained control over all labour and resources of this country and most of the world. Russia and China signed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with original members Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Those six members alone account for 60% of the land mass of Eurasia and 25% of the worlds population. With observer states included, SCO affiliates account for about half of humanity. All seek together to be involved in mutually beneficial trade agreements and other cooperations. Then there is BRIC, which became BRICS, when South Africa joined in 2010. None of these trade agreements need a shekel of “Western money”. As Putin himself said, “The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner but rather a taking into account and respecting your partners legitimate interest.” Trade agreements like these can not be controlled by Zionist/Western powers or money, other than to aggravate internal conditions of countries that are seeking to join these partnerships as equals. And so Zion initiates sanctions, chaos in Ukraine and Venezuala and other places. They pull an Ace out of their sleeve with Cuba ( liked your article on Cuba some days ago and share your same concern). Anyway, can’t beat Zion at their own game by playing by their rules. But Putin understands their game. He is just taking time to slowly and surely change a few rules to make them play his own game by his own rules. Our monetary system has made us, and all that are forced to use it, slaves. Putin is making some courageous and clever moves that may allow other nations to break free of these chains while being able to remain sovereign in their own cultures and freedoms. Without war. I do own metals as a hedge. But I would throw it ALL into the river today for Constitutional money and credit owned by the citizens of our country. A Colonial scrip or a Lincoln Greenback. Both pissed the Rothchild’s off because they could not control them. That is the fiat money I want. Money and credit that WE THE PEOPLE CONTROL. If we control the money like our Constitution says we should, then we will also as a nation control their influence here and abroad.

  20. @Todd Raine:

    Agreed Konrad. With control of our money, they have gained control over all labour and resources of this country and most of the world.

    They gained control the old fashioned way…they LIED. For example, they have brainwashed 99% of people into falsely believing that the U.S. government is revenue-constrained, when in reality there is no limit to how much money the U.S. government can create, since money is not physical. Money is purely digital. Money only exists in the digital accounts of banks. (Currency notes function as money, but the physical notes are not actually money, just as the title to a car is not actually a car.)

    The U.S. government creates and destroys money by simply changing numbers in bank accounts, i.e. by crediting or debiting accounts. For example, the U.S. government will create and distribute US $3.6 trillion in FY 2015, which began on 1 Oct 2014. US $3.6 trillion in hundred-dollar bills would weigh 39,600 TONS. Obviously the government does not physically move 39,600 tons. That money is all digital.

    I myself have two accounts at my bank. I can use my home computer to “move” money from one account to another, simply by changing the numbers in my accounts. Nothing physical moves. However, unlike the US government, I cannot add to the aggregate total of both of my accounts.

    Why do pundits, professors, and politicians want you to think that the U.S. government has financial limits? Because this illusion of scarcity allows for the perpetual widening of the gap between the rich and the rest.

    Imagine going to a sports event and being told that you must pay a tax in order for the scoreboard to have points. That is, you just provide digital points on the electronic scoreboard. This would be absurd, but it is exactly the same as claiming that the U.S. (or U.K.) government must collect taxes in order to spend.

    Russia and China signed the Shanghai Cooperation Organization with original members Kyrgyzstan,Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Those six members alone account for 60% of the land mass of Eurasia and 25% of the world’s population. With observer states included, SCO affiliates account for about half of humanity. All seek together to be involved in mutually beneficial trade agreements and other cooperations. Then there is BRIC, which became BRICS, when South Africa joined in 2010. None of these trade agreements need a shekel of “Western money.”

    True, but I see no hope in the BRICS nations. They have thoroughly succumbed to the neo-liberal plague, in which the sole function of government is to perpetually widen the gap between the rich and the rest. China’s government, for example, has imposed mass privatization, tax cuts for the rich, tax increases for the poor, elimination of social programs, decriminalization of financial fraud, and so on. It’s all to widen the gap between the 1% and 99%. This phenomenon is occurring almost everywhere in the world, including Iran and Israel.

    As Putin himself said, “The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner but rather a taking into account and respecting your partners legitimate interest.”

    The USA need not compromise, since there is no real resistance to its imperialism.

    Trade agreements like these cannot be controlled by Zionist/Western powers or money, other than to aggravate internal conditions of countries that are seeking to join these partnerships as equals. And so Zion initiates sanctions, chaos in Ukraine and Venezuala and other places. They pull an Ace out of their sleeve with Cuba ( liked your article on Cuba some days ago and share your same concern). Anyway, can’t beat Zion at their own game by playing by their rules.

    You can challenge them, but most of the world will gang up on you, and fight to restore the horrendous plutocracy, as happened with National Socialist Germany.

    But Putin understands their game. He is just taking time to slowly and surely change a few rules to make them play his own game by his own rules. Our monetary system has made us, and all that are forced to use it, slaves. Putin is making some courageous and clever moves that may allow other nations to break free of these chains while being able to remain sovereign in their own cultures and freedoms. Without war.

