Improvised bomb subsequently dismantled by Montevideo security forces.
A small improvised explosive device placed near the Israeli embassy in Uruguay was found and dismantled by security forces on Thursday in Montevideo.
The device, placed in a grocery bag, was found by police dogs some 100 meters from the multi-story office building where the Israeli is housed during a routine sweep.
The building was evacuated from its inhabitants, and the bomb was dismantled by city police.
The device was planted at a distance which would preclude much damage to the building. But senior officials said that the Foreign Ministry’s security detail considers it likely the device was planted as either an attempt to bomb the embassy, or an attempt to check the security in the area ahead of committing an attack.
The army spokesman, Col. Yamandu Lessa, said the object had detonating cord, which is itself explosive, but no detonator or other element that could set it off.
“Everything indicates that it could be a simulation,” he said. “There was also a wireless doorbell that you could find in any supermarket and some cables.”
He said army explosives experts used a robot that blasted the device with high-velocity water from a distance, tearing it apart.
He said he did not know if the device was linked to the embassy’s presence in one of the Trade Center’s towers.
The Foreign Ministry’s spokesman said he prefers to refrain from issuing comment on matters concerning the security of Israeli diplomatic posts abroad.
There will be more found in all the countries in the shadow of the judeozionist empire. All of them will need tighter laws to prevent terrorism and re-education because we know that terrorism starts with hate speech: The UK leads the way:
Uruguay media says it was a simulated explosive device — i.e. a block of wood with some wires that were left in a paper shopping bag over 200 feet from the Israeli embassy.
Police suspect it was left there to test their vigilance and response time.
This incident suggests that Mossad is planning something big.
Uruguay is a juicy target, because it has 50,000 Jews that Mossad could bomb in a false flag attack. This would elevate the status of Jews as “victims.” It would also give ammunition to the right-wing minority in Uruguay’s government, and it would take the world’s attention off the Palestinians’ ICC bid.
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There will be more found in all the countries in the shadow of the judeozionist empire. All of them will need tighter laws to prevent terrorism and re-education because we know that terrorism starts with hate speech: The UK leads the way:
Uruguay media says it was a simulated explosive device — i.e. a block of wood with some wires that were left in a paper shopping bag over 200 feet from the Israeli embassy.
Police suspect it was left there to test their vigilance and response time.
This incident suggests that Mossad is planning something big.
Uruguay is a juicy target, because it has 50,000 Jews that Mossad could bomb in a false flag attack. This would elevate the status of Jews as “victims.” It would also give ammunition to the right-wing minority in Uruguay’s government, and it would take the world’s attention off the Palestinians’ ICC bid.