ed note (Tony)…What can I say folks? This is what it has come to. The inferior people (Goyim) have become useful foot-soldiers, fighting for their oppressors!
Remember when Netanyahu said a few years ago; ‘The whole world must fight against the enemies of the Jews’.
Or something like that…..
Lets face it folks. Fighting for the jews does not begin and end on the battlefield. The battle rages in print media, ‘entertainment’, news, so-called ‘Holocaust education, and on and on.
0 thoughts on “Unbelievable comments coming from an acolyte of Judaism”
What you see here is very,very deep,and an example of how Jews brainwash a society. This fool;an obviouse “Judeo-Christian”,was put on Rothschilds FOX,to peddle this to the Red Necks,and old ladies of both sexes,who watch that network. The “war on terror’. needs constant fueling. It’s gone,on since Israel did 911. Wars relying on public support,to continue. This fool,is a part of the “Enemy Of The Month”. I would like to ask him if we should do the same to “Noahide Laws”. Both Bush’s signed them into US Law. 2nd Noahide Law/ ” Thou shalt not blashpeme Yahweh “. Jesus Christ ,was condemned to death,by theJews for this,before the Sanhedrin. Does Navy Seal Moron endorse this? See: Yahweh :God Of The New World Order & Synagogue O Saturn You Tube.
I can not find a better example of why I do not respect the military,than this FUX Snooze Video!
Although it is not a shock that this brainiac Chad Williams wants a Mohammad Law. (Whatever that F#!KING Means?!) It is never the less discouraging knowing the NAVY SEALS recruit these ignorant morons and FOX In The Hen House give men like this a podium to spout there retarded and intellectually inept views. To try to scare the people even more!
A pathetic Network with a pathetic Guest,shown to a pathetic Public.
Way to sad for anymore words.
What you see here is very,very deep,and an example of how Jews brainwash a society. This fool;an obviouse “Judeo-Christian”,was put on Rothschilds FOX,to peddle this to the Red Necks,and old ladies of both sexes,who watch that network. The “war on terror’. needs constant fueling. It’s gone,on since Israel did 911. Wars relying on public support,to continue. This fool,is a part of the “Enemy Of The Month”. I would like to ask him if we should do the same to “Noahide Laws”. Both Bush’s signed them into US Law. 2nd Noahide Law/ ” Thou shalt not blashpeme Yahweh “. Jesus Christ ,was condemned to death,by theJews for this,before the Sanhedrin. Does Navy Seal Moron endorse this? See: Yahweh :God Of The New World Order & Synagogue O Saturn You Tube.
I can not find a better example of why I do not respect the military,than this FUX Snooze Video!
Although it is not a shock that this brainiac Chad Williams wants a Mohammad Law. (Whatever that F#!KING Means?!) It is never the less discouraging knowing the NAVY SEALS recruit these ignorant morons and FOX In The Hen House give men like this a podium to spout there retarded and intellectually inept views. To try to scare the people even more!
A pathetic Network with a pathetic Guest,shown to a pathetic Public.
Way to sad for anymore words.