    Putin is far from powerless, and everyone knows it. If he wanted to, he could crash the western financial system by popping the derivatives bubble. He could do this by cutting all shipments of oil and gas to Europe, or by ceasing all payments on Russia’s foreign debt.

    I do own metals as a hedge. But I would throw it ALL into the river today for Constitutional money and credit owned by the citizens of our country. A Colonial scrip or a Lincoln Greenback. Both pissed the Rothchild’s off because they could not control them. That is the fiat money I want. Money and credit that WE THE PEOPLE CONTROL. If we control the money like our Constitution says we should, then we will also as a nation control their influence here and abroad.

    Whoops. You just made a number of errors. Noted author Ellen Brown makes these same errors, over and over. I’ve tried to correct her, but she refuses to listen. I will explain these errors if you wish to continue this conversation. — K

  21. You wrote, “I do own metals as a hedge. But I would throw it ALL into the river today for Constitutional money and credit owned by the citizens of our country. A Colonial scrip or a Lincoln Greenback. Both pissed the Rothchild’s off because they could not control them. That is the fiat money I want. Money and credit that WE THE PEOPLE CONTROL. If we control the money like our Constitution says we should, then we will also as a nation control their influence here and abroad.

    We already have “greenbacks.” They’re called dollars. Please allow me to explain. And remember that money is not physical. Money exists only as digital accounts. Coins and notes function as money, but they are not actually money. Money itself is just a way to keep score, like digital points on a sports scoreboard.

    Money has value because we agree that it does, just as points on a baseball scoreboard have value because the players and spectators agree that they do. When we say that the dollar is “backed by the full faith and credit of the United States,” we mean that we all agree that a dollar is worth a dollar. That social agreement is the “full faith and credit.” No money anywhere in the world has ever been “backed” by anything physical, including gold. Money is ‘backed” by social agreement, nothing more. (I will explain this in more detail in the future if you are interested.)

    What I am about to explain is so simple a child could understand it, yet only one American adult in 10,000 grasps it. I say Americans because I have explained it to Mexicans (in Spanish) and they always get it right away. Average Americans don’t get it because they have been brainwashed with a LIE that is even more deeply entrenched than the holo-hoax.™ Average Americans are brainwashed by servants of the rich (i.e. pundits, professors, and politicians). The purpose of the brainwashing is to maintain the illusion of money scarcity, which in turns maintains the gap between the rich and the rest.

    There are three ways that money enters any economy. That is, three ways that points are added to the national scoreboard known as “the economy.”

    1. A foreign trade surplus
    2. Bank lending
    3. Government spending (i.e. creation of money by the central government)

    #1 does not apply to the USA, since the USA has a gigantic trade deficit. Each and every week, $8.33 billion more dollars “leave” the US economy than “enter” the US economy from abroad. I put “leave” and “enter” in scare quotes, because nothing physical moves. Money is not physical. Money is simply points on a scoreboard. And the scoreboard consists of accounts in banks. Thus, no money enters the US economy via foreign trade. Russia, by contrast, collects about $9.5 billion from abroad each week via the sale of oil and gas. That money is numerated in dollars, euros, and various other currencies. Meanwhile the Russian rouble is restricted to the Russian economy.

    #2 BANK LENDING consists of loans. Unknown to most people, fractional reserve lending is a myth. In order to lend you $10,000, a bank simply credits your bank account by $10,000. That is, the bank creates the loan money out of thin air by changing the numbers in your account. However a bank is limited as to how far it can do this, since each bank has capital requirements, and each bank is in debt to other banks. Still, one of the cornerstones of neo-liberalism is to make sure that most money enters the US economy as loans (or if you prefer, as “credit”). This keeps the masses in debt servitude, which in turn maintains the gap between the rich and the rest. Note that when a bank creates money as a loan, that money temporarily enters the economy. The money is gradually destroyed as you pay back the loan. Your bank account was credited with $10,000, and when you pay off the entire loan, your account numbers return to what they were before the loan. Profit for the bank consists in interest that you paid on the loan. Ellen Brown’s central error is she assumes that ALL money enters the US economy as loans. that is true for euro-zone nations that have trade deficits, but not for the US or UK. Ellen Brown forgets factor #3….

    #3, GOVERNMENT SPENDING happens when the US federal government creates money by directly crediting bank accounts. Again, nothing physical moves. Money is not physical. Money is purely digital. When the government “sends” you $1,000 as a Social Security benefit, for instance, the government sends instructions to your bank to credit your account by $1,000. That is, the bank changes the numbers in your bank account, following the US government’s orders. When a military contractor collects $1 billion from the US government in exchange for a weapon, the government simply orders the military contractor’s bank account to be credited by $1 billion. None of this government-created money is physical. It’s just a changing of numbers in bank accounts. It is credits (adding to) or debits (deducting from). Where did the $1 billion come from? Nowhere. Some bank created it by crediting the military contractor’s account by $1 billion, per instructions from the US government. The bank simply changed the numbers in the account, just like changing the numbers on a football scoreboard.

