CNN anchor Jim Clancy has left the network one week after a bizarre exchange with pro-Israel activists on Twitter about the terrorist outrages in Paris, in which he derided his opponents as the “hasbara team” and used a derogatory term for disabled people.
Who the hell are these bastards who would make illegal, what words and language we may speak?
Cripple is not derogatory, nor was the term used on crippled people anyway — then again Ruderman might be an in-breed with six toes, a tail and forked tongue!
Notice how they seize on the word “cripple” (he was referring to animals/sheep, as a metaphor for people, when they do the old Jewish twisting and distorting of the denotative meanings of words to connote what THEY want it to mean, to try to justify their pseudo-righteous outrage. Liars. Hypocrites. Vipers. Thieves. Murderers.
And their grip on media control tightens. Sad day.
When will American citizens wake up? What will it take to get them to see the ugly truth in their midst>
Now I want to see Jim Clancy, Rick Sanchez and Mel Gibson all together on Conan O’Brien, on an unbridled rant on the Zionist Jews … (with musical guest Roger Waters performing the Wall)! They’ll have a lot of notes to exchange … and then a lot to tell us about the Jews!
[Seriously. Why don’t these public personalities, who were bitten by Jews, all come together live on air, and expose the snakes? That’ll be a single show/ airing that’d DESTROY Israel’s PR overnight!]
This is more like what happened to Jim Clancy (and the others mentioned above):
And this picture shows :
(1) How the Rudermans and their sons tweet
(2) How Jews treat people who have given their whole lives for a Jewish organization/ company
@ #5 akidahamad
They drink water with fluoride since ca. 1946.
This kind of brain damage is not reversible, alas.
Rule #1. Never, ever interact with the jew for any reason or on any level.
Rule #2. See Rule #1.
If you want to work for the media in America today you cannot ever criticize Israel in any way shape or form. Further more, you must be willing to Attack Islam and support waging war against every single one of them at all times. Otherwise, as so many have found out, you will be silenced, fired, and blackballed by the zionists that control the media and Washington. This is the zionist definition of “freedom of Speech” Speech is free as long as you never speak out against the evils of zionism,Judaism and Israel.
What people around the world must start doing is taking the exact rhetoric employed hundreds of times a day against Islam in general and Middle East Muslims in particular and just substitute the words Judaism and zionism. Use the exact phrases, merely replace the nouns. And watch how quickly it turns into anti-Semitic hate speech and is censored.
The next time you read a comment or blog or article full of religious hatred, bigotry and prejudice against Muslims just rewrite the comments substituting Judaism, Jews and zionists and put it right back at them.
OCDG: We could call it the “Topham Effect”.
According to the ADL,Tea Party,Alex Jones,LEFT/RIGHT Matrix, Zio-Christians,and other assorted ‘good people’,it is a myth that Jews ‘own the media’. WELL ,THEY DO ! Jim Clancy was a distinguished hold over from the old CNN,run by Ted Turner. Remember when he was theonewho put Evans & Novak,on TV(both critics of Israel),Pat Buchanan, too ! But as ‘Conservatives’,became stupidly Koserized,all of a sudden Ted was a ‘Liberal’. Thats because Turner,a broadcast pioneer,,who’s network,was laughed at ,in thebeginning,was not LEFT/RIGHT,at all,but a non-BYBUL Believer,sought the truth. Turner got shafted by TIME/WARNER,and CNN was lost to the Jews. The ratings are miserable,as not a soul,can stand Wolf Blitzer…but the Israeli Dual citizen stays. He was Executive Director of AIPAC. CNN’s principle tock holder is an Israeli Billionire CNN has gone the way,of Arianna Hufffingtons:HUFFINGTON POST:She a Greek,and former Republican ,who broke,with their Neoconservative Madness,like Turner did,sold her shockingly great WEBSITE,out to the Jews. How do Jewsdo it? MONEY at the TOP. While the dumb Goyim arestucj in’working hard’,”merit gets you ahead’,they are circling the wagens,and lifting each other up,and buying everyone else out. See: JUDE SUSS- 1940,You Tube,for how itis done.
The Paris event had everything to do with Israel.
To Die for Charlie Hebdo?
According to THEIR book of fiction …… the very first thing they did after leaving Egypt was ……..
Numbers c.5 v.2-4
Israel’s “claim” to Palestine is based on the so-called “Word of God” IN A BOOK THEY WROTE, giving it to them in their bible/book as part of a “contract”. Well, if the bible is a CONTRACT giving them Palestine then the Jews have to follow ALL of the conditions of the CONTRACT or it is INVALID. That means they have to stone homosexuals and adulterers and follow all those other biblical laws. Every single one, to the letter, because breaking ONE part of a CONTRACT breaks the ENTIRE contract, ESPECIALLY when GOD told you to do it.
OCDG: HAHA, very well said. An original approach to the issue. That of course won’t stop the atheist jews… who don’t believe in God but He gave them the land anyway.
Well i have to congratulate jim clancy. he actually showed some guts unlike rick sanchez. all he could think of was “my career…. it’s fucking over!”
Personally I think JC made a decision that it is time for him to retire, and since he knew he was near his last days, he didn’t pull any punches. Good for him. Unfortunately a pro-palestinian (or at least anti-Hasbara) has left the Ted Baxter seat to probably be replaced by some blond bubble gum chewing drone….
There is a Jew who runs a website called the elderofziyon that is claiming credit for taking Jim Clancy down. Apparently the Jews were annoyed with perceived pro-Palestinian bias on Clancy’s part.This elderofziyon character has claimed responsibility for taking down another CNN anchor, possibly Rick Sanchez. The tweets were between Clancy and this elderofziyon character and have all the hallmark of a set up designed to bring Clancy down.
It seems Clancy was taken out for his “anti-Semitism”, but that could backfire on the Jews so they are pushing the “cripple” reason instead. I spent the last hour reading the comments from these Jews on their own websites and the hatred in the comments from these Jews has honestly left me sick to the pit of my stomach. Bolshevism has conquered the West, may God help us all.
“A Teaching Moment”; what this means is zionists will not tolerate dissent from the zionist line, whether accurate, useful, or worthy in whatever form. The tree that doesn’t bend will break.
Lol no one in their right freakin mind is gonna believe this guy lost his job because he used the word cripple. I didn’t see where he named anyone specific.
He wasn’t as predisposed to kiss Jew ass as they would like. Now he’s gone. Let that br a lesson to anyone else who deviates from the script.