0 thoughts on “Israel ‘Claims’ It caught ISIS in Israel”
  1. Reblogged this on Liberalism is Trust Fucked with Prudence. Conservatism is Distrust Tainted with Fear and commented:
    WTF! 4 ABUSALEH kids form ISIS office in Israel. L’em go. your fiction ain’t waterproof enough to indict ‘em. Oh I see. Ok you’re evaporating outta headlines. So you’re experimenting ISIS Tolerance Test that you ain’t afford. Killing an Israeli is a trauma that kills jaws on domino effect. Pray for Uri Orbach. See what you have done. The jackass got pneumonia watching fugitive Jews popped in Paris.
    Us! Are you kidding? Who’s the fucking [us]? Gatestone!
    After Moses and Aaron; God of Israel downgraded the Israelites from ‘the chosen ones’ to ‘Apes’ and ‘Pigs’. Look how Adolf Hitler [RIP] condemned Jews as subhumans. He went extreme to finish half of Europe looking for a living Jew.
    The good about Paris shootout that Europeans found that Baghdadi is coming after Jews as Hitler did and they don’t want to waste another 63 million lives to save Jews scavenging European failing economy.
    Benjamin Netanyahoo started it. Let him finish it.
    Don’t this Jackass got work to do in Israel besides fucking himself in Paris uninvited. Those 4 roadkills at Kosher Supermarket were popped for a cause. The blame goes to Lassana Bathily who hid 15 Jews in supermarket freezer. Lassana Bathily’s butt is Baghdadi’s now.
    Go fuck yourself Bibi. It’s called ‘Palestine’ they ain’t anything called ‘Israel’ Dumbass. Look into phonebook before uhauling stateless urban rejects to Palestine and burying their dead Jerusalem cemeteries. It’s an Arab burial ground. You fool. Jews got to grow up and go back home to Nigeria where you belong bleached Nigga. It’s not nice to keep Bokoharam waiting forever sharpening their machetes.
    On 60th Anniversary of the Great Palestine Theft alas Israel an Israeli grassroots reported quote: ‘I remember when Anwar Sadat plane landed in Tel Aviv Airport. Israeli let their dogs bark and shit all over the tarmac”. unquote

  2. WHAT THE F@#K!
    Why go to so much trouble?
    All you have to do is contain them in the hospitals Israel is nursing them back to health in,along the Israel,Syrian border!
    Seems like a no brainer to me!

  3. Note the speech by Bernard Henri Levy- the guy coordinating all the death squads in Syria. This is obscene. The UN is nothing but a global mafia for the zio-slime

    Informal meeting of the General Assembly
    to address concerns of a rise in anti-Semitic violence worldwide
    22 January 2015

    WHAT: Following a request by Member States in October 2014, the President will convene an informal meeting of the plenary of the General Assembly on 22 January to address concerns of a rise in anti-Semitic violence worldwide. The meeting will feature an opening segment, statements by Member States and a panel discussion in the afternoon.

    WHO: H.E. Mr. Alvaro Mendonça e Moura, Acting President of the General Assembly will open the meeting. The opening segment will also feature a video message from H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General and a keynote speech by Mr. Bernard-Henri Levy, French philosopher and writer.

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