    The US federal government will create about $3.6 trillion for FY 2015. The US government will not borrow that $3.6 trillion from the Fed, from China, from investors, or from anyone else. The US government will create the $3.6 trillion out of thin air, simply by crediting various banks accounts. Simply by changing the numbers. This is the greenbacks” you spoke of.

    From this you can see that the US government has no need or use for tax revenue. Indeed, federal tax revenue is destroyed upon receipt. How? When you send a federal tax check to the US government, the US government sends back instructions to your bank to debit your account by the amount of the check. POOF: the money that was “in” your bank account vanishes, just like the points on a football scoreboard vanish when we change the scoreboard numbers to zero. Where did the points go to? The same place they had come from: nowhere.

    So why do we have federal taxes? The purpose is simply to maintain the power of the federal government, and to maintain the gap between the rich and the rest.

    Here’s an illustration…

    Imagine playing the board game Monopoly. You are the banker, and you create money for the Monopoly game by simply writing numbers on bits of paper. All the other players accept your bits of paper as money. You can create as many bits of paper as you like; an infinite amount. The money does not exist until you write something on a bit of paper, and you give the bit of paper to one of the other players. So in one sense you have no money, and in another sense you can create an infinite amount of money. BUT YOU LIE TO THE OTHER PLAYERS. You falsely tell them that your bits of paper are LIMITED, and the other players must pay you back some of their scraps of paper (i.e. taxes), or else they must give you their property and assets. THINK OF THE POWER THAT THIS LIE WOULD GIVE YOU OVER ALL THE OTHER PLAYERS.

    This is EXACTLY what politicians do when they falsely claim that there is “no money” for social programs. Naturally there is infinite money for war, for weapons makers, and for Wall Street bailouts.

    Again, the purpose of the lie is to maintain the power of the federal government, and to maintain the gap between the rich and the rest.

    Average people, the slaves, resist these truths for the same reason they defend the holo-hoax. ™ The lies are so deeply embedded in their psyches that they cannot imagine being free. They regard the truth as impossible and absurd. OF COURSE the holo-hoax ™ is real. OF COURSE the US government has “limited money.”


    This is another LIE. When you buy a US Treasury security, you automatically create a savings account with the US Federal Reserve. If you buy, say, $10,000 in Treasuries, then the Fed sends instructions to your bank to debit your checking account by $10,000. Meanwhile the Fed simultaneously credits your Fed savings account by $10,000. Again, nothing physical moves. Money is not physical. Money is just a process of changing digital numbers. It is a way to “keep score.” Literally. The so-called “national debt” consists of all the money in Fed savings accounts. It is a “national asset.” The Fed could pay off this so-called “debt” instantly and effortlessly by simply debiting all Fed savings accounts, and crediting all the personal checking accounts of whoever has bought Treasuries.

    THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GOVERNMENT SPENDING. THERE IS NO CONNECTION. The US government creates money out of thin air. It does not borrow any of the money that it creates. The so-called “national debt” could be $500 trillion, and it would make no difference to the US government’s ability to create money out of thin air. Likewise, federal taxes could be lowered to ZERO across the board, and the federal government would still create money out of thin air.

    Where does the money come from to pay interest on Treasury securities? From nowhere. It too is created out of thin air. When your Treasury security matures, the Fed debits your Fed savings account by the amount of the security, and credits your personal checking account by the amount of the security, plus the interest. In this way the Fed will create about $233 billion for FY 2015. That $233 billion will come out of thin air, and be added to the US economy.

    WHY THEN DOES THE GOVERNMENT LIE? The government falsely tells you that it is “in debt” in order to make you falsely believe that federal money for social programs is “scarce.” Again, this maintains the power of the federal government, and the gap between the rich and the rest.


    Nations that use the euro have surrendered their monetary sovereignty. Those euro-zone nations that have a trade deficit (like France) are locked into a debt / death spiral from which they can never escape, for they can no longer create their own government money out of thin air, like the US and UK can. They must borrow all their money, either from the Troika, or by selling bonds. Their “national debt” is real, and it will grow forever. The exceptions are euro-zone nations that have a huge trade surplus, like Germany, which has an average of 16.6 billion more euros coming in each month than go out. Germany’s trade surplus causes money and energy in the euro-zone to flow to Germany, like a vampire. That is why Germany is the loudest defender of the euro, and also of austerity (i.e. the money-flow to Germany).

