
ed note (Tony)…Lets face it folks, If Israel were magically created in the South American country of Paraguay instead of Palestine in the late 1940’s, she would be waging war on her neighbors of Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia.

The JMSM would be talking about Latin American “terrorists” instead of Arabs.

Judaism is incompatible with Humanity. Organized crime masquerading as a ‘religion’. Their Torah is nothing more than a declaration of war on her immediate neighbors, then the next countries inhabitants, then again, and again, and again……..

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0 thoughts on “Fox “news” host: It’s time to ban Muslims in the US”
  1. FOX NEWS woke me up,to the RIGHT- of the JEW – RIGHT /LEFT Matrix. It is ROTHSCHILDS- Big Big Brother. Rupert Murdouck;a Jew,is a front for them… his mission? Control the minds of millions,and bring them under the Jews spell. That ‘network’,has one role. Preserve,and push the International Jewish Agenda. Finance Capital,Neoconservatism-NeoLiberalism,Israel,Austerity,War. Attacking Muslms ,is the only acceptable white racism left. It is used to corral in Red Necks,and’Conservatives”,,and”Christians”. Do not be fooled. The Jews hate all of the former,and would pivot in a moment;against them ,if needed. Replace”Muslims”,with Germans,Russians,Japanese,Chinese etc. The Jews at awr with theworld,and only rule by divison, confusion,and bribery.

  2. I call bull sh#t If that little twerp tucker carlson has a Muslim friend. I would like to know who he is.

  3. All I got to say real Islam looks like it does lots of people a lot of good. I see Cat Stevens (Youssef), he looks unlike most people in music industry who lived life in materialistic, gluttonous US… Just look at The Rolling Stones, they look like death, or even Eagles, those money grubbers, yes, they either look like death or have burned all their former band mates out of greed. Youssef didn’t fall into that trap. It looks like an incredibly healthy man for his age. And I think how a religion like that gained prominence in the world in the first place. Rulers, other nations, take take take, and these people found solace going within, and found humility and their loving God. I admire that. I admire piety, fasting, no usury abstinence, it teaches you real truth. I have done without, and not always by choice. But then I learned to appreciate it as well; excess would have destroyed me as well. No Usury and doing with less, learning to only take what you need, I like it. Yes, I see the threat to Usury Tribe. That would definitely mean their consumerist’ world human debt enslavement would be in a state of upheaval. I say Good. And just look at Car Culture “My baby’s in love with my brand new Cadillac!” Take an aerial view of any US CITY, some cities topping 4 cars per 1 person; it’s encouraged and promoted because its main culprit in building a Global Open Air Prison! That and “What’s in your wallet?” (Debt) Monopolies, government subsidies, central banks, usury tribe suffocating humanity… Yes, I think Islam, real Islam gets it right. You know Usury was forbidden in Christianity up until 1600’s, come on, time to grow up! It’s organized crime!

  4. I normally don’t do this, but —– since Mike mentioned musicians/ music in his thoughtful and gracious comment —– I remembered this music video that is LOADED with Jewlluminati “signs” of what the US was headed for since Reagan, and I’m posting that with the Editor’s permission.

    This video is even more relevant right now, it seems … especially the ending scene!! (We’re compelled to realize what ‘they’ knew and hinted to us since back then):

  5. History repeats itself1 Remember, Japanese American and Canadian Citizens were locked up during the course of WWII due to unreasonable paranoia and being selective and arbitrary about Human Rights.

  6. This is from occidentalobserver from August 2014: The Jewish writer Peta Jones-Pellach is not alone in expressing the view that Australian Jews should always back the Muslim minority in any conflict with White Australia, arguing that “We recognize that our ongoing harmonious acceptance into the Australian community depends on forging bonds with the increasing numbers of non-Jewish Australians who might be our theological opponents or even our enemies.”[ii] The supposed benefits to Australian Jewry that multiculturalism has bestowed – most notably the diminished threat of the emergence of a mass movement of anti-Semitism from White Australians — is seen as having far outweighed any negative effects of large scale Islamic immigration such as the fact that: “Some Australian Jews fear that migrants arriving from Muslim countries will contribute to anti-Semitic currents in Australia, inflame extremist groups and pose a threat to the relative peace they currently enjoy.”[iii]

    Transposing that onto the American scene she is therefore saying the equivalent of White Americans are to be feared more than Muslims.

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