Michael Twitty, a Jewish African-American culinary historian, who was a guest of the Jewish Film festival in Jerusalem, endured humiliating treatment at Ben-Gurion Airport. Irrespective of religion, race or gender? Not in these parts.
I was scared, upset and offended. I knew it wasn’t that bad in the larger scheme, but I was also keenly aware of the double standard based on color and appearance.” It felt, he says, “like someone had hit me with a bat in the stomach. It was just a reminder of how some people will never see me as Jewish… I thought being a ‘guest of honor’ meant something.”
OCDG: This “schmuck” was dumb enough to willingly convert to the satanic cult known as judaism and he found out the hard easy way what it’s like to be discriminated against. You’ll always be a “Ham” sandwich to the chosenbergs. Not so enamored with the desert-wanderers now are you?
He teaches Hebrew in Jewish schools in the United States, underwent an Orthodox conversion to Judaism and has been profiled in major Jewish newspapers everywhere (including Haaretz, on December 19, 2014). He was in Israel during Hanukkah as a special guest of the Jewish Film Festival held at the Jerusalem Cinematheque. But when Michael Twitty arrived at Ben-Gurion Airport to fly back to the U.S. he was interrogated rudely, his Judaism was called into question, his personal effects were taken from him – and he seethed with anger and humiliation.
In 2007, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel went to court against the demeaning treatment meted out to non-Jews at Ben-Gurion Airport and at El Al check-in venues abroad. ACRI noted that the security checks to which Israel’s Arab citizens are subjected at airports are far more rigorous than those undergone by Jewish passengers, including those who are not Israeli citizens. The fact that a passenger is an Arab are apparently reason enough to subject him to a thorough check, even if there were no suspicions against him. ACRI requested that equal and substantive criteria be set for the scope and level of security checks for all passengers, Jewish and Arab alike. Earlier this year, the state announced that changes had been introduced in the method of security checks, but according to ACRI they do not remedy the problems it cited.
But it seems that Arabs are not the only “usual suspects.” During the check of Twitty he was separated from his partner, who is non-Jewish and white. He was asked the standard questions and allowed through, but Twitty’s story was just beginning. The security woman “asked me had I been to Israel before,” Twitty said in an email. “I replied that I had. She asked when and I answered honestly, 2004.” When she asked why I had visited then, “I replied [that] I came on Taglit [the Birthright project]. She immediately gave me an incredulous look.”
What to expect at Ben Gurion Airport
Twitty explained to her that he was Jewish. “She asked me why I was in Israel. I explained I was invited to the Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival, which could also be easily verified. She then asked what I did for a living, and I explained I was a food writer and taught Hebrew school in America. She really didn’t understand some of what I was telling her, and besides that her look changed to a tight disingenuous smile… Both my friend and I deduced from her body language that she did not believe a word out of my mouth, she looked really disturbed, even worried. In fact, had she checked, she would have found out that I won a first-place essay prize from Birthright that year.”
The woman consulted with someone, and then a different agent, a man, came over and “asked me the standard security questions, rapid-fire. He asked me a lot of questions about who packed my bags and what was in my bags. He asked me even more questions to verify my Jewish identity. Did I speak Hebrew?… He asked me if I converted Orthodox, and I said yes.” Twitty even showed his him pictures of his conversion certificate. “He asked ‘How did you get this? Who gave you this paper?’… He asked me what shul (synagogue) I belonged to and when I went there and for what purpose. Every few sentences he would reverse the order and re-ask the same questions… I used as many Hebrew/Jewish terms as I could muster.”
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At the next stage of the check-in process, Twitty was questioned by a third security agent, “who did a short repeat interview of what I dealt with downstairs, only this time I was more adamant about being Jewish… He was adamant about re-asking the same questions about weapons and liquids and assumptions that I was working with someone. I didn’t get it.” Twitty noticed that “all of the Black people I saw that evening were in the same line [as I was], including an older African American woman in a wheelchair. There were several Arab or Muslim women in the same line.” Twitty’s bags did not arrive with him when he landed in the United States.
Demeaned at Ben-Gurion airport: ‘Now you know what Jews endured’
He adds, “This was a lovely trip to Israel before that moment… I know that my experience was not uncommon and I know some groups get far more scrutiny, face detainment, imprisonment or worse. I was scared, upset and offended. I knew it wasn’t that bad in the larger scheme, but I was also keenly aware of the double standard based on color and appearance.” It felt, he says, “like someone had hit me with a bat in the stomach. It was just a reminder of how some people will never see me as Jewish… I thought being a ‘guest of honor’ meant something.”
A spokesperson for the Airports Authority stated, “We regret the passenger’s feelings and are doing all we can to ensure the passengers’ safety and security.”
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Reblogged this on News for the Blind and commented:
A reminder that the jews of Israel hate blacks and treat them like trash…and they also claim to be gods own people lol
When idiots believe the lie that Jews are persecuted for their “religion,” they “convert,” thinking they will be accepted by Jews even if the idiots are not white. They always get a rude awakening. They learn that Jews (especially Ashkenazis) are the most racist people on earth. However the idiots rationalize this, saying, “I’d probably be the same way if I went through the holocaust like they did.”
And indeed, whenever Jews become violently abusive, they excuse it by saying, “Now you know what we Jews went through during the (fictitious) holocaust.”
As for Jews, it’s bad enough when a Jew wants to marry outside the tribe, but it’s ten times worse when aSchwartzer seeks admission to the tribe.
I am not surprised of whatever the corrupt Jewish leaders or politicians do in Israel… I am only surprised to see how & why the Average Jew is so racist and at the same time they criticize the Nazis…
Solomon’s Temple – Part 45 (The Holy Land)
Hahahaaa.. Good for Michael!
Is anyone aware that every black,Asian,or Arab who visted National Socialist Germany,came away impressed by the OFFICIAL respect they were given? E W Dubois, Laurence Dennis,and yes Jesse Owens. The later carried a photo of the man ,who DID NOT SNUB him; Adolf Hitler . He rode on every bus,and ate at any resturant.Upon returning to the USA,Owens was ordered through the back door,of FDRS ‘Liberal’jew controlled White House- The Southern Democrats,and Red Necks of FDRs coalition,might of been offended. see: BLACK NAZIS :Veronica Clark…Jews HATE EVERYONE ,and that must be understood. this man,as ‘black”, endured it in an overt fashion,because of his race. A Gentile women who married a Jew,and had a child,told me that an old Jew waddled over to her after the boys ceremonial circumsicion and told her,that “even if the child is brilliant he will NEVER BE FULLY RECOGNIZED AS A JEW ! ” I even see the Jew brain wash among people,who dislike them,and on UT ! The JEW “GOD”, is not YOURS ! He is EXCLUSIVE to them! His nature,mission,and theological system is not for YOU ! Judiasm is about Yahweh promising the Jews POWER over the earth ! Everything else is subordinate to this goal. The Jew is at war with the world: Conscious,and sub-consciously . That means YOU ! Understand this simple fact,and you will see it all ! My constant refrain please see: Yahweh God Of THE NWO & Synagogue Of Saturn – YT. It is powerful . Study,and FAVOR it,to keep it up.
I find it most amusing that ‘Liberal’,types often convert to Judaism,which is the most reactionary of ideologies,and ‘Conservatives’,admire an ideology,which fostered Communism! Does he not know of ‘the curse of HAM? ‘. Or the Jews support of the Slave States during the American Civil War ? He ,like so man Hollywood Actresses,converted for pure materialism,which is what Judaism is. In his case ,this “Swartzha “,as Jews insultingly refer to black people ;writes cook books. He knows who publishes them !