    France has a huge trade deficit, and is therefore being bled to death by Germany and the Troika. Italy, by contrast, has a modest trade surplus. Even so, Italy’s government demands austerity from its citizens, in order to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

    I will cut it off here. I can explain more if you ask questions. –K

  22. These things I know Konrad. I understand that our debt is an illusion, a slight of hand. All of our monies have been digital long before the invention of computers. That is exactly what ‘Fractional Reserve’ banking is. Digital money. My point is that we(all countries of the world) do not need to borrow our own money. A country’s own concern should be the health, livelihood and domestic security of its own citizens, and not for the corporations and other special interest that have infested and grown up around them. Money ( the bills and coins in our pockets, or accounts) allow an exchange in property and/or services between agreeable partners and parties. Governments and banks should be in the business of profits and surplus for their citizens and communities, respectively, and not profits for themselves and their crony shareholders. If the two (Governments and Banks) seek profits for themselves, it can only come at the expense of that country and its own citizens in the long term. We do not have a solvent banking system. It is suicidal. Jonestown suicidal. Innocent dupes believe strongly in this false prophet and will foolishly die with it and see no heaven. Well, at least they will not see a heaven here on earth. Free-Traders. That is what Edmund Burke called them 230 plus years ago. While pushing the “Aldrich Plan”, they complained about tariffs, complaining this was the reason for the banking scares. While Paul Craig Roberts, in our time rightly says that tariffs created this countries booming economy. I am not personally discounting our bombing of Europe out of their own economy, or the ‘Lend, Lease’ scam. Britain was a ‘manufacturing Super Power before Germany. And no, that is NOT an punch at the great German people. Just sayin’, we have enough resources here in the west, to separate ourselves from Africa, Europe, and the Middle East and East. Our covetous and orthodox masters are the ones that convince the simple minded that “They hate us for our Freedoms”, and that we must kill them to keep the world “safe and free” for those that love “freedom and prosperity”. An unlimited fishing license or deer tags, and nothing more. Putin seems to be restoring borders, and as much as he is able to now, some sense of control and order that is needed and reasonable for more than just Russia. He seems to be trying to include many, while Zionist America is moving all of us into isolation and conflict. ~~TR

  23. Thank you Konrad, i appreciate your simple presentation on money.
    A large and focal point of your description is the word ‘Government” (govt).
    Who are they? what is it? how did it come to pass?
    We are the Govt. We are the ones who place this power in the hands of a selected few to handle made up shit, like banking and war.
    Through this same faith we place this power in bits of paper. Our Govt, we the people is ‘made up’ just like ‘money’ thru various instruments we have collectively ordained this govt… ‘in gawd we trust’ cementing the myth, an even more intense form of brainwashing.
    Money is no further from thin air as trust in anything. What you say is true about the false premise of money and where it comes from.

    I’m not disagreeing but injecting a thread of reality. Gov’t is as much faith as money is faith. Money is not the issue, but who and how the mysterious bits of paper get divided.

    We as Govt have been willfully hoodwinked by and through Capitalism, by trashing everything that would invoke an Interest Free system (non-usury sys). socialist, communist or whatever.

    Russia and the ruble can survive if they get totally away from Capitalism. Greece and its Euro ~ ducking out of the Euro could/would be a putsch eliminating this austerity… but they’d still have to deal with creating they’re own money again and working… (which i’d endorse since SYRIZA is taking the nations dept and hanging on to it, not purging it…for sake of some greased palms.)

    Another aspect of money is Land/property Ownership… which complicates the divvying…and that to is subject to ‘desire’ ~ the current %1 love their beach fronts which they trade amongst themselves for Capitalist profit. Gravy upon gravy.
    We could manage the bits of paper problem a lot better by Taxing the holders till they give up the land or near it. I’d rather the govt i have faith in, end the Imperial Chauvinist Bellicose Hegemonic State Dept/ Statagon…using my tax dollar. I don’t mind paying taxes its their misappropriation that kills.

  24. TODD RAINE: I understand that our debt is an illusion, a slight of hand.

    KONRAD: The so-called “national debt” is an illusion, Private debt is not an illusion.

    TODD RAINE: All of our monies have been digital long before the invention of computers. That is exactly what ‘Fractional Reserve’ banking is. Digital money.

    KONRAD: Yes, money has always existed only in the ledgers of bankers, whether they were manually written or (as today) computerized. Economist Adam Smith (1723-1790) thought that money was developed because money was more efficient than barter. Smith has been proven wrong. Money has existed for all of recorded history.

    Regarding fractional reserve banking, you are in error. Fractional reserve banking is supposedly the practice whereby a bank holds reserves (to satisfy demands for withdrawals) that are less than the amount of its customers’ deposits. This does not happen in real life.

    TODD RAINE: My point is that we (all countries of the world) do not need to borrow our own money.

    KONRAD: Monetarily sovereign governments (which is most governments) never borrow their own money. They create it out of thin air, as I explained above.

    TODD RAINE: A country’s own concern should be the health, livelihood and domestic security of its own citizens, and not for the corporations and other special interest that have infested and grown up around them. Money ( the bills and coins in our pockets, or accounts) allow an exchange in property and/or services between agreeable partners and parties.

