
Ed note–please God,  let it happen…

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0 thoughts on “Koran-burning lunatic pastor Terry Jones pulls his image from mall french fry stand post-Charlie Hebdo”
  1. Speaking of the Paris situation, I heard Obama speak of our great friends the French who helped us during the Iraq days. Yes, he did say this! He never tasted “freedom fries” I suppose…..

    America has the leaders it deserves at this point.

  2. Please God, let it happen? Do it yourself, you coward!

    Your blocking of anyone who dissents from your pig-headed opinions, shows that you are only preaching to the choir, you know, for $5 a month.

    R.I.P. Mark Glenn, because you have no mercy, so shall you receive none.

    God’s gonna getcha.

    ed note–and because of your veiled threat Sayeed (or whoever you are) I’ll be forwarding a copy of this along with your IP address located in Ontario to some folks who I think are going to take a particular interest in this, given the events that have taken place in Paris in the last few days.

    I guess you making such statements wasn’t as smart an idea as you originally thought, huh?

  3. These Red Neck Zio- Christains are all so predicatble ! “Islam is a repressive religion”. Since when is not his kind of Fundamentalist religious nut,not repressive ? I remember when they where obsessed by guys with long hair,girls in bikinis,and eating ice cream,or going to the movies,on Sunday! Typical hypocisy,by low lifes ! Like the crying nit wit Jimmy Swagert ,who had PENTHOUSE,and PLAYBOYS pulled out of Southern 7 – 11’s,but was driving his Lincoln Town car into town, to see a skanky prostitute ! These creeps ,are a special breed in Zion USA. Always worrying about ‘FREEEEEDOM’. NAZIS,COMMIES, (only they were great when figting NAZIS),FASCISTS,LIBERALS,THE POOR,REPTILES,TH EUN… now its MOOOSLIMS! Hey Pastor French Fry..oh excuse me:”Freedom Fry”. Its the CHRIST KILLING JEWS WHO REPRESS US !

  4. MG, judging by his previous comments, ‘Sayeed’ is more than likely Shlomo or Shmuel. ‘Sayeeds’ generally don’t make veiled threats of physical harm, only Jews and their supporters do that.

    Thank you for getting rid of him. I would have flushed him much earlier.

  5. The danger of this man, Terry Jones, is that he is just one of many Terry Jones by different names. The level of danger is those who follow this way of thinking. All it will take is the right ‘key’ to promote those followers into thinking what ever they do is doing it in the name of God.

    “If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.” John 7:19

    In other words: So much doctrine has now disappeared from real Truth that a few will catch on that they have followed wrong doctrine. They will understand this. The majority will not understand and continue down with those like Terry Jones. This is a dangerous path and a spiritual all out war is about to occur in the church. A falling out is about to occur.

    “But he passing through the midst of them went his way.” Luke 4:30

    You see they didn’t like being told how wrong they were and took action against the one who tried to tell them they were wrong. What that ‘key’ is that will have them turn on their own I do not know or when this will happen.

    Jesus just went on his way. He was set apart and received no harm. The ones still under the influence of the Terry Jones are about to get a battle they would of never saw coming.

  6. I don’t want Terry Jones hurt, even though i notice on his black shirt, NUKE ISIS.

    He may not know – or would rather not know, that the JPost, 23/9, said,’ISIS poses no threat to Israel’.

  7. MG … Thank your HAZWOPPING that masonic pest! He talked like an impudent, dirty-nickel Jew who lost it after seeing the glitter of 30 pieces of silver! That’s why God deprived ’em forever from knowing what Gold is. [The most precious Gold is God’s Mercy.] … You KNOW God is with you when demonic pests begin to swarm you.

    [I was compelled to take particular note of how your recent explanation to us on the meanings of Netanyahu’s “grave” utterances is what irked his sender. And this is how God Helps us know about the enemy’s weaknesses/ secrets (viz. what hurts them most), which cannot be learnt from books —- by direct inference.]

    The fact that he was from Ontario is interesting for me! They’re in every [online] venue I go to, apparently! Some time ago, I contributed some expositions [on their secrets] on Henry Makow’s page, and the next morning I found my car smashed in one corner!! These cowards talk big and hide behind proxy — proxy that run away themselves! Not a leaf falls without God’s Will … and I ward off these withered leaves called Jews with just Blessed Water.

    The Matrix of this End Times is most certainly bizarre! … Here I am writing to you, and over there in a Lebanese café, another false flag terror just occurred (“Omran” cafe, “Tripoli” city, Jabal “Mohsen” neighborhood):

    And so we fight another day — our Truth against their Lies. Let’s commemorate this TUT moment as follows 🙂 :

  8. [Correction: I meant to say: “MG … Thank you for HAZWOPPING that masonic pest!”]

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