    KONRAD: Ideally yes.

    TODD RAINE: Governments and banks should be in the business of profits and surplus for their citizens and communities, respectively, and not profits for themselves and their crony shareholders.

    KONRAD: Yes banks are like prisons, police, utilities, or fire departments…they should NEVER be privately owned.

    TODD RAINE: If governments and banks seek profits for themselves, it can only come at the expense of that country and its own citizens in the long term.

    KONRAD: Monetarily sovereign governments (which is most of them) never seek “profits,” although they pretend to, just as they pretend that they need tax revenue If you were like them, and could create money out of thin air, would you need to make a profit? Would you need an income? Would you need to borrow your own money? No, no, and no.

    TODD RAINE: We do not have a solvent banking system. It is suicidal. Jonestown suicidal.

    KONRAD: It is insolvent because of fraud and unregulated derivatives.

    TODD RAINE: Innocent dupes believe strongly in this false prophet and will foolishly die with it and see no heaven. Well, at least they will not see a heaven here on earth. Free-Traders. That is what Edmund Burke called them 230 plus years ago. While pushing the “Aldrich Plan”, they complained about tariffs, complaining this was the reason for the banking scares. While Paul Craig Roberts, in our time rightly says that tariffs created this countries booming economy.

    KONRAD: The US government does not need revenue from tariffs, since the government creates its money out of thin air, as I explained above. The purpose of tariffs is to give a competitive advantage to native businesses. Since production is now global, the rich want to eliminate all tariffs.

    TODD RAINE: I am not personally discounting our bombing of Europe out of their own economy, or the ‘Lend, Lease’ scam. Britain was a ‘manufacturing Super Power before Germany. And no, that is NOT a punch at the great German people. Just sayin’, we have enough resources here in the west, to separate ourselves from Africa, Europe, and the Middle East and East. Our covetous and orthodox masters are the ones that convince the simple minded that “They hate us for our Freedoms”, and that we must kill them to keep the world “safe and free” for those that love “freedom and prosperity”. An unlimited fishing license or deer tags, and nothing more.

    KONRAD: Once you become addicted to having power over others, you can never get enough. The more you get, the more you want.

    TODD RAINE: Putin seems to be restoring borders, and as much as he is able to now, some sense of control and order that is needed and reasonable for more than just Russia. He seems to be trying to include many, while Zionist America is moving all of us into isolation and conflict.

  25. Oh by the way, we DO NOT HAVE interest free Greenbacks anymore. We pay interest on this “invisible” invention that we now have. Any one of us could be a God in this world if we had this divine right to do as much as this.

  26. @DARWIN26 (#29)

    DARWIN26: Thank you Konrad, I appreciate your simple presentation on money. A large and focal point of your description is the word ‘Government” (govt). Who are they? What is it? How did it come to pass? We are the Govt. We are the ones who place this power in the hands of a selected few to handle made up shit, like banking and war. Through this same faith we place this power in bits of paper. Our Govt, we the people is ‘made up’ just like ‘money’ thru various instruments we have collectively ordained this govt… ‘in gawd we trust’ cementing the myth, an even more intense form of brainwashing.

    KONRAD: Yes, it all comes down to agreements between people. And agreements are manipulated by lies and brainwashing. Most people falsely think of money as a physical thing, when in fact money is purely digital. It is a way to keep score. The rich and their servants gain power by deceiving the public. The public wants to be deceived. Average people enjoy living by fairy tales. They defend their slavery.

    DARWIN26: Money is no further from thin air as trust in anything. What you say is true about the false premise of money and where it comes from.

    KONRAD: What is false is not money, but claims that the US government is “broke,” and that Social Security is “insolvent,” and that we have a “national debt crisis,” and so on. All these lies have one single purpose: to continually widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

    DARWIN26: I’m not disagreeing but injecting a thread of reality. Gov’t is as much faith as money is faith.

    KONRAD: The “faith” is the agreement between members of society. When we say, “Full faith and credit,” the word “credit” has the same root as “credibility.” A dollar has value because we agree that it does. We have “faith” in the dollar. We give it “credibility.” That is why Venezuela’s government, for example, passed a law saying that you cannot simultaneously own a bank and a major media outlet. It is too easy to manipulate people’s faith in the money system.

    DARWIN26: Money is not the issue, but who and how the mysterious bits of paper get divided.

    KONRAD: That applies throughout life. Our problem is not shortages, but mal-distribution.

    DARWIN26: We as Govt have been willfully hoodwinked by and through Capitalism, by trashing everything that would invoke an Interest Free system (non-usury sys). Socialist, communist or whatever.

    KONRAD: The problem is not capitalism, but the nature of the people in charge, and of the average members of society. If evil people are in charge, and if average people tend to be Judaic (like Americans) then life for most people will be miserable, regardless of whether their system is capitalist, socialist, or whatever. Capitalism is not some disembodied entity or force. It is the product of people.

    DARWIN26: Russia and the ruble can survive if they get totally away from Capitalism.

    KONRAD: Not necessarily. Life under Soviet Communism was sometimes a nightmare, with purges and so on. Again, what’s important is not the economic or political system, but the nature of the people in charge.

    DARWIN26: Greece and its Euro ~ ducking out of the Euro could/would be a putsch eliminating this austerity… but they’d still have to deal with creating they’re own money again and working… (which iI’d endorse since SYRIZA is taking the nation’s dept and hanging on to it, not purging it…for sake of some greased palms.)

    KONRAD: Eventually the euro-zone nations will be forced to do this. The debt and austerity cycle cannot go on forever. Note, incidentally, that the UK did not give up its monetary sovereignty. The UK government can create infinite pounds out of thin air. But like the US government, it LIES to the masses, claiming to be “broke.” The purpose, as always, is to forever widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

    DARWIN26: Another aspect of money is Land/property Ownership… which complicates the divvying…and that to is subject to ‘desire’ ~ the current %1 love their beach fronts which they trade amongst themselves for Capitalist profit. Gravy upon gravy.

    KONRAD: This brings up the point that the sensation of wealth and power is relative, not absolute. If you and I both have a million dollars, then I do not feel wealthy and “special.” But if I have a million dollars, and you have nothing, then I feel wealthy. Hence, for the rich, it is not enough that they have a lot. You must have nothing. The rich must grind you into the dirt in order for them to feel wealthy. For the rich to be happy, you must suffer.

    DARWIN26: We could manage the bits of paper problem a lot better by Taxing the holders till they give up the land or near it. I’d rather the govt I have faith in, end the Imperial Chauvinist Bellicose Hegemonic State Dept/ Statagon…using my tax dollar. I don’t mind paying taxes; it’s their misappropriation that kills.

    KONRAD: I hate paying federal taxes, since they are not needed or used, and are in fact destroyed upon receipt. (By contrast, state, county, and municipal governments are forced to tax, since they cannot create money out of thin air like the US federal government can.)

    All federal taxes should be reduced to zero for rich and poor alike. No income tax, fuel excise tax, corporate tax, or FICA tax. The rich don’t pay any taxes anyway. And corporations pay less than zero taxes. And the FICA tax does not pay for Medicare or Social Security. That FICA money is stolen from you and destroyed.

    Federal taxes do not pay for the federal government’s operations. As I explained above, the federal government creates its money out of thin air, simply by crediting bank accounts. It’s exactly the same as changing points on a baseball scoreboard.

  27. The “Globalist” argument against tariffs began long before, and still during the “Aldrich manifesto”. Economies are ALL local in the real world. They are only “Global” for the “speculators”. But because of their Pygmy mouthpiece puppets, and the local hooligans and fools screaming YES, they are ALL united in believing and hoping that the same moves, selfish motives, and empty platitudes that have caused the locals so much harm ( Hope and Change), will surely bring about a brighter tomorrow this time the lies are told fresh and new. They take advantage of your willingness to believe in the comfort and hope you will feel and believe in the lies that they tell you today, about the peace that this war will bring the world tomorrow. This is how the powers that be count on you. And because you have always, as a whole, been so perfectly reliable, the power just keeps counting on you to fall for it. Because we are so reliable, they do not have to think of any new lies. Why would they? The old ones are working just fine.

  28. TODD RAINE SAYS, “Oh by the way, we DO NOT HAVE interest free Greenbacks anymore. We pay interest on this “invisible” invention that we now have. Any one of us could be a God in this world if we had this divine right to do as much as this.

    Unfortunate. Clearly you do not want to learn. You have your false beliefs (based on zero evidence) and that’s that. Most people are like you. They cling to fairy tales that comfort them. That’s why they remain slaves. But thank you for playing.

  29. Happy New Year to you too. I worked for two years in a branch of the US Treasury. That’s how I learned how the money game really works. I wanted to share the secrets with you, but you prefer to cling to false beliefs that have no basis in reality (e.g. “all money carries an interest charge”). Oh well. I tried.

  30. reply to Konrad: i have a hunch you are a Libertarian/Anarchist/AynRander? you’re disparaging remarks about ‘Taxes’ would lead no where else. Now i know you specified Federal Taxes which i can interpret as ‘State Taxes’ are ok but Nooooooooo FED taxes.
    It sounds like you are against Federal Taxes due to the mechanism called ‘the FED’ (the banks that make and break the US economy) I have no use for the FED either, but not because they print bits of paper we use to swap personal energy tokens for real goods, but because they do it to enrich themselves thru palm greasing and power tripping revolving door rituals for their cronies. The nature of this odious entity the FED, and then tying it to the Internal Revenue and collecting Taxes needs some delineation.
    Clearly no matter who’s watching the hen house (treasury) to date most have proved to be foxes.
    And i would suggest a more equitable mechanism for money printing. i’m not sure how that would work precisely but these several banks that print, borrow, and sell for profit the tokens that move the Working Class are monsters from hell for the %99.
    Putting aside the corporate swine and all other tax scofflaws… Such things as FICA have great benefits that you would eliminate. (another reason to sense you are a Rander/Libertarian). Social Security is not an income tax but a payroll tax for retirement and medicare…without taxes these items would not exist… we’d be in a feudal sys where the Darwinists would rule..not that we aren’t that far away from that with Obama-Crypto-fascist in ofc.
    What you are saying is that we are all using funny money ~ not backed by anything… but just go into any bank and ask for a Million $ they don’t say hang on we’ll print that up for you ~ and it’ll take about ten minutes for the ink to dry then off with you to spend that Million$. If we didn’t have taxes that pay for oversight this is the bad example of what and how those bits of paper get to my hands. Yes they are just digits but they are also tactile bits that us %99 need to tip the waiter and the sitter.
    i cannot imagine living in a society that didn’t support social structures thru taxes. i’m interested in hearing how you’d manage that? Our entire social system is tied to taxes and that comes from the mass of the Working Class to help secure life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
    i’m interested in how you’d maintain society without those bits of paper? From Libraries and Forest Fire mgmt to our Judicial sys and health care?
    Because we end up with rotten managers who come thru the revolving door like the Minerals and mgmt division of the AG dept who let BP get the better of the Gulf of Mexico ~ Granted Integrity is imperative, we are at a loss to examine what is going down because the Foxes are just in it for lots of bits of paper and are capable of camouflaging their crimes . ‘Damn the losses no skin off our nose’. How do we get integrity from the Peoples watchdogs? Certainly not without bits of paper.
    Without taxes i’m not sure what would exist ? already you are disturbed by how easy money is printed then loaned for profit + getting interest and i get that…but a society/ State simply cannot exist without taxes.
    Tax the bastards till they give it all up.

  31. @DARWIN26:

    “I have a hunch you are a Libertarian/Anarchist/AynRander? you’re disparaging remarks about ‘Taxes’ would lead nowhere else.”

    I am the polar opposite of those people. As in diametrically opposed.

    If you enjoy paying federal taxes that the federal government does not need or use, and which the federal government destroys upon receipt (as I so patiently explained above) then be my guest.

    “It sounds like you are against Federal Taxes due to the mechanism called ‘the FED’ (the banks that make and break the US economy).”

    My objection to federal taxes has absolutely nothing to do with the Fed.

    “I have no use for the FED either, but not because they print bits of paper we use to swap personal energy tokens for real goods, but because they do it to enrich themselves thru palm greasing and power tripping revolving door rituals for their cronies. The nature of this odious entity the FED, and then tying it to the Internal Revenue and collecting Taxes needs some delineation.”

    Evidently you did not read my explanations above. The Federal Reserve creates some of the money in our money supply in the form of loans, and in the form of interest payments on T-securities. Meanwhile the U.S. federal government also creates money. It’s called “federal spending.” Such money is not borrowed from anywhere. It is created out of thin air, and it is not issued as loans. It is used for Social Security benefits, used to buy weapons, and so on. Do you think that Social security benefits are loans?

    My problem with the Fed is that through scams such as quantitative easing, the Fed serves only Wall Street, and does its part to further widen the gap between the rich and the rest. I also don’t understand why the Fed chairman has to always be a Jew. Indeed since 2006 the US Treasury secretary also has to be a Jew.

    ” Clearly no matter who’s watching the hen house (treasury) to date most have proved to be foxes. And I would suggest a more equitable mechanism for money printing. I’m not sure how that would work precisely but these several banks that print, borrow, and sell for profit the tokens that move the Working Class are monsters from hell for the 99%.”

    The problem is that politicians have brainwashed you into falsely believing that US government money is limited and is borrowed, or comes from taxes. Therefore, politicians falsely claim that we must have less spending on social programs that help average people, and more spending on programs that help the rich get richer (e.g. Wall Street bailouts, subsidies to rich farmers, and so on).

    What we need is more government spending into the real economy. We need the US government to create more money that gets into the hands of average people, so that money can circulate in the real economy and create jobs. Austerity (i.e. reduced spending on programs that help average people) is gratuitous. Its purpose is to widen the gap between the rich and the rest.

    “Putting aside the corporate swine and all other tax scofflaws… Such things as FICA have great benefits that you would eliminate. (another reason to sense you are a Rander/Libertarian). Social Security is not an income tax but a payroll tax for retirement and medicare…without taxes these items would not exist… we’d be in a feudal sys where the Darwinists would rule..not that we aren’t that far away from that with Obama-Crypto-fascist in ofc.”

    Totally wrong. I want programs like Social Security to be expanded. FICA tax revenue is destroyed upon receipt. It does not pay for Medicare, Social Security, or anything else. It is a scam whose function is to widen the gap between the rich and the rest. That’s why people who make over is $118,500 per year pay no FICA tax, yet still receive Social Security benefits.

    “Social Security is not an income tax but a payroll tax for retirement and medicare…without taxes these items would not exist…”

    That’s what you have been brainwashed to believe. Clearly you read none of my explanations above.

    “What you are saying is that we are all using funny money ~ not backed by anything.”

    I said nothing of the kind. What I WROTE ABOVE was that money has value because society’s members all agree that it does. What “backs up” money is human beings. This is what is meant by the term “full faith and credit of the United States.”

    “But just go into any bank and ask for a Million $ they don’t say hang on we’ll print that up for you ~ and it’ll take about ten minutes for the ink to dry then off with you to spend that Million$. If we didn’t have taxes that pay for oversight this is the bad example of what and how those bits of paper get to my hands. Yes they are just digits but they are also tactile bits that us %99 need to tip the waiter and the sitter.

    I don’t know where you are drifting with this. But anyway, regarding “printing,” in almost all nations, coins and bills represent less than three percent of the overall money supply. The other 97% is purely digital.

    “I cannot imagine living in a society that didn’t support social structures thru taxes. I’m interested in hearing how you’d manage that? Our entire social system is tied to taxes and that comes from the mass of the Working Class to help secure life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

    That’s what politicians and rich people want you to think. They have brainwashed you into falsely believing that money is limited, and can only come from taxes. Have you ever stopped to ask where the money comes from to pay taxes in the first place? Oh that’s right. You think that all money consists of bank loans. The politicians have done their work on you.

    “I’m interested in how you’d maintain society without those bits of paper? From Libraries and Forest Fire mgmt to our Judicial sys and health care?”

    You mean do away with money? Where did you get the idea that I said that???? It is written nowhere above.

    “Tax the bastards till they give it all up.”

    You will never succeed in that. The rich own society. Rather than drag down the rich, why not lift up the poor, until they too become rich?

  32. Above, above, above. “Before we go on to consider the amazing way in which President Wilson handed over control of America to the financiers by a measure which he thought would curb them, it is convenient at this stage to insert a list of the banks and the industrial concerns controlled by the Money Trust in 1913. Without such a list for reference the true inwardness of the colossal combinations formed during the past year or two in the United States and internationally cannot be grasped:—In the 32 transportation companies controlled by the a Money a Trust were included in the leading American railway systems, and among the 12 public utility corporations was the great Western Union Telegraph Company controlled by Kuhn, Loeb and Company. The producing and trading companies controlled by the Money Trust were as follows: 1 Amalgamated Copper, 2 American Agricultural Chemical Company, 3 American Beet Sugar Company, 4 American Can Company, 5 American Car and Foundry Company, 6 American Locomotive Company, 7 American Smelting and Refining Company, 8 Armour and Company, 9 Baldwin Locomotive Works, 10 Central Leather Company, 11 Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 12 General Electric Company, 13 Intercontinental Rubber Company, 14 International Agriculture Corporation, 15 International Harvester Company, 16 International Nickel Company, 17 International Paper Company, 18 Lackawanna Steel Company, 19 National Biscuit Company, 20 Pullman Company, 21 United States Rubber Company, 22 United States Steel Corporation, 23 Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company. ~~~ This partial list is from, “The Truth About The Slump”, by A.N. Field, published 1931, pages 80,81,82 (my copy). ~~~Just wondering, if they, the Banksters, have only Our money in deposit, how did they get control of all of this material and labour without our knowledge or consent? You explained to me what money now is. Thank you so much for the refresher course. Kind of you. But, how is it that these Internationals, that have gained control of our own Nations credit? Derivatives? What does that mean to John and Jane hoping for 40 hours to feed their 2.5, or if they even have a job? When this derivative bubble burst (and it will, if nothing changes, or if it suits them)it only means the bottom will have a bit more company for their tears. And maybe the war they are Hell bent on getting all of us into. The Fed is a bubble blowing machine. That is All the Central Banking System is. OUR BANKS, the ones that HOUSE OUR OWN MONIES, should NOT be allowed to own stock. Nor, should they have ANY shares to be bought or sold on Wall Street, or for the now, international corporations and countries they lobby for, or against. The wealth, the labour, the resources, of this country should go to the citizens of this country first. It should NOT go to the “speculators” that have been given control over our own wealth and resources and freedoms. How is it that the “Central Banks”, if they have only the “peoples credit”, have shares in Lockheed Martin, Nestlé, and Disney? Maybe you splained’ well enough above, above, above. But I am just determined to learn this stuff. How is it that jews get to lend us our own money, at interest, and buy up the resources we as a nation and world, need to live a decent life with for ourselves, and with each other. Use small words